National Review

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GOP Punishes Magazine for Anti-Trump Issue

'National Review' no longer co-sponsoring debate

(Newser) - Payback was swift for the National Review on Thursday after the conservative magazine published a fierce anti-Donald Trump editorial , calling him a "menace to American conservatism" and a "philosophically unmoored political opportunist." The Republican National Committee informed the magazine that it had been "disinvited" from the...

Mad About Starbucks Cups? 'Stop Embarrassing Yourselves'

One reporter thinks conservatives' newest outrage could cost them the election

(Newser) - Katherine Timpf, a reporter at the conservative National Review , has a simple message for fellow conservatives up in arms over Starbucks' new holiday cup: "Please stop embarrassing yourselves." The plain red coffee cup unveiled this month has led to a vocal outcry of "War on Christmas!"...

GOP Lawyer Cries Foul Over New Yorker 's Voter-ID Piece
GOP Lawyer: New Yorker
Ran 'Hit Piece' on Me
voter id laws

GOP Lawyer: New Yorker Ran 'Hit Piece' on Me

Hans von Spakovsky accuses journo of ignoring the facts

(Newser) - With election day looming, a Republican lawyer is accusing New Yorker writer Jane Mayer of penning "a journalistic hit piece" about his support for voter ID laws. Hans von Spakovsky accuses her of maligning his character and ignoring many instances of voter fraud in her article "The Voter-Fraud...

National Review Fires Columnist for Anti-Black Screed

'Indefensible' column means 'there has to be parting of the ways'

(Newser) - John Derbyshire, the conservative columnist who set off a firestorm of outrage over his advice for white and Asian parents to protect their children from black people , was fired yesterday from the National Review, reports Politico . While calling "Derb" a "deeply literate, funny, and incisive writer," National ...

National Review to Gingrich: Drop Out

Conservative magazine's editors urge Newt to exit presidential race

(Newser) - The editors of the National Review have a message for Newt Gingrich: It's time to go. Rick Santorum is increasingly emerging as Mitt Romney's main challenger, as he overtakes Gingrich in contests won , delegates, and poll numbers , and the conservative magazine's editors want to see a Romney-Santorum...

Right's Mistake: Ignoring Ron Paul

Conservatives sideline candidate amid growing support for his ideas

(Newser) - It's time for mainstream conservatives to stop pretending Ron Paul doesn't exist, writes Conor Friedersdorf in the Atlantic . He embodies the Tea Party's small-government ethos. He raises "legitimate concerns"—about the Iraq war, for example—that no other candidate will espouse; most Republicans now see...

National Review: GOP Will 'Blow It' With Newt

Character flaws make former speaker the wrong choice for GOP

(Newser) - The Republican Party has reached an "uncharacteristic degree of unity" and is capable of taking control of the White House and both houses of Congress next year—but it could blow it all if it nominates Newt Gingrich, warns the National Review . An editorial in the influential conservative magazine...

National Review: Please Go Away Now, Michael Steele
National Review:
'Anybody but Steele'

National Review: 'Anybody but Steele'

Conservative magazine wants someone else to run RNC

(Newser) - You know this editorial at the conservative National Review isn't going to end well for Michael Steele when the editors start by saying they "admire his pluck." It's pretty much downhill from there as they call for someone else—anyone else, really—to take over the Republican National...

Palin Charges Obamacare Hurts Soldiers

But 'shocking new questions' she raises are bogus, says VA

(Newser) - After scoring big with her “death panels” whopper, Sarah Palin tried to tweet another monkey wrench into the works yesterday, posting on Twitter: “Shocking new questions re:whether military healthcare plans r protected under Obamacare. How will underpaid troops afford their own purchase?” Palin was apparently unaware that...

National Review Calls Birther Claims 'Foolishness'

(Newser) - The editors of the National Review want nothing to do with this "foolishness" over President Obama's citizenship. Though "a few misguided souls among the Right have indulged it," the idea that Obama isn't a citizen is mere "myth." The birth certificate he's produced is legit,...

