Confederate statues

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Home of Largest Confederate Monument Is Making Changes

Stone Mountain is adding exhibit that will acknowledge site's links to KKK

(Newser) - The Stone Mountain Memorial Association board has voted to make some changes at Stone Mountain Park—though none of them involve getting rid of the country's largest Confederate monument . The resolutions approved Monday include a new "warts and all" museum exhibit that will look at the carving's...

Court: Charlottesville's Confederate Statues Can Come Down

Lee statue was focus of deadly 2017 protest

(Newser) - After years of protests, counter-protests, and legal battles, statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in Charlottesville might be coming down very soon. Virginia's top court ruled Thursday that a law against the removal of war monuments does not apply to the statues, the Daily Progress reports. The...

Virginia Switches Out Capitol Statue of Robert E. Lee

A 16-year-old civil rights leader will be honored instead of the Confederate general

(Newser) - For 111 years, Robert E. Lee has held a place of honor in the US Capitol's Statuary Hall, next to George Washington. But "Confederate images do not represent who we are in Virginia," said a state legislator who led a commission that urged removing Lee's statue....

Another Confederate Statue Coming Down

VMI is taking down its prominent statue of Stonewall Jackson

(Newser) - The Virginia Military Institute began work Monday to remove a prominent statue of Confederate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, an effort initiated this fall after allegations of systemic racism roiled the school. A crew was inspecting the statue at the public military college in Lexington, poised to haul away the...

Stonewall Jackson Will Go, VMI Concedes

Military college announces other changes after allegations of systemic racism

(Newser) - The Virginia Military Institute's board voted Thursday to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson that stands in front of the historic barracks on campus—and that, until a few years ago, cadets had to salute. School spokesman William Wyatt said the board also voted to...

Project Seeks New Approaches to Monuments
$250M Project
Rethinks Monuments

$250M Project Rethinks Monuments

Mellon Foundation donates $250M to telling a more inclusive history in public spaces

(Newser) - With monuments under attack that honor Confederates , Christopher Columbus and others whose records are being reconsidered, a $250 million project will look for new approaches to reflecting the nation's history. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation plans to reimagine existing monuments and develop new approaches to future installations, including statues,...

Scarred City Removes Statue That Signaled 'No Justice Here'

'At Ready' had stood outside courthouse in Charlottesville since 1909

(Newser) - A Virginia statue that stood as a Confederate sentinel for 111 years outside a Charlottesville courthouse is gone. Crews removed the statue known as Johnny Reb—which included a rifle, two cannons, and cannonballs—to cheers from a crowd that had assembled before dawn, WVIR reports. "Today we disarm...

Hurricane Takes Down Statue Officials Had Voted to Keep

Laura topples the South's Defenders Monument in Lake Charles, La.

(Newser) - Two weeks ago, officials in Lake Charles, Louisiana, declined to remove a controversial Confederate monument. This week, Hurricane Laura went ahead and toppled the statue herself. The South's Defenders Monument, a statue featuring a Confederate soldier that used to stand in front of the Calcasieu Parish Courthouse, was found...

Georgia Lawmaker Punished for Attacking John Lewis

Tommy Benton opposes replacing statue of Confederate leader with one of the civil rights icon

(Newser) - "John Lewis, his only claim to fame was that he got conked on the head at the Pettus Bridge," a Georgia lawmaker said Thursday. "And he has milked that for 50 years—or he milked it for 50 years." Those comments, made on a radio show...

House Votes 305-133 to Remove Confederate Statues

Roger Taney bust would also be removed

(Newser) - The House has approved a bill to remove statues of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate leaders from the US Capitol, as well as a bust of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, the author of the 1857 Dred Scott decision that declared African Americans couldn't be citizens. Besides Taney,...

America Asks: What About Stone Mountain?

This Confederate carving is 190 feet across and 90 feet tall

(Newser) - Some statues of figures from America's slave-owning past have been yanked down by protesters, others dismantled by order of governors or city leaders. But the largest Confederate monument ever crafted—colossal figures carved into the solid rock of a Georgia mountainside—may outlast them all, the AP reports. Stone...

Former Confederate Capital Orders Removal of Monuments

Stonewall Jackson was the first to go

(Newser) - Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney has taken down Stonewall Jackson. The towering statue of the Confederate general was removed from Monument Avenue on Wednesday, hours after the Virginia city's Democratic mayor invoked emergency powers to order the immediate removal of all Confederate statues on city land, CNN reports. Stoney said...

Roosevelt Statue Coming Down, and His Family Agrees

Shows Teddy Roosevelt with Native American and an African man outside NYC museum

(Newser) - A long-standing statue of Teddy Roosevelt outside the American Museum of Natural History in New York City is coming down. This time, it's because the museum itself made the request of the city, reports the New York Times . The bronze statue, in place since 1940, depicts Roosevelt on horseback,...

Angry Protesters Tear Down US President's Statue

Francis Scott Key's also comes down

(Newser) - Protesters tore down more statues across the US, expanding the razing in a San Francisco park to the writer of America's national anthem and the general who won the country's Civil War which ended widespread slavery, the AP reports. On the East Coast, more statues honoring Confederates who...

Pelosi Removes Portraits of 4 Predecessors

They were Confederates

(Newser) - "There is no room in the hallowed halls of Congress or in any place of honor for memorializing men who embody the violent bigotry and grotesque racism of the Confederacy," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote. With that letter to Cheryl Johnson, House clerk, workers Thursday began removing from...

One Idea: Replace Confederate Statues With Britney Spears

Online petition calls singer 'an inspiration to millions'

(Newser) - A few of the Confederate statues and memorials in Louisiana have been removed in the past few years, but more than 30 are still standing. A petition circulating on makes a suggestion: Replace the Confederates with statues of "an actual Louisiana hero and influential human being, Britney...

Taylor Swift Sparks Angry Debate With Tweet Thread

The singer-songwriter wants statues taken down in her home state of Tennessee

(Newser) - Taylor Swift unleashed a string of angry tweets Friday demanding the permanent removal of "racist" statues in Nashville, Rolling Stone reports. Among her appeals, the singer-songwriter urged officials to remove a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest (a "monstrosity") and not replace one of Edward Carmack ("a...

This Time, Statue Topplers Take Down the 'President'

Protesters tear down statue of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy

(Newser) - A statue of Jefferson Davis was torn down along the famed Monument Avenue in Richmond, Va., on Wednesday night. The statue of the president of the Confederacy was toppled shortly before 11pm and was left lying on the ground in the middle of an intersection, news outlets reported. Richmond police...

Pelosi: Remove Confederate Statues From Capitol

House speaker urges committee to take action, but it might not be possible

(Newser) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is demanding that statues of Confederate figures such as Jefferson Davis be removed from the US Capitol, the AP reports. In a letter, Pelosi told a House-Senate committee with jurisdiction over the controversial topic that Confederate statues “pay homage to hate, not heritage. They must...

Governor Wants 'Divisive Symbol' Gone, Judge Says Hold Up

Attempt to remove Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond, Va., is temporarily blocked

(Newser) - Virginia Gov. Ralph Northham last week ordered the removal of an iconic statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from Richmond "as soon as possible"—but now a judge is saying not so fast. On Monday, a judge in the former capital of the Confederacy issued a temporary...

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