foreign policy

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Obama: US Can't Lead With Bullets Alone

President defends foreign policy, pledges help to Syria rebels

(Newser) - President Obama will ask Congress to create a $5 billion fund to help allied governments fight terrorism, and ramp up aid to Syria's rebels, he announced today, in a wide-ranging commencement speech on foreign policy. Obama spoke to West Point's graduating class, but the speech emphasized an approach...

We Need to Sell Young People on War

 We Need to Sell 
 Young People 
 on War 

We Need to Sell Young People on War

Stephen Rosen sees a generation gap on national security issues

(Newser) - Americans in their 50s and 60s largely understand the positive power of the US military. They saw a military buildup end the Cold War, and witnessed successful interventions in Serbia and Iraq in the 90s, Harvard professor Stephen Peter Rosen—a member of that generation—writes in the Wall Street ...

Obama Gives Americans the Foreign Policy They Want

And they're a little ashamed: Columnist

(Newser) - President Obama seems to be giving Americans the foreign policy they want—a "minimalist" one that refrains from knee-jerk military intervention and requires nations to deal with their own problems, observes Robert Kagan at the Washington Post . So why, then, are his approval ratings on foreign policy so dismal,...

Romney: Obama's Timing Is Just Dreadful

In op-ed, former candidate takes on president's foreign policy

(Newser) - Pundits have lately been lining up to second-guess President Obama's foreign policy, and the latest to do so is the guy who wanted Obama's job. In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today, Mitt Romney laments that America's hands seem tied everywhere from Crimea to North...

Truth About Crimea: We Can&#39;t Do Squat
 Truth About Crimea: 
 We Can't Do Squat 

Truth About Crimea: We Can't Do Squat

What are we even arguing about, asks Michael Cohen

(Newser) - If foreign policy pundits agree on anything, "it's that President Obama must do moar to stand up to Vladimir Putin," observes Michael Cohen at the Guardian ; (that's "more" plus "roar," he explains for those unfamiliar.) "We need more strong leadership and...

Condoleezza Rice: Ukraine Must Be Our 'Wake-Up Call'

US has to lead again, instead of looking 'exhausted and disinterested'

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin hates how the Cold War ended, and he's trying to "turn back the clock" as far he can, writes former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in the Washington Post . Which is why it's essential that the US toughen up, she argues. Rice offers a mix...

The World Hates America Again
 The World Hates 
 America Again 

The World Hates America Again

Even in 2 very different nations, Germany and Egypt: Russell Berman

(Newser) - As a candidate, Barack Obama gave a well-received speech in Germany in 2008. As president, he gave another in Egypt the following year. And yet today, those two very different nations have something in common—anti-American sentiment is soaring, writes Russell Berman at Real Clear Politics . This is worrisome because...

Obama's Foreign Policy Approval at All-Time Low

Only 4 in 10 approve of the job he's doing

(Newser) - With low public support for US airstrikes on Syria, Obama's approval rating on foreign policy has also been sinking, and has now hit an all-time low, reports CNN . A poll by the news channel finds only four in 10 of those studied approve of the job the president is...

Obama's About to Ditch His Doctrine for Nothing

Jeffrey Goldberg thinks Obama is about to cross a line—without going far enough

(Newser) - Foreign policy experts who complain that Barack Obama doesn't have a Middle East strategy are wrong. "There is, in fact, an Obama doctrine," Jeffrey Goldberg argues at Bloomberg . And for the first time, he "seems poised to violate it in an irredeemable way." Goldberg calls...

Egypt Mess Is Obama's 'Greatest Failure'

Roger Cohen criticizes policy; Bret Stephens says US must 'hold its nose' and back military

(Newser) - What's happening in Egypt represents President Obama's "greatest failure," writes Roger Cohen in the New York Times . Obama's much-ballyhooed speech in Cairo in 2009, intended to begin healing rifts with the Muslim world, "stands now as a monument to America’s declining influence in...

