Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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Iran Outsmarting US in New Cold War in Mideast
Iran Outsmarting US in New Cold War in Mideast

Iran Outsmarting US in New Cold War in Mideast

America is too dumb, weak right now to counter, Friedman says

(Newser) - The new cold war is being waged between America and Iran, and Iran is winning hands down, Thomas L Friedman writes in the New York Times. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's nation has built up influence from Iraq to Lebanon, with power over Iraq's prime minister, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other militias—and a...

Talks Don't Yield New Nuclear Offer for Iran

Security Council nations seek unified stance on Tehran

(Newser) - A meeting in Shanghai of permanent UN Security Council members and Germany failed to produce a new set of incentives to offer Iran for cessation of its nuclear activities, Reuters reports. "We can say we agreed on the main content of a plan to restart negotiations, but not all...

Ahmadinejad Calls 9/11 'Suspicious Event'

Says attack was pretext to invade Middle East

(Newser) - The September 11 attacks were a simple pretext to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today, expressing doubt as to the cause and death toll of the attacks. “Four or five years ago, a suspicious event occurred in New York,” he said. “A building collapsed and...

Iran Promises West 'Bloody Nose' Over Nuke Program

'The nation will slap you in the mouth,' Ahmadinejad warns

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad invoked some schoolyard rhetoric today, threatening the West with a "bloody nose" over ongoing criticism of Iran's uranium enrichment program, Reuters reports. "The Iranian nation will bloody the enemy's nose if they want to violate an iota of our rights" to nuclear technology, Ahmadinejad...

Iran's Latest Nuclear Moves Raise Hackles

France proposes tougher sanctions after 6K centrifuges added

(Newser) - Iran began installation today of 6,000 high-capacity centrifuges at its Natanz uranium-enrichment facility, Reuters reports. To the chagrin of Western powers, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad marked Iran’s “National Day of Nuclear Technology” with the announcement. The US said Iran’s move showed it was determined to disobey the...

Next Prez's To-Do: Fix Diplomacy
 Next Prez's To-Do:
 Fix Diplomacy 

Next Prez's To-Do: Fix Diplomacy

New administration will need to fix problems Bush has not addressed

(Newser) - Taking the attitude that "since we were now all-powerful, allies were no longer necessary," President Bush damaged the US' image and diminished its power, Fred Kaplan writes in Slate. How can the next president heal our diplomatic woes?
  1. Visit all Middle East countries; leave a full-time envoy: "

The World's Least Sexy Lads

(Newser) - It takes more than comb-overs and beer bellies to make the world's 100 unsexiest men list. The Boston Phoenix factors behavior into its list of oh-so-fugly gents. A peek at who snagged the top (dis)honors:
  1. Roger Clemens: baseball (and steroid?) star.
  2. Spencer Pratt: Heidi's smarmy boyfriend on The Hills.
  3. Larry

Election Victory Emboldens Ahmadinejad

Hails sweeping win as observers predict more nuclear tension in Iran

(Newser) - More complete results from Friday's Iranian parliamentary elections show Islamist conservatives who support Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s nuclear policy sweeping about 70% of the vote, Bloomberg reports. Pro-democracy candidates, meanwhile, did poorly after clerics blocked many from running. A triumphant Ahmadinejad said the results "stamped a mark of shame and...

Conservatives Lead 'Cooked' Iran Vote

New lawmakers expected to blast prez on economy

(Newser) - Early results in Iran's elections today are no surprise—conservatives will keep power—but they are expected to be more critical of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Reuters reports. Some are teaming with reformists to fight the president's economic policies, which have let inflation rise to 19%. Reformists also picked up seats...

Anti-Semitism on the Rise: Report
Anti-Semitism on the Rise: Report

Anti-Semitism on the Rise: Report

Criticism of Israel helps fuel hatred worldwide, warns State Department

(Newser) - Over 60 years after the Holocaust, anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide, warns a State Department report. US embassies across the globe have noted that attacks on Jewish people, their property and institutions have risen in the last ten years. In 2006 more than 100 synagogues were vandalized, hundreds of...

