Dianne Feinstein

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Feinstein Also Hit by 'Madoff of Campaign Treasurers'

Senator the highest profile victim yet for alleged fraudster Kinde Durkee

(Newser) - Dianne Feinstein's campaign was one of those ripped off by an allegedly fraudulent Democratic campaign treasurer, the senator tells the LA Times . Kinde Durkee was arrested on fraud charges two weeks ago, with California Reps. Loretta Sanchez and Susan Davis listed among her alleged victims; Davis dubbed her “...

4,000 US Troops May Stay in Iraq
 3K US Troops May Stay in Iraq 

3K US Troops May Stay in Iraq

Total pullout deadline apparently off

(Newser) - The last US troops in Iraq could be there for a long time. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta wants to leave 3,000 service members beyond the pullout deadline promised by President Obama. No final decision has been made and discussions are continuing with the Iraqis, an administrative source tells CNN...

Obama Backs Repeal of Marriage Law

President endorses bill to kill act

(Newser) - President Obama's " evolving views " on gay marriage appear to have evolved even further: The president has endorsed a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act , which defines marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman. The bill, sponsored by Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein,...

Romney: Obama Threw Israel 'Under the Bus'

Others complain about foreign aid to Egypt

(Newser) - President Obama is taking some heat for his speech on Middle Eastern policy , particularly the section on Israel, in which he advocated a return to Israel’s pre-1967 borders . “President Obama has thrown Israel under the bus,” Mitt Romney declared in a statement. “He has disrespected Israel...

Senate Dems Move to Zap DOMA

Introduce bill to repeal ban on gay marriage

(Newser) - It was another day of undoing in Congress: As House Republicans moved to dismantle financial reform yesterday, Democrats over in the Senate were fixing to make the Defense of Marriage Act go away. "It is time to right this wrong," Dianne Feinstein said in introducing the legislation. "...

US Intel Spending Breaks $80B
 US Intel Spending Breaks $80B  

US Intel Spending Breaks $80B

Spending revealed for first time this century

(Newser) - American intelligence spending hit $80.1 billion, or some 12% of defense spending, for the just-ended fiscal year—more than what was spent on either the Department of Homeland Security ($53 billion) or the Justice Department ($30 billion). It's triple the $26.7 billion that was budgeted in 1998, the...

Health Reform Bill Won't Stop Premium Hikes

Action on curbs didn't make final cut, leaving 'very big loophole'

(Newser) - Turns out the big health care reform bill doesn't actually rein in those out-of-control premium rate hikes. The Democrats used outrage over whopping increases to corral support for the overhaul, but the bill doesn't deliver, finds the Los Angeles Times , because it doesn't give the government the regulatory authority. "...

RNC's Steele to Reid: Step Down
 RNC's Steele 
 to Reid: 
 Step Down 

RNC's Steele to Reid: Step Down

Romer on Wall Street bonuses: 'For heaven's sake, people'

(Newser) - Harry Reid has put his foot squarely in his mouth with quotes about President Obama's lack of "Negro dialect," and Michael Steele would like him to take it out long enough to say, "I quit." "Remember this is a leader who only a few weeks...

Democrats Mock Beck's Czar Hunt
Mock Beck's
Czar Hunt

Democrats Mock Beck's Czar Hunt

Bogus name tars legit jobs, they say, but even some Dems aren't sure

(Newser) - Democrats are fighting back against the anti-czar fervor that has taken hold of the Republican party. Many of the so-called czars these officials insist must be confirmed by the Senate actually already have been, writes Jason Linkins of the Huffington Post. Others occupy positions they themselves voted to create, and...

Clinton Boosts Newsom in Calif. Gov Race

Bill's support for SF mayor viewed as Jerry Brown payback

(Newser) - Bill Clinton's support for Gavin Newsom in the race to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger as California governor has put the spotlight on the San Francisco mayor's campaign, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Clinton's support has given Newsom a much-needed boost.  But some analysts believe it has more to do with...

CIA Uses Blackwater to Help Run Drone Attacks

(Newser) - The CIA has relied on a secret division inside the company once known as Blackwater for its drone operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan, private employees and government officials tell the New York Times. The for-profit company assembles and loads Hellfire missiles and quarter-ton bombs on secret CIA bases on both...

Who Replaces Arnold? 'Entertaining' Race Unfolds

(Newser) - Sure, California's going through a little financial Armageddon, but that's not keeping candidates from lining up to replace Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is prevented by term limits from running in 2010. In the New York Times magazine, Mark Leibovitch takes a look at the eclectic field, which includes Jerry Brown ("...

GOP Blasts Pelosi as Dems Rip CIA Over Torture

(Newser) - Republicans are slamming Nancy Pelosi for saying she felt she had no recourse when informed of harsh interrogation tactics in 2003, Politico reports. “If she felt it was wrong, she should have acted,” John McCain said. Some critics suggest the House speaker could have written a letter or...

Senate Will Probe NSA in Wiretapping 'Overcollection'

(Newser) - The Senate Intelligence Committee is planning an inquiry into the National Security Agency after reports the spy group has been engaged in “overcollection” of information domestically, the New York Times reports. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the chair of the committee, said a hearing would be held within the month. The...

Passport Security Easy to Breach: Govt. Probe

(Newser) - A US passport is easy to obtain using fake or fraudulent documents, even with extensive post-9/11 security reforms, the AP reports. At the request of a Senate committee, a government investigator went undercover and quickly obtained multiple passports, using the identities of a dead man, a 5-year-old, and two fictitious...

Controversial US Drones Based in Pakistan: Feinstein

(Newser) - Dianne Feinstein said today that Predator drones used to carry out attacks in Pakistan originate there, not in Afghanistan as had been widely assumed, the Los Angeles Times reports. The revelation, which is likely to cause trouble for the Pakistani government, came during testimony by spy chief Dennis Blair. A...

'Tunnel People' Get Probe of Inaugural Ticket Mess

Thousands waited in tunnel; Feinstein apologizes

(Newser) - As President