National Review

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William F. Buckley Jr. Dies at 82
William F. Buckley Jr. Dies at 82

William F. Buckley Jr. Dies at 82

Influential conservative columnist founded National Review

(Newser) - Conservative columnist and editor William F. Buckley Jr. died today at age 82; he suffered from diabetes and emphysema. Buckley founded the opinion magazine National Review, hosted the show “Firing Line” and wrote 45 books. The author of God and Man at Yale and defender of Joe McCarthy was...

Pundits Spotlight Mitt
Pundits Spotlight Mitt

Pundits Spotlight Mitt

Romney's got the best legs, one says; another pities him; third wonders who he's paid off

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has a big day ahead of him tomorrow, and scribes are considering his fate. Three opinions:
  • The New Republic’s Noam Scheiber says Mitt’s the GOP frontrunner: He only needs to make the final two to be judged the best all-around Republican. Plus, electoral chaos has hurt

Huckabee Exposes GOP Fault Line
Huckabee Exposes GOP Fault Line

Huckabee Exposes GOP Fault Line

Populist candidate prompts a Main Street v. Wall Street split

(Newser) - The unexpected surge of populist Mike Huckabee has exposed a core Republican rift, separating the religious right from the financial conservatives, EJ Dionne writes in the New Republic. Hucksters tend to be socially conservative but they're  tired of seeing protection of the wealthy prioritized above family values, and they're not...

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