The Daily Show

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Stewart Slams Fox Over Rapper Brouhaha ... Via Rap

No cops, Bushes hurt as Common performs at poetry night

(Newser) - Rapper Common was among several artists who performed at a poetry event at the White House last night—and he didn't shoot any cops. The rapper, whose presence at the event infuriated conservative pundits who seized upon some of his controversial lyrics, gently recited verses about love and the...

Jon Stewart: Why Is Bush Administration Taking All the Credit for Killing Osama bin Laden? (Daily Show Video)
 Why Is Bush Getting 
 Credit for bin Laden? 
jon stewart

Why Is Bush Getting Credit for bin Laden?

Jon Stewart bemoans the Obama adminstration's response

(Newser) - Considering it was the Obama administration that managed to finally get Osama bin Laden, you'd think they'd be doing a media victory lap. But no, it's George W. Bush's cronies taking all the credit, Jon Stewart pointed out last night . "Eleven Bush administration officials thought...

Stewart: Trump Stealing ‘Crazy Oxygen’ From Palin

Rips Trump for comparing gay marriage to new-fangled golf putters

(Newser) - Donald Trump and Sarah Palin may be feeling a little sidelined by all the attention paid to this week's big story. But don't worry, guys: Jon Stewart hasn't forgotten about you. The funnyman—dismissing the first GOP debate as a "contest to determine once and for...

Jon Stewart: C'mon Guys, We Can Take Gruesome

Public needs to see Osama death photos, Daily Show host argues

(Newser) - The White House's decision not to release gruesome photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse doesn't make a lot of sense in a country that sees gaping head wounds every night on shows like Bones and CSI, Jon Stewart argues. "I’m all for healthy skepticism and...

Hiding? No, Osama Was 'Chilling' in Pakistan

Jon Stewart doesn't exactly believe that no one knew he was there

(Newser) - After years of Pakistan insisting Osama bin Laden wasn't hiding there, not only does it turn out that he was—but that he had been for six years, noted a flabbergasted Jon Stewart last night . "And by the way, 'hiding' bin Laden? 'Hiding'? Bin Laden...

Stewart: Screw Perspective, This Is Great

'The Daily Show' host is nothing but gleeful over bin Laden's death

(Newser) - Jon Stewart is positively gleeful over the death of Osama bin Laden, and he's not at all interested in "perspective." All he wants are details, details, details. Of course, the rest of the media are insistent on giving us perspective, and Stewart ran a montage of all...

Stewart: You Happy Now, Trump?

Of course, Trump not exactly 'eating crow' over birth certificate release

(Newser) - After President Obama released his long-form birth certificate yesterday, the media went ballistic over the "bombshell." But, noted Jon Stewart last night , "Wouldn't the bombshell have been him not being from America? Isn't this more of a non-shell?" Stewart was particularly interested in Donald Trump'...

Congress Gets in One Last F*** You to 9/11 Responders

Not even Libyan rebels get screened against watch list: Stewart

(Newser) - Apparently, it wasn't enough that it took more than nine years to pass the 9/11 health bill—Congress still needed to deliver "one final kick to the nuts of the first responders, one final Congressional 'f*** you very much,'" Jon Stewart said last night . That...

Stewart: Is Anyone Else as Crazy as Trump?

Sadly, yes.

(Newser) - Donald Trump is pretty heavily into this whole birther thing at this point, so Jon Stewart wonders: Could anyone else in the GOP match his level of crazy? Not surprisingly, "Alaska Palin is with Trump," Stewart noted last night . But "Minnesota Palin" (aka Michele Bachmann) takes...

Jon Stewart on Paul Ryan's Budget Plan: Just Like Obamacare (Daily Show Video)
 Ryan's Plan? 
 Just Like Obamacare 
jon stewart

Ryan's Plan? Just Like Obamacare

But of course, now Republicans love it and Democrats hate it

(Newser) - Remember last year, when Republicans hated Obamacare because of "exchanges, difficult end-of-life decisions, cuts to vulnerable seniors"? Well, Jon Stewart does, and last night he informed America: "Guess what? [Paul] Ryan's plan is all that, plus a $750 billion cut to Medicaid. How do they characterize a...