Dumb US Strategy Keeps Giving Life to al-Qaeda
Dumb US Strategy Keeps Giving Life to al-Qaeda

Dumb US Strategy Keeps Giving Life to al-Qaeda

It's decentralized now, but maybe more dangerous: Eugene Robinson

(Newser) - The al-Qaeda of old may be dead as we once knew it, but misguided US policy over a decade might actually be making things worse, writes Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post . He sums it up this way: "Al-Qaeda turns out to be like a pool of mercury. Hit...

What&#39;s a 4-Letter Word for Military Ouster?
What's a 4-Letter Word
for Military Ouster?

What's a 4-Letter Word for Military Ouster?

You won't catch the White House saying 'coup': Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Here are some of the words the White House has used to describe the situation in Egypt, as rounded up by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post : incredibly complex, uncertain, polarized, challenging, transitional, and fluid. And here's the one word the administration keeps avoiding: coup. Because if it's...

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
surveys say

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On

Surveys show most of us believe in God, are OK with birth control

(Newser) - What can nine out of 10 Americans agree on? Survey says: not much. That's partly because the big polls such as Pew, Gallup, and the General Social Survey are designed to explore differences, not to document what unites the United States. Still, a few questions discover 90% agreement, or...

US Might Have Unlikely Ally Against N. Korea: China

Beijing shows signs it's getting fed up with Pyongyang: New York Times

(Newser) - American efforts to rein in North Korea have long run into one big roadblock called China, but that might be changing, reports the New York Times . New President Xi Jinping seems more receptive to working with the West to keep the North in check, as seen in Beijing's quick...

Clinton&#39;s Grade at State: Just &#39;Solid&#39;
 Clinton's Grade at 
 State: Just 'Solid' 

Clinton's Grade at State: Just 'Solid'

Popular leader hasn't left enduring legacy: analysts

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton leaves the State Department a fawning public is eating out of her hand, but policy wonks are less impressed, complaining that she hasn't left an indelible mark. "She has never dominated issues of war and peace in the manner of predecessors Dean Acheson or Henry...

Why the US Must Help France Save Mali
 Why the US Must Help 
 France Save Mali 

Why the US Must Help France Save Mali

If not, it will become haven for terrorists: Vicki Huddleston

(Newser) - The US is reportedly going to provide more tactical help to French troops trying to keep Islamist rebels from overtaking Mali, and a former US ambassador to the country says it can't come too soon. Helping France succeed is "in our national interest," argues Vicki Huddleston in...

Obama&#39;s Worst Fault: His &#39;Zero-Sum&#39; Mentality
Obama's Worst Fault:
His 'Zero-Sum' Mentality 
pj o'rourke

Obama's Worst Fault: His 'Zero-Sum' Mentality

PJ O'Rourke: There is not a 'fixed amount of good things'

(Newser) - PJ O'Rourke thinks President Obama is spreading a misguided message to the nation and the world—"that we live in a zero-sum universe." On a national level, it can be seen in his push to make well-off Americans give up more of their money so it can...

Jon Stewart Composes Debate 'Duet'

The 'Daily Show' blasts Mitt Romney for flip-flopping

(Newser) - To hear Republicans tell it, Barack Obama has been the weakest president on foreign policy since "Flinchington J. Craphispants," Jon Stewart pointed out on the Daily Show last night, so it was pretty shocking when Mitt Romney spent the entire foreign policy debate agreeing with Barack Obama. After...

What to Expect at Tonight's Debate

Foreign policy clash will be tough one for Romney

(Newser) - With the candidates tied at one debate win each—and 47% of the vote, according to a new poll —don't expect either man to pull any punches in tonight's foreign policy showdown in Florida. Pundits think President Obama has the edge, but he is by no means...

JFK&#39;s &#39;Eyeball-to-Eyeball&#39; Standoff Is a Myth
JFK's 'Eyeball-to-Eyeball' Standoff Is a Myth

JFK's 'Eyeball-to-Eyeball' Standoff Is a Myth

And it has messed up our foreign policy for decades: Michael Dobbs

(Newser) - It's modern political legend, in which JFK trumps Khrushchev: Soviet ships are heading toward Cuba—and potential war with the US—but they turn around at the last moment instead of confronting a US blockade. "We’re eyeball to eyeball, and I think the other fellow just blinked,...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>