health care

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

At the Mall? Pick Up Some Health Care

Blue Cross sells coverage from a Fla. storefront

(Newser) - The nation's largest health provider is trying a new tack: selling insurance from a stripmall storefront. The suburban Florida Blue Cross shop hopes to attract some of the state's 4 million uninsured residents, and it's part of an "overall retail transformation" of the industry, a spokesman tells NPR. Consumers...

Hidden Health Care Crisis: The Underinsured

(Newser) - Health-care policy debate in America is usually framed around the 45 million (and rising) uninsured, but rarely do policymakers bring up the additional 25 million facing the “shadow problem” of under-insurance, Time reports. These people pay more than 10% of their income on out-of-pocket medical costs, often on flimsy...

Kennedy Plans Stop at Health Summit

Would be the senator's first public appearance since inauguration

(Newser) - Ill health hasn’t stopped Ted Kennedy from planning a surprise visit to today’s White House health-care reform summit, the Washington Post reports. The senator will appear with President Obama if his health permits, said administration insiders. Kennedy, a strong advocate for universal health care, is suffering from brain...

White House Health Forum Convenes Today

Forum will give the floor to ranging viewpoints

(Newser) - President Barack Obama has invited to the White House more than 120 people with wide-ranging views on how to fix the US health-care system, one that still leaves millions uninsured despite being the world's costliest. The group of doctors, patients, business owners, and insurers is to gather for a forum...

Sebelius Made Little Progress on Health in Partisan Kan.

Kansas guv could get another shot as health secretary

(Newser) - As governor of Kansas, President Obama’s new pick for health secretary has plenty of experience working with Republicans—but little success pushing her health plans through the GOP-controlled legislature, the New York Times reports. If she is confirmed, she’ll have another chance to expand coverage in what could...

Obama to Create $634B Fund for Health Care

(Newser) - President Obama plans to create a $634 billion fund over the next 10 years to help the nation pay for comprehensive health care reform, the Washington Post reports. Obama—who will announce the fund when he unveils his budget tomorrow—plans to pay for it by cutting tax breaks for...

Back-Room Consensus: Require Health Insurance for All

Kennedy leads meetings with industry

(Newser) - A series of unprecedented back-room meetings among the biggest players in health care is close to a consensus: Any new legislation will require that every American have insurance, the New York Times reports. The next part, of course, is trickier: figuring out how to enforce it, how to make it...

Uninsured Young Adults Play Doctor
Uninsured Young Adults Play Doctor

Uninsured Young Adults Play Doctor

Some feel invincible but most just can't afford pricey premiums

(Newser) - Twentysomethings in low-paying jobs with no health coverage are taking up the slack with self-diagnosis and treatment, a potentially dangerous practice that may seem unavoidable. Many say they face a choice between buying insurance and making rent—and they're opting for the latter. "They’re new to the work...

Stimulus Devotes $1B to Weighing Medical Treatments

Comparing effectiveness will 'save money and lives'

(Newser) - The stimulus bill sinks $1.1 billion into the first major government comparison of different medical treatments, the New York Times reports. The provision is a reaction to concerns that treatments are being prescribed without solid evidence to back their usefulness and cost-effectiveness. But some say such studies would mean...

Stimulus in the Bag, Obama Rethinks Strategy
Stimulus in the Bag, Obama Rethinks Strategy

Stimulus in the Bag, Obama Rethinks Strategy

President will push hard for the agenda he wants

(Newser) - President Obama got his way, more or less, on the stimulus, but the process demonstrated Congress' abiding disinterest in bipartisanship. For future big-ticket items—and there are a lot of them—the president will take a tougher approach, Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin write for Politico. Chief of staff Rahm...

Daschle Defeat Can't Delay Health Reform
Daschle Defeat Can't Delay Health Reform

Daschle Defeat Can't Delay Health Reform

Because of recession, even more people need help now

(Newser) - It’s a pity Tom Daschle couldn’t stick around, notes the Economist, because his experience would be useful in navigating health reform through Senate straits. The recession is depriving more of care, and though President Obama’s short-term moves are good, a big fix is needed. Absent Daschle, “...

College Students Pay Twice for Health Insurance

Parents complain of hidden costs for students who already have insurance

(Newser) - Many parents of college students across America are paying double for their children's health insurance, an NPR investigation finds. Students are usually required to show proof of health insurance for admission, but then often find they can't use that insurance at college clinics. Parents complain that colleges automatically charge for...

Poor Kids Missing Out on Multivitamins

Well-heeled kids take them, poor need them

(Newser) - Vitamin supplements can combat kids' dietary deficiencies, but tend to be taken by those who least need them, reports Time. A five-year study found that a third of US children take supplements—but those kids are much more likely to be white, with higher incomes, healthier diets, and better health...

Bill Could Kill Doc-Owned Hospitals
 Bill Could Kill 
 Doc-Owned Hospitals 

Bill Could Kill Doc-Owned Hospitals

Feds may see $1.2B in savings if for-profit facilities come under new regulation

(Newser) - A clause in a child-health bill just passed by the House would restrict Medicare payouts for, and the expansion of, doctor-owned hospitals, the specialized-care units blamed for hurting income at nonprofit facilities, the Wall Street Journal reports. There are 200 such facilities nationwide, touted for their efficiency but criticized for...

Tsunami in Medicaid Need Batters Broke States

Demand from newly unemployed leaves states looking to stimulus package for help

(Newser) - A surge in demand for Medicaid is draining state coffers just when they can least afford it, a New York Times survey of 40 states reveals. Demand ballooned by up to 10% in many states last year as people lost their employer-sponsored health care with their jobs, and officials believe...

A Surgeon's Case for Universal Health Care

If every other industrialization nation and Massachusetts can do it, so can the feds

(Newser) - If Americans are smart, they'll learn from other nations—and Massachusetts—in building a system of universal health care, writes surgeon Atul Gawande in The New Yorker. The rise of health reform "is surprising and instructive" in nations like the UK and France, which made controversial changes after...

Seeking Surgery at 80? You're Not Alone

Operations on elderly patients raise questions about aggressive treatments

(Newser) - Folks over 80 are increasingly going under the knife despite critics who say it's unethical or financially perilous, the Sacramento Bee reports. New medical technology has persuaded doctors to violate tradition and perform operations like cancer and open-heart surgery on octogenarians. But one doctor has sparked controversy by saying patients...

Hawaii's Online Health Care Brings Back House Call

Patients can consult with doctors via the web

(Newser) - Hawaii now allows residents to consult a physician online, CNET reports. Beginning today, Hawaiians can conduct doctor visits via online chat, telephone or video conferencing. Physicians are available 24/7. While even advocates of the system doubt it can replace in-person visits, the service is expected to be useful for follow-up...

Walgreens Woos Employers With at-Work Health Care

(Newser) - Walgreens is amping up its effort to interest corporate and government employers in its network of clinics and workplace health centers, the Wall Street Journal reports. The company aims to build on its base of 350-plus corporate clients, and has been steadily snapping up concerns that cater to them. Under...

Mugabe Liable for Cholera Deaths: Report

(Newser) - Pressure from nonprofits and watchdogs is mounting on the UN to intercede in Zimbabwe’s humanitarian crisis, GlobalPost reports. Physicians for Human Rights asserts that Robert Mugabe intentionally dismantled the country’s health and sanitation infrastructure, and is directly responsible for the cholera outbreak that has claimed 1,800 lives....

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>