Ruling Conservatives Should Fare Well in Iran Vote

Conservatives likely to gain in parliament as many reform candidates barred

(Newser) - Iranian conservatives are likely to gain seats in tomorrow's parliamentary elections despite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's growing unpopularity, Al Jazeera reports. Iranians may disapprove of the president's economic policies, but the ruling Guardians Council barred 1,700 candidates—mainly reformists—from seeking election to the 290-seat parliament. Government officials and state-run media...

Iran Is Biggest Threat to Iraq: General

Points as proof to problem-free visit of Iranian prez

(Newser) - Iran is likely the single greatest threat to Iraq's longterm stability, according to a top US commander. The US has "pretty clear" evidence that Iran is training and supplying Shiite militias, said Lt. General Raymond Odierno, who just completed 15 months as second-in-command in Iraq.  Odierno pointed to...

Ahmadinejad Calls on US to Quit Iraq

'No one likes them,' Iranian prez says of coalition forces

(Newser) - As he headed home after his historic visit to Iraq, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criticized the American occupation, CNN reports. “No one likes them," the provocative Iranian president said of the US-led coalition. "We believe that the forces which crossed oceans and thousands of kilometers to come to this...

Iranian Prez Arrives in Iraq
Iranian Prez Arrives in Iraq

Iranian Prez Arrives in Iraq

Ahmadinejad visit deepens ties with neighbor

(Newser) - In an historic visit, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Iraq today predicting “a new chapter” for relations between the two countries, despite a tense history and a feud with Baghdad’s American allies. Ahmadinejad, who won’t be protected by US forces during his two-day trip, met...

Ahmadinejad to Visit Iraq
to Visit Iraq

Ahmadinejad to Visit Iraq

First-ever trip by an Iranian prez upsets Sunnis, poses security risk to hosts

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will fly to Baghdad Sunday to meet with Iraqi president Jalal Talabani, the first state visit ever by an Iranian president, the BBC reports. Sunni Iraqi leaders expressed outrage over the visit, which also comes a day after the US claimed further evidence of Iranian meddling in the...

EU Experts Say Iran Closer to Nuke Weapon

Tehran a year away on uranium; separate UN report out today

(Newser) - A new report from a European Union agency concludes that Iran could have enough uranium to build an atomic bomb within one year. The EU results—which precede a major UN report coming out today—look nothing like the findings of the US intelligence community, writes Der Spiegel: the recent...

Who Killed This Terrorist? No Clues, Lots of Enemies

Israelis, Americans, others had reason to want Imad Mughniyah dead

(Newser) - So many parties had a motive for killing Hezbollah mastermind Imad Mughniyah that it’s unclear who assassinated him last night in Syria, Time reports. The Lebanon-based terror group blamed the assassination in Damascus on Israel, which denied involvement. Said one insider, “The Americans wanted him, so did the...

Bush, Too, Says Obama Lacks Experience

GOP starts attack on hopeful's 'thin record'; Obama strikes back

(Newser) - President George Bush reacted to Barack Obama's roll at the polls yesterday by blasting the Dem hopeful on Fox this morning. “I certainly don't know what he believes in,” Bush said. “The only foreign policy thing I remember he said was he's going to attack Pakistan and...

Ahmadinejad Plans First Iraq Trip
Ahmadinejad Plans First Iraq Trip

Ahmadinejad Plans First Iraq Trip

First Iranian leader to visit since '80s war; highlights new relations

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit Baghdad, the Iraqi foreign ministry announced today, a historic trip that highlights the new relationship between the neighbors, who fought a bloody war in the 1980s. No Iranian president has ever visited Iraq, but with a Shiite government in power after the ouster of...

Political Rift Weakens Ahmadinejad
Political Rift

Political Rift Weakens Ahmadinejad

Ayatollah overrules Iranian president on gas for villagers

(Newser) - Iran's firebrand president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suffered a serious political humiliation  yesterday when the nation's supreme leader sided with his opponents to force him to supply a billion dollars worth of natural gas to remote villages suffering power cuts. Iran's poorest communities are enduring one of the harshest winters in years,...

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