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Google Hit With Class Action Suit Over Android Tracking

Women say software put them in danger

(Newser) - A pair of Michigan women have filed a $50 million class action lawsuit against Google over the revelation that Android phones store data on their users’ locations and transmit that information to Google. This tracking function puts “users at serious risk of privacy invasions, including stalking,” their lawyer...

Apple: Relax, We Aren’t Tracking You...

...But there are a few bugs in the iPhone's location software

(Newser) - Apple finally responded to the accusations that it was tracking iPhone users’ locations today, saying it “has never done so and has no plans to ever do so.” In a statement, which you can read on TechCrunch , the company explained that it was actually keeping a log not...

Android Is Tracking You, Too
 Android Is Tracking You, Too 

Android Is Tracking You, Too

And sending your location back to Google a few times each hour

(Newser) - Apple isn’t the only one tracking its users’ every move . Google’s Android OS does something very similar, a security analyst has found. The HTC Android phone he tested collected data on its current location every few seconds, transmitting it to Google several times an hour, the analyst tells...

Solar Storms Could Produce 'Global Katrina'
 Solar Storms 
 Could Produce 
 'Global Katrina' 
in case you missed it

Solar Storms Could Produce 'Global Katrina'

Solar flare could knock out GPS, other satellites, scientists warn

(Newser) - There’s a very good chance that sometime in the not-so-distant future, a severe solar storm could unleash an electromagnetic pulse on Earth, knocking out satellites, grounding air travel, and disrupting power grids around the world, scientists warned at an American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting. The UK’...

Girl Killed as Parents Follow GPS Directions

They turned right as instructed, despite road signs

(Newser) - A GPS tragedy in Britain: A 4-year-old girl was killed when her parents followed instructions that contradicted road signs, the BBC reports. Ariana Bardhaj died from multiple injuries after her parents made an illegal right turn into traffic. "They were following a sat-nav and it told them to turn...

Military: Don't Use Facebook Places in War Zones

Commanders fear social media could reveal locations to the enemy

(Newser) - The Air Force is warning personnel that while geolocation features like Facebook Places or Foursquare may be a great way to let your buddies know where you're having lunch, you shouldn't use them in war zones. "Careless use of these services by airmen can have devastating operations security and...

Cops Don't Need Warrant to Track Cars With GPS

'1984 is here at last,' says dissenting judge

(Newser) - Police can secretly track your movements with a GPS device attached to your car, and come into your driveway in the middle of the night to install it—all without a warrant, a federal court has ruled. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has twice let stand the conviction of...

Technology Makes Us Really Bad Campers

You'd think that GPS would help, but it may not

(Newser) - Technology appears to be making some people a lot stupider when it comes to the great outdoors. Thanks to GPS, cell phones, and emergency devices, more people are heading into the wild ill-equipped…then, at best, wasting rangers’ time with their problems—or, at worst, getting injured or killed. The...

Man Writes Massive Message Across US Via GPS

Google Earth message says, 'Read Ayn Rand'

(Newser) - An ambitious man drove more 12,000 miles and through 30 states to write a message on the globe he feels the world should know: "Read Ayn Rand." Following a planned route, Nick Newcomen traced his path on a GPS logger, turning it on to write letters and...

Thief Swipes Phone... During a GPS-Tracking Demo

Really, what are the odds?

(Newser) - A thief biking down the street plucks an iPhone out of a girl's hands and takes off. It's his lucky day, right? The girl is an intern on an errand for her boss—who also happens to own the phone. She's screwed, right? Except if her boss is an exec...

New Technology Nails Speeders From Space

Civil liberties group slams 'SpeedSpike'

(Newser) - Forget about trying to spot this speed trap: British authorities are testing new technology that uses satellites to catch speeders. The system combines license-plate-reading technology with a GPS system to calculate a vehicle's average speed between two points. The makers of the "SpeedSpike" system say it could reduce the...

Site Tracks Sex Worldwide

 Site Tracks Sex 


Site Tracks Sex Worldwide

GPS, Google Maps used to track lovemaking

(Newser) - Where's the love? A new website called will tell you—with precise, digitally-guided detail. The site uses GPS technology and Google Maps to allow anonymous users to chart where, exactly, people are getting it on. Users can also let the world know whether their lovemaking was homo or...

Wal-Mart Will Push TVs, Laptops on Black Friday
Wal-Mart Will Push TVs, Laptops on Black Friday

Wal-Mart Will Push TVs, Laptops on Black Friday

Discount circular leaks ahead of schedule

(Newser) - Details of Wal-Mart's Black Friday deals—normally kept under wraps until Thanksgiving week—have been obtained by CNNMoney and partially confirmed by the retailer. The day after Thanksgiving will see deep discounts on high-def TVs, laptops, and Blu-ray players. Some specifics:
  • Sanyo 50-inch plasma TVs will be available for $598.

Teens Cop to Texting and Driving—But Say Dad's Worse

No age limit for bad behavior behind wheel

(Newser) - One-third of 16- and 17-year-olds say they have written text messages while behind the wheel. Despite that, young drivers are actually more responsible than many adults: 48% of respondents aged 12 to 17 say they’ve been in the car with a driver who was texting. One boy said his...

GPS Will Track Dutch Drivers for Per-Mile Tax

Those who drive on congested roads at peak hours will pay more

(Newser) - The Dutch government plans to bring the polluter-pays principle into the home garage. Rather than an annual road tax for their cars, drivers will soon pay a small sum for every mile on the road—a plan aimed at breaking chronic traffic jams and cutting carbon emissions. GPS devices installed...

Verizon Unveils Droid Smartphone
 Verizon Unveils 
 Droid Smartphone 
bloggers' first look

Verizon Unveils Droid Smartphone

All looks promising, but some think OS is still no match for iPhone

(Newser) - Verizon's Droid smartphone—built by Motorola and powered by Google's Android—goes on sale Nov. 6 for $200. Some early opinions on the iPhone challenger:
  • The phone is "almost not worth writing about," notes Chris Dannen in Fast Company . It's "fine" but "doesn't advance" the Android

Goodbye, iPod; Hello, Portable Computer

Single-purpose devices' days are numbered: Manjoo

(Newser) - After yesterday's announcement that the iPod Nano now has a video camera, Apple's future direction is clear, writes Farhad Manjoo for Slate. Eventually, every iPod will be what Steve Jobs calls a “general-purpose device,” aka a small computer—a music player/phone/camera/web browser/GPS. Sure, Apple still sells dedicated music...

Best New Travel Websites
 Best New Travel Websites 

Best New Travel Websites

Get advice from locals, exchange currency, and more

(Newser) - The summer is winding down, but there’s still time for a last-minute vacation. The Times of London lists 10 new websites to check out:
  • Tripbod: Answer questions about your interests and hobbies, and a local expert will plan an itinerary for you.
  • Vimeo: The travel group on this video

Your GPS' New Voice? Bob Dylan

(Newser) - Looking for Highway 61? The answer, my friend, might soon be blowin' in the wind: “I am talking to a couple of car companies about being the voice of their GPS system,” Bob Dylan revealed in a radio interview today. “I think it would be good if...

GPS Rescues $600K Violin Left in NYC Cab

Technology 'cut the driver out of the picture,' says taxi boss

(Newser) - GPS technology reunited a violinist with the $600,000 instrument he left in a New York cab yesterday, the Times reports. After Korean musician Hanh-Bin left a vehicle without his 18th-century instrument, the Taxi and Limousine Commission was able to find it in less than an hour, using the cab’...

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