Colbert to Fox: No, You Can't Get Pap Smear at Walgreens

No, you cannot get a breast exam at Walgreens

(Newser) - During the recent budget brawl, Republican Sen. Jon Kyl argued against government funding for Planned Parenthood—since, as he said, "well over 90% of what Planned Parenthood does" is abortions. "That is unbelievable!" said Stephen Colbert last night . "In that it is not true. Because only...

Jon Stewart Takes on Budget Mess, Near-Shutdown on 'The Daily Show' (Video)
 In Budget Mess, 
 Everyone Sucked 
jon stewart

In Budget Mess, Everyone Sucked

But at least the federal government is open for business

(Newser) - It's great that we managed to avoid a government shutdown, but Jon Stewart isn't very happy with anyone involved. Last night , he excoriated everyone: the media that breathlessly counted down from 179 hours to two, the previous Democratic-controlled Congress that didn't pass a budget because they live in "Sucksylvania....

Stewart's Entire Show an Epic Beck Parody

If Glenn Beck's show is ending, it must be the end of the world: ' Daily Show '

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's Fox show will soon be no more, and Jon Stewart seized the moment last night, offering a glasses-wearing, chalkboard-scrawling send-up of Beck's program. By analyzing facts and figures—ranging from Charles Manson to the Bible—Stewart was able to determine that Beck’s departure can only mean one...

Schaal: Persecuted Arab Women Should Move to...

Vagistan? Well, OK, that was just one idea

(Newser) - Women may have played a leading role in the protests sweeping across the Middle East, but they're still finding themselves locked out of the new governments. And that's "not surprising," noted Kristen Schaal last night on the Daily Show . "Revolutions are notorious sausagefests. And just when it...

Dems Act Like Jerks as GOP Shreds Constitution

Jon Stewart has no kind words for either side

(Newser) - On last night's Daily Show , Jon Stewart summed up the continuing budget crisis thusly: "So Democrats want $30 billion in cuts, Republicans want $60 billion in cuts. Rather than both sides going, well, how about $45 (billion), we're going to shut the government down." And, true to form,...

Obama 2012: From 'Yes We Can' to 'Whatever'

Maybe it has something to do with his failure to deliver on campaign promises?

(Newser) - President Obama is officially running for reelection , but somehow his campaign slogan has gone from "Yes We Can" to "You Know, Whatever," Jon Stewart complained last night on the Daily Show . Obama's first campaign video features supporters with a disturbing lack of enthusiasm, saying (and Stewart is,...

Stewart Slams Obama's Libya Speech

What was up with the anger—and unanswered questions?

(Newser) - “Ten days after we started bombing Libya, President Obama took to the podium to convince Americans that we should … bomb Libya. Starting 10 days ago,” noted Jon Stewart last night. The speech may have been basically well-received , but not by Stewart: First of all, the president seemed...

Stewart: No Taxes for GE? I Give Up

Worse, President Obama doesn't seem to care, he notes

(Newser) - The GOP often argues that "we're making it harder and harder for good, honest corporate citizens to create jobs here" thanks to a stiff corporate tax rate, Jon Stewart noted last night . "Can you blame a company like GE for not wanting to do business in America when...

Stewart Swipes at Fox vs. CNN War

When reporters, named Nic Robertson and Steve Harrigan, attack

(Newser) - Jon Stewart razzed reporters in a segment last night , kicking things off by poking at Nancy Grace, whose arguments about the radiation threat the US faces from Japan unraveled into an argument about how "there is no such thing as magic." But she is not the media story...

Stewart: Can't Fire Teachers and Tomahawks

Daily Show host slams Libya action

(Newser) - Jon Stewart—dismayed to return from vacation and discover that the world's biggest trouble spots are no longer "Wisconsin and the set of Two and a Half Men"—has a bone to pick with the US bombing of Libya: The name—"Operation Odyssey Dawn"—for starters....

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