
Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

David Axelrod Shaves 'Stache for Charity

Obama adviser loses 40-year-old mustache

(Newser) - For the first time in 40 years, Obama adviser David Axelrod is clean-shaven. On MSNBC's Morning Joe , Axelrod pledged during the election to shave his famous mustache if the president lost Pennsylvania, Minnesota, or Michigan. When Obama won all three states, Axelrod said he would still shave if the...

New Theory on King Tut's Death: Epilepsy

His features, family history provide big clues

(Newser) - Was it epilepsy killed the king? A surgeon with a penchant for history at Imperial College London makes a compelling argument, based on Tut's family history and propensity for religious visions, reports the Washington Post . Hutan Ashfarian analyzed ancient images of pharaohs thought to be Tut's immediate predecessors,...

Microsoft Prodigy Arfa Karim Dead at 16
 Microsoft Prodigy Dies at 16 

Microsoft Prodigy Dies at 16

Bill Gates offered to pay for Arfa Karim's medical care

(Newser) - A computer prodigy known as "Pakistan's girl wonder" has died at the age of 16 from complications caused by an epileptic stroke. Arfa Karim was just nine years old when she became the youngest person ever awarded the "Microsoft Certified Professional" title for mastering the company's...

New Twilight Reportedly Causes Seizures

Birthing scene too intense for epileptics

(Newser) - Twilight, Breaking Dawn: Part One might be just a bit too sparkly for epilepsy sufferers. Several people have reportedly developed seizures during the film’s infamous birthing scene, as red, black, and white flash across the screen, ABC News reports. In one case, a Sacramento-area man convulsed so violently that...

Drug Maker 'Horrified' It's Being Used in Executions

Pentobarbital was intended as an epilepsy drug

(Newser) - A Danish pharmaceutical company says it's desperately seeking a way to stop US prisons from executing people with its epilepsy drug Nembutal. “We are horrified at this fact, and we are looking at ways to prevent prisons from getting this drug,” a spokesman for Lundbeck A/S said....

Do We Exist?

 Do We Actually Exist? 


Do We Actually Exist?

'I think, therefore I am' doesn't always hold true

(Newser) - The fact that we exist is inarguable, right? After all, if the world were just a dream, we'd need to be dreaming to experience it, writes Julian Baggini for the Independent . Maybe not. Throughout the ages, people have claimed that the self actually doesn't exist—and such claims are gathering...

Epilepsy Likely Fueled Chopin's Visions

Composer saw creatures emerging from piano

(Newser) - The 19th-century composer Frédéric Chopin suffered frightening hallucinations, ranging from ghosts to creatures coming out of his piano. Now, researchers believe the visions may have been prompted by temporal lobe epilepsy, the Daily Telegraph reports. The disease can cause short, detailed hallucinations, and “could easily have been...

Euro Bulb Ban Begins, But Many Take Dim View of CFLs

Consumers stockpile aesthetically pleasing old-school bulbs

(Newser) - Though proponents plug the financial savings and good climate karma of compact fluorescent light bulbs, not everyone thinks the European ban on most incandescent bulbs that kicks in tomorrow is such a bright idea, the New York Times reports. Consumers across the continent are hoarding old-school bulbs, worried over the...

Prince Recalls Childhood Epilepsy, Seizures

Musician opens up about his past on Tavis Smiley

(Newser) - Prince suffered from epilepsy as a child, the musician told Tavis Smiley on his PBS show last night. "I've never spoken about this before, but I was born epileptic, and I used to have seizures when I was young," Prince told Smiley. "My mother and father didn't...

Mothers' Epilepsy Drug May Lower IQs of Kids

Study urges caution for popular valproate

(Newser) - Children born to women taking the popular epilepsy drug valproate have notably lower IQs than other kids, a new study shows. The anti-seizure drug, sold generically and under the brand name Depakote, also is prescribed for migraines, pain, and psychiatric disorders, the New York Times reports. Doctors involved with the...

Seizure Risk Lingers 10 Years After Brain Trauma

Danish study sparks ideas for better long-term treatment

(Newser) - Among the overlooked effects of the sort of brain injuries incurred in contact sports is the likelihood of having an epileptic seizure as long as 10 years after the injury, new research shows. The risk goes up 3.5 times for those who had a mild injury or skull fracture,...

Travoltas Faced Tough Calls in Jett's Treatment

Seizure meds are painful, often ineffective

(Newser) - An autopsy later today may answer the questions surrounding Jett Travolta's untimely death, but the seizures he suffered remain largely shrouded in mystery. Epilepsy is a catch-all diagnosis for those who suffer seizures—which can be caused by infections, autism, head trauma, even medications, a neurologist tells USA Today. Treatment...

Hackers Trigger Seizures on Epilepsy Board

Griefer group posts flashing images to harm users

(Newser) - Hackers infected an epilepsy message board last week, posting messages designed to induce seizures and migraines, Wired reports. The Epilepsy Foundation shut down its forum as reports rolled in. One woman said she suffered her worst episode in a year: “I don’t fall over and convulse, but it...

Heal Me, Amadeus!
 Heal Me, Amadeus! 

Heal Me, Amadeus!

Docs credit "Mozart effect" with improving epilepsy

(Newser) - A British patient's epilepsy showed remarkable improvement after he started listening to 45 minutes of Mozart daily, the Independent reports. And while research is still sparse on the music's effect on epilepsy, some doctors speculate that his complex melodies stimulate the brain in a way other composers' works don't. "...

Epilepsy Drugs Increase Risk of Suicide: FDA

Latest warning on side effects appears certain to rattle big pharma

(Newser) - Taking epilepsy medication can double risk of suicidal behavior, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Results of a government study showed the increased risk for 11 specific drugs, including Pfizer’s Neurontin and Lyrica, but the Food and Drug Administration warned that the findings probably apply to all epilepsy medications. Labels...

Game Over: Mahjong Can Cause Epilepsy

(Newser) - Playing the traditional Chinese tile game of mahjong can induce epileptic fits, a new study from Hong Kong shows, and the only remedy is to lay off the tiles. Men were far more susceptible than women, according to the authors, and it wasn't just lack of sleep or gambling stress...

Roberts Faces Tough Choices on Treatment

Seizure medication side effects could affect chief justice's job

(Newser) - After recovering from a seizure Monday, Chief Justice John Roberts must make a crucial medical decision—whether to take anti-seizure medication, which has side effects that could affect his job, or forgo the pills and risk having another episode, which is considered more likely now that he has suffered two...

Chief Justice Checks Out of Hospital

Roberts 'doing fine' after suffering seizure at vacation home

(Newser) - Chief Justice John Roberts left a Maine hospital today in good condition, a day after suffering a seizure of unknown cause. The 52-year-old jurist told President Bush he was doing just fine, reports the AP. He waved as he scooted out of the hospital and headed back to his vacation...

'No Go to the Logo,' Say Londoners

Olympics logo is making people not only furious but physically ill

(Newser) - Londoners loathe the logo unveiled Monday for the 2012 Olympics so much that 30,000 have already signed a petition demanding a new one. The jagged pink-and-orange rendition of 2012  took a brand-consultancy firm $800,000 and more than a year to design; Olympics organizers, calling it "dynamic" and...

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