President Trump 2020

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Texas Suit Signs Up More Than 100 House Republicans

The four states sued record their objections at the Supreme Court

(Newser) - Scores of House Republicans, including some—but not all—of the biggest names in the caucus have signed onto the Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn President Trump's election loss. Reps. Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan were among the more than 100 members who signed the amicus brief, the Hill...

Star Drops Trump Suit Over 'Rockin' in the Free World'

President, whose rallies have played the song, said he 'didn’t love it anyway'

(Newser) - Neil Young has dropped his copyright infringement lawsuit against President Trump, whose rallies have played songs including "Rockin' in the Free World" and "Devil’s Sidewalk." Young, who said Trump rallies have used his songs since 2015 without a license, filed the suit in New York after...

Fired Election Security Boss Sues Trump Campaign

Krebs' filing accuses diGenova, campaign, and Newsmax of conspiracy and defamation

(Newser) - "He should be drawn and quartered," Joe diGenova said last week of Chris Krebs, until recently the cybersecurity official in charge of the nation's election security. "Taken out at dawn and shot." Krebs' transgression, in diGenova's eyes, was contradicting President Trump's claim that...

Another Positive Test Worries White House Staff

Reports say attorney Jenna Ellis has coronavirus

(Newser) - Jenna Ellis, a lawyer on President Trump's election team, is not the most popular person in the White House right now. She's told associates that she's tested positive for the coronavirus, Axios reports. CNN also reports that she tested positive. It's not clear when she got...

Trump Makes 'Extraordinary' Request of Pa. Lawmaker

He asks state House speaker to help him overturn results of presidential election

(Newser) - For the third time, President Trump is directly intervening in an attempt to overturn a state's election results. This time, as the Washington Post reports, the POTUS has twice called Pennsylvania's House speaker, Bryan Cutler, to ask him for help reversing Joe Biden's win in the state....

Georgia's Results 'Remain Unchanged' in Latest Recount

State again certifies Biden's victory

(Newser) - President-elect Joe Biden has again won Georgia's presidential election. The state finished its second recount , after it was requested by President Trump's campaign, last week. On Monday, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger recertified Georgia's results, the Hill reports. "It’s been 34 days since the election...

In Georgia, Loeffler Won't Say Trump Lost

Senator debates her Democratic opponent in runoff election

(Newser) - Sen. Kelly Loeffler repeatedly refused to acknowledge that President Trump lost reelection in November, as she debated her Democratic opponent, Rev. Raphael Warnock, ahead of twin Georgia runoff elections that will determine which party controls the Senate. Asked specifically about President-elect Joe Biden's victory in Georgia and whether she...

Trump Loyalists Call for &#39;Martial Law&#39;
Calls for 'Martial Law'
Spark Outrage
the rundown

Calls for 'Martial Law' Spark Outrage

A former GOP lawmaker says it's 'utterly insane'

(Newser) - Michael Flynn and a top Pentagon nominee are under fire for backing conspiracy theories that urge President Trump to overturn the 2020 election results by declaring martial law, CNN reports. They claim without evidence that Trump won in "landslide fashion" and Joe Biden's victory was fraudulent. "I...

Conway: Biden 'Looks Like' the Winner

Former aide defends Trump's challenge of election results but says nation 'will move forward'

(Newser) - A longtime member of President Trump's inner circle said Friday that she expects the Electoral College to award Joe Biden a majority of its votes and a peaceful transition to the new president to follow. "We, as a nation, will move forward, because we always do," Kellyanne...

Wisconsin High Court Turns Back Trump Suit

But legal challenge will now shift to lower courts

(Newser) - A split Wisconsin Supreme Court on Thursday declined to hear President Trump's lawsuit attempting to overturn his election loss to Joe Biden in the battleground state, sidestepping a decision on the merits of the claims and instead ruling that the case must first wind its way through lower courts....

