health care

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US Lags in Preventing Early Death

 US Lags in 
 Early Death 
iceland is tops

US Lags in Preventing Early Death

Obesity, smoking blamed as US falls behind in death rate before 60

(Newser) - America is lagging far behind other countries in preventing premature death among adults and now ranks behind Chile, Tunisia, and Peru, warn the authors of a new study. The researchers analyzed data on deaths before age 60 and found that over the last 20 years, the US has tumbled from...

Nevada GOP Candidate Makes Palin Look Smart

'Chickens for check-ups?'

(Newser) - The GOP front-runner in Nevada's senate race is taking flak for a health care policy idea so stupid it makes Sarah Palin seem like "a pointy-headed policy wonk," writes Eugene Robinson. Sue Lowden has seriously suggested that the people in her highly urbanized state barter with doctors like...

Tea Party MC: Conservative Women Are Smarter, Hotter

MC at rally really digs Palin's look

(Newser) - The MC at yesterday's Tea Party rally in Boston floated a new reason to swing to the right politically: Conservative women are sexier than their left-of-center peers. Coming on just after Sarah Palin, sporting a red leather jacket, spoke on Obama, oil and energy, he commented, "You hear that...

Threats Against Congress Triple Amid Health Fury

'There's more anger out there,' says GOP rep

(Newser) - Fury over the healthcare bill has contributed to a threefold increase in threats against members of Congress this year. Lawmakers reported a total of 42 threats from January to March 2010, up from 15 in the last three months of 2009. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was the latest victim. A...

Pelosi Celebrates Health Care Triumph

Speaker welcomes GOP push to repeal Obamacare

(Newser) - A triumphant Nancy Pelosi celebrated the passage of health care reform yesterday in a rousing speech to packed church service, declaring that she's not afraid of Republican efforts to repeal the bill if they retake Congress in November. Pelosi said that despite current misconceptions, Americans would soon appreciate the bill's...

Don't Fan the Flames&mdash; We'll All Get Burned
 Don't Fan the Flames— 
 We'll All Get Burned 


Don't Fan the Flames— We'll All Get Burned

Political rage is a national problem, not a partisan one

(Newser) - America's white-hot political rage is a national problem, not a partisan one—and if we're not careful, we'll all get burned. The Democrats are right to call attention to threats to lawmakers but they shouldn't treat this as a political opportunity, writes Peggy Noonan for the Wall Street Journal . "...

Health Reform a Blow to Film
 Health Reform a Blow to Film 

Health Reform a Blow to Film

Hospital bills have driven many Hollywood screenplays

(Newser) - No one doubts that American life will change when health-care reform takes effect. But few have considered how the changes will affect popular culture—specifically movies. Health care has been a catch-all motivator for screenwriters, allowing for the injection of life-or-death struggle into otherwise comfortable American middle-class existence. John Lopez ...

Obama Scrambles to Patch Kids' Health Gap

Extent of 'pre-existing exclusion' in new health law unclear

(Newser) - The Obama administration is scrambling to fix a potential problem with a much-touted benefit of its new health care law: a gap in coverage improvements for children in poor health. Under the new law, insurance companies still would be able to refuse new coverage to children because of a pre-existing...

Christian Science Admits Doctors Are Okay

Church tells patients to get actual medical help when necessary

(Newser) - With its membership dwindling and reputation in tatters, the church of Christian Science has finally decided that doctors aren’t so bad after all. Church leaders tell the New York Times that they’ve been encouraging members to consult physicians when necessary for over a year now. They’re trying...

Mitt Won't Own Up, but Dems Just Passed RomneyCare

Health bill is similar to Mass. plan—but don't expect Romney to admit it

(Newser) - In yesterday's press briefing, Robert Gibbs couldn't resist tweaking the GOP by noting that the health reform bill opponents like to call ObamaCare looks a whole lot like RomneyCare. "I'm sure Gov. Romney hates it every time I say that," he joked. Mitt Romney wasn't laughing— the once...

