Bob Goodlatte

2 Stories

Comey: 'Happy Thanksgiving. Got a Subpoena'

Loretta Lynch is in the same boat

(Newser) - Reports that House Republicans probing alleged bias against President Trump at the FBI and Justice Department were preparing to subpoena former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch proved to be true. "Happy Thanksgiving. Got a subpoena from House Republicans," Comey tweeted Thursday, noting he'...

Son of Bob Goodlatte Blasts Father Over Strzok Firing

Bobby Goodlatte has donated to his dad's Democratic rivals and urged others to also

(Newser) - The son of a high-ranking House Republican has prominently come out in support of a Democrat for his father's seat. Bobby Goodlatte, son of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, tweeted Sunday that he'd given the "maximum allowed donation to Jennifer Lewis," who he notes is...

2 Stories
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