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Gaydar: It's All in the Eyes
 Gaydar: It's All in the Eyes  

Gaydar: It's All in the Eyes

(Newser) - Gaydar is real, according to a new study, but only if you don’t think about it too hard. Participants were shown the faces of 98 straight women and 94 lesbians taken from a dating website, reports Miler-McCune, and were able to guess sexual orientation rapidly, at a rate better...

Angelina Is No. 1 Lesbian Hero
 Angelina Is No. 1 Lesbian Hero 

Angelina Is No. 1 Lesbian Hero

She beat Madonna and Lady Gaga, among others

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie is the ultimate lesbian heroine, the Telegraph reports. “Angelina was the clear winner, and she also has a dark side which many lesbians like,” says a rep for One Poll, which oversaw the survey of 2,600 lesbians. “All of the ladies in the poll...

Obama Invites Gay Advocates to White House

But angered rights campaigners want more than just talk

(Newser) - President Obama has invited gay rights leaders to the White House next Monday to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion, the New York protests seen as the start of gay liberation. It's unclear whether Obama will address the strong criticism he's recently faced from gay and lesbian advocates....

Obama Extending Federal Benefits to Gay Partners

(Newser) - President Obama plans to announce tomorrow that he's extending benefits to the same-sex partners of federal employees, the Washington Post reports. The move, a victory for gay rights activists, will give the partners access to health care and other benefits. Obama's been under steady criticism from the gay community for...

Conservative Christians Fight Hate-Crimes Law for Gays

(Newser) - With Congress set to pass strengthened hate crime legislation this summer, Conservative Christian leaders are ratcheting up their opposition to a bill that would extend those protections to gays and lesbians, USA Today reports. Conservative leaders say they’re worried that clergy who preach against homosexuality could end up liable...

Oh, No! A Single Woman May Replace Souter
Oh, No! A Single Woman May Replace Souter

Oh, No! A Single Woman May Replace Souter

Lack of a ring turns top female Supreme Court candidates into targets

(Newser) - David Souter is a lifelong bachelor, but the possibility of a bachelorette replacement has started an uproar. Why? Because those potential Supreme Court justices are women, and when a powerful woman is unmarried it "seems to make everyone think: lonely, misfit, or lesbian," write Dahlia Lithwick and Hanna...

Top Gun Star Comes Out After 39 Years
Top Gun Star Comes Out
After 39 Years

Top Gun Star Comes Out After 39 Years

Twice-married McGillis says she's 'done with the man thing'

(Newser) - Top Gun and The L Word star Kelly McGillis has confirmed longstanding rumors that she's a lesbian, saying she's unequivocally "done with the man thing," SheWired reports. McGillis, 51, said she has wrestled with her sexuality since adolescence and believed God was punishing her for being gay. "...

UK Set to Name First Female Poet Laureate

Blair had passed Duffy over fearing public wouldn't accept lesbian

(Newser) - The UK looks set to honor a woman as poet for the first time, the Independent reports, and an openly gay woman at that. At 53, Carol Ann Duffy is Great Britain’s most widely read poet, and might’ve already been named poet laureate but for former PM Tony...

More Women Explore 'Girl Crushes'

Trend growing among heterosexuals

(Newser) - “Girl crushes” are now fairly common—and more women are leaving heterosexual relationships behind entirely, O the Oprah magazine reports. In some cases, women are quite honest with their male partners about the crush: “The acceptance of the husband, I think, gives them permission to explore being attracted...

Amazon: 'Ham-Fisted Error' Caused Gay Glitch

Company promises to restore gay, lesbian titles to ranking system

(Newser) - Amazon.com says “an embarrassing and ham-fisted cataloging error” caused thousands of gay and lesbian-related titles to be removed from sales rankings and some searches, the New York Times reports. The company—the target of online outrage after the changes came to light—says the "glitch" has now...

Amazon Drops Gay Titles From Sales Rankings

Company blames glitch for shunting innocuous gay titles to adult list

(Newser) - Amazon is facing a backlash for yanking hundreds of gay and lesbian titles from its sales ranking system, CNET reports. The bookseller has a policy of excluding material deemed "adult" from the sales and bestseller lists, but critics say its exclusion of titles like The Well of Loneliness—a...

'Miss Cleo': TV Psychic to Lesbian Activist

(Newser) - Remember Miss Cleo? Her thick Caribbean accent is familiar to many late-night TV watchers, from pitches for the Psychic Readers Network. The Miami Herald finds that since the lawsuit that took down Youree Dell Cleomili Harris’ former employer, she’s come out as a lesbian, voice-acted in a video game,...

Iranian Lesbian Wins Asylum in Britain

Refugee fled after girlfriend sentenced to death by stoning

(Newser) - A woman who fled Iran for Britain after her girlfriend was arrested has won her battle for asylum in the UK. In 2007 Pegah Emambakhsh was refused asylum, but gay rights groups claimed that she would be executed if she was forced to return to Iran and led a campaign...

Sykes to Roast Obama at Press Dinner

(Newser) - Wanda Sykes has been tapped to roast Barack Obama at this year’s White House Correspondents' Dinner on May 9. The lesbian comic will likely skewer the President’s anti-gay-marriage stance, but she has some skeletons of her own, the Los Angeles Times reports. After hearing about the engagement, “...

Lesbian Batwoman Busts Comic Book Barriers

DC Comics' first openly gay crime-fighter to take starring role in Batman's absence

(Newser) - With Batman presumed dead, keeping the streets of Gotham City safe will be left to comics' only gay hero, reports the Daily Telegraph. Batwoman—described as a "lesbian socialite by night and a crime-fighter by later in the night"—will star in a 12-issue run of  Detective Comics...

Clarkson: I'm Not a Lesbian

(Newser) - Kelly Clarkson isn’t a lesbian, a large fan contingent and persistent rumors to the contrary, the singer tells PopEater. “I could never be a lesbian,” she says. “I would never want to date (someone like) myself, ever. I’m a crazy person. I need some kind...

Iconic Mass. Gay Couple Splits
 Iconic Mass. Gay Couple Splits 

Iconic Mass. Gay Couple Splits

Goodridge suit legalized same-sex marriage in state

(Newser) - A lesbian activist couple well-respected for leading Massachusetts' gay marriage charge has filed for divorce, the Boston Herald reports. Hillary and Julie Goodridge's landmark lawsuit legalized same-sex marriage in the state six years ago. The couple married a year later—after nearly two decades together—and share custody of their...

'Womyn's Lands' Dwindle as Gays Go Mainstream

(Newser) - So-called "womyn's lands" are quietly persisting across North America but face a cultural shift as modern gays embrace mainstream society, the New York Times reports. Founded in the 1970s to give lesbians man-free, safe, non-judgmental communities, the roughly 100 groups have seen membership dwindle and populations age. “In...

Iceland to Appoint First Openly Gay Woman as PM

Ex-flight attendant to lead until May elections

(Newser) - Iceland is set to appoint the world's first openly gay woman as prime minister: a former flight attendant who rose through the political ranks to become a cabinet minister. Johanna Sigurdardottir, the 66-year-old social affairs minister, is the pick of the Social Democratic Alliance Party to lead an interim government....

Calif. Court Rules School Can Expel Lesbian Kids

Private body not ruled by discrimination laws

(Newser) - A California court has ruled that a private school's expulsion of two girls for "conducting themselves in a manner consistent with being lesbians" was lawful, the Los Angeles Times reports. The court decided the religious school did not count as a business and was therefore exempt from discrimination...

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