Another State Makes Biden's Win Official

Arizona certifies results

(Newser) - Another state has certified Joe Biden as its winner. Arizona on Monday made the results official, with Biden winning by more than 10,000 votes, or about 0.3% of the 3.4 million votes cast, reports Axios and the AP . That leaves Wisconsin as the last state yet to...

Trump: &#39;It&#39;s Hard to Get Into the Supreme Court&#39;
Trump: 'It's
Hard to Get
Into the
sunday talk shows

Trump: 'It's Hard to Get Into the Supreme Court'

The president addresses whether he can take his election case to the high court

(Newser) - President Trump struck a somber note Sunday about his attempt to overturn the 2020 election results, CNBC reports. "Well, the problem is, it's hard to get into the Supreme Court," he said on Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures. "I've got the best Supreme Court advocates,...

Big Donor on Election Fraud Suits Wants His Money Back

Fred Eshelman sues, saying True the Vote made 'empty promises'

(Newser) - Fred Eshelman kicked in $2.5 million to support lawsuits claiming fraud in the presidential election. The North Carolina investor regularly asked True the Vote, which said it was pressing the lawsuits on behalf of President Trump's cause, for progress reports. The group had detailed a plan that included...

Pa. Court Rejects GOP Bid to Chuck the Election

Another legal defeat for President Trump's team

(Newser) - Pennsylvania's highest court on Saturday night threw out a lower court's order preventing the state from certifying dozens of contests on its Nov. 3 election ballot in the latest lawsuit filed by Republicans attempting to thwart President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the battleground state. The state Supreme...

Milwaukee County Finishes its Recount

Biden's lead widens, but Trump campaign could take the totals to court

(Newser) - After eight days of counting nearly 460,000 ballots by hand, Milwaukee County confirmed that President-elect Joe Biden received the most votes there in the presidential election. President Trump picked up 125 votes in the recount, but Biden picked up more—257. That put the totals at 317,527 votes...

Trump Loses Again on Pennsylvania's Count

President tries to attach new string for leaving the White House

(Newser) - Two days after President Trump told Pennsylvania legislators "We have to turn the election over," federal appeals judges rejected the notion. A three-judge panel of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday found no merit in Trump's argument to overrule a US district court's decision...

Lawyer Fired by Trump Files Election Fraud Suits

Sidney Powell sues in Michigan and Georgia, which already certified results

(Newser) - Sidney Powell has filed lawsuits in Michigan and Georgia claiming election fraud, despite her having been publicly disowned by the Trump campaign. The suits blame supposed vote-counting inaccuracies on voting machines, mail-in ballots, and former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, Bloomberg reports. Powell posted the suits, which were filled with...

Trump&#39;s Legal Fight Continues
Trump: We're Still Fighting

Trump: We're Still Fighting

'Will never concede to fake ballots'

(Newser) - Even though the White House made a big concession to Joe Biden on Monday on his presidential transition, that doesn't mean President Trump is done trying to overturn the election results in court. Trump's legal team is again focusing on Pennsylvania, where it asked a federal appeals court...

GSA Boss Wants Law Changed
GSA Boss Wants
Law Changed

GSA Boss Wants Law Changed

Saying she tries 'to do what is right,' Emily Murphy puts her dilemma in personal terms

(Newser) - After it somehow fell to a nationally pressured appointee of President Trump to effectively declare the winner of the presidential election, Emily Murphy explained her delayed decision in personal terms. "I have always strived to do what is right," the GSA boss told President-elect Joe Biden on Monday...

Trump, GSA Tell Biden to Start the Transition

Agency head says she wasn't pressured by White House to delay

(Newser) - Emily Murphy, administrator of the General Services Administration, announced Monday afternoon that she had determined that President-elect Joe Biden is the "apparent winner" of the Nov. 3 presidential election, clearing the way for federal agencies to cooperate with Biden's team on the transition. In a tweet, Trump endorsed...

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