House Passes Huge Student Loan Overhaul

Move cuts out private lenders, saves the government $61B

(Newser) - The House passed a sweeping overhaul of the federal student loan program today, slipping it into its final amendments to the health care bill. The measure would call for the government to lend directly to students, rather than paying private lenders to lend out the money. By effectively cutting out...

For Obama, Health Care a Huge Victory, at a High Price

David Sanger: President proved he's willing to risk all

(Newser) - President Obama won a historic victory last night, David Sanger writes in the New York Times : Now one of a "handful of presidents who found a way to reshape the nation’s social welfare system," he "can lay credible claim, for the first time in his presidency,...

Why This Bill Is Right &mdash;and Why It's Wrong
Why This Bill Is Right
—and Why It's Wrong
The final push

Why This Bill Is Right —and Why It's Wrong

Pundits make closing arguments on health care before vote

(Newser) - This weekend's vote on health care reform is the main agenda for today's pundits:
  • Eugene Robinson, Washington Post : "If health-care reform finally staggers across the finish line, it will be because President Obama and congressional Democrats recognized—at long last—the truth that has been staring them in the

Bastards! Health 'Reform' Isn't Worthy of Name

Dems should be ashamed of bill, but pass the damn thing

(Newser) - The Democrats should hurry up and pass their sorry excuse for a health bill, but they should stop calling it "health care reform," writes Michael Moore. The president and Democratic leaders should apologize to the American people for coming up with a bill that leaves 12 million people...

On Health Care, Nuns Are Right
 On Health Care, Nuns Are Right 

On Health Care, Nuns Are Right

Bishops allow abortion bias to cloud judgment

(Newser) - Catholic bishops used to be some of the biggest supporters of universal health care—now, thanks to controversial abortion provisions, those same bishops could play “a major role in its demise”…that is, unless the nuns have their way. The bishops are upset that the Nelson-Casey anti-abortion amendments...

Health Reform Foes Are on Wrong Side of History

Access to health care should increase, not fade

(Newser) - The history of health care in America has been one of steadily improving health and lifespans as access to quality health-care has increased, writes Nicholas Kristof. The 1940s saw the greatest recorded increase in American lifespans as military mobilization improved access, he notes. This trend is now reversing, however, because...

Roughly 1 in 4 Californians Are Uninsured

Recession hammers state's already ugly numbers

(Newser) - Almost 1 in 4 Californians under age 65 didn’t have health insurance in 2009, as many lost their jobs and the employer-sponsored health care that came with them, says a new UCLA study. Among those over 18, the figure jumped to almost 1 in 3. California has one of...

Democrats: Health Vote Next Week

Pelosi 'delighted' Obama will be present for 'historic' passage

(Newser) - Democrats got ready for a health care rumble today, with Nancy Pelosi telling her troops to clear their schedules, be ready to stay in session, and expect a vote next week. Pelosi will move to pass the Senate's December bill as soon as Thursday or Friday, and though Politico...

Health Reform Won't Save Dems
 Health Reform Won't Save Dems

Health Reform Won't Save Dems

The bill won't be any more popular after it's passed, writes Kim Strassel

(Newser) - The Democrats are living in dreamland if they think passing health care is good politics, writes Kim Strassel. The bill isn't going to become any more popular than it is now with independent voters if it becomes law, and passing it is hardly going to energize a Democratic base that...

Stop Bashing Sarah Palin Over Canada Health Trips
Stop Bashing Sarah Palin Over Canada Health Trips

Stop Bashing Sarah Palin Over Canada Health Trips

Family visits were all about geography, not politics

(Newser) - Sarah Palin caused a ruckus when she told an audience that her parents took her to Canada for health care when she was growing up. "Hypocrite!" her critics yelled. The resulting fuss has prompted Luke Dittrich to do something he's never done before: "Defend Sarah Palin."...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>