Holder Is 'Sept. 10' Pick for AG
 Holder Is 'Sept. 10' Pick for AG 

Holder Is 'Sept. 10' Pick for AG

Conservative mag urges GOP to vote against Obama's Justice nominee

(Newser) - Eric Holder is “a conventional, check-the-boxes creature of the Left,” the editors of the National Review write of Barack Obama’s reported choice for Attorney General, and his selection reveals a “September 10 mentality” and a “lack of seriousness about the terrorist threat.” They add,...

Time, Here's Your Person of the Year

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made such a splash in American politics this year that she deserves consideration for Time magazine Person of the Year, Kathryn Jean Lopez writes for the National Review. “They’ve probably long picked The One,” Lopez writes, referring to Barack Obama. But “like Obama, all...

Campaign Arrows Puncture Righty Mag's Lofty Rep
Campaign Arrows Puncture Righty Mag's Lofty Rep

Campaign Arrows Puncture Righty Mag's Lofty Rep

Still, National Review looks forward to having Dems in power after tumultuous year

(Newser) - The nasty tone of the presidential campaign dealt a blow to the National Review, considered the print home for conservative intellectuals and a standard-bearer for genteel debate, the New York Times reports. The death of founder William F. Buckley was followed by the ouster of his son Christopher following his...

Mock Her at Your Peril: Palin Speaks Real American

Accent 'dissed' by elites is same tune favored by humble, common-sense majority

(Newser) - The discomfort Sarah Palin causes in liberals, and even many conservatives, stems from a fundamental disconnect between the educated elite and real America, Michael Novak writes in the National Review. Solid, humble citizens hear a familiar ring to Palin’s oft-mocked accent: “The same guts. The same common sense....

GOP Intellectuals Jump Mac's Ship, Leaving Wingnuts

Columnist's schadenfreude turns to dread over the new face of the party

(Newser) - It’s been a fun time for liberals, writes Rosa Brooks in the LA Times. Though initially worried about the boost Sarah Palin gave to John McCain’s polling numbers, Dems were then treated to the defections of some of the GOP’s brightest thinkers. Columnists David Brooks, Charles Krauthammer,...

Chris Buckley on the Outs With Dad's Mag

National Review drops column after Obama endorsement

(Newser) - Things have gotten a little ugly between Christopher Buckley and the movement his dad pretty much founded, reports Howard Kurtz in the Washington Post. The son of legendary William F. Buckley, godfather of modern conservatism and founder of the National Review, wrote a back-page column for that magazine until last...

Wrong, Lefties: Palin Didn't Cut Special Olympics Dollars

Declining huge budget increase, Alaska Gov. authorized 10% boost instead

(Newser) - Sarah Palin did not cut funding to the Special Olympics in Alaska, as many have said, professors Warren Throckmorton and Paul Kengor write in the National Review. In fact, this year she approved an increase in funding, from $250,000 to $275,000. Lawmakers had asked for $550,000, perhaps...

McCain Backs Bush Wiretaps: Adviser

Says candidate believes president has right to 'override' law

(Newser) - John McCain supports President Bush's warrantless wiretapping program, a top adviser writes in a letter posted on the National Review website. The adviser, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, outlines McCain's belief that the Constitution authorizes the president to override a federal statute that requires court oversight for surveillance. The position marks a sharp...

Buckley Leaves Conservatism Up the Creek
Buckley Leaves Conservatism Up the Creek

Buckley Leaves Conservatism Up the Creek

No clear inheritor to his thoughtful movement, says Newsweek writer

(Newser) - William F. Buckley may have been the architect of the modern conservative movement, but what will it do without him? Evan Thomas even wonders, in Newsweek, if what he created still exists at all. Buckley was “a man who could spar intensely with the late liberal icons…and then...

Writers Parse Buckley's Legacy
Writers Parse Buckley's Legacy

Writers Parse Buckley's Legacy

What ended his brand of conservatism—or does it endure?

(Newser) - William F. Buckley Jr. was a titan on the political scene, carving out his own brand of conservatism. But one day after his death, writers differ on his legacy:
  • At Slate, Timothy Noah notes Buckley’s more noxious stances—defending segregationists and Joe McCarthy—and says it’s good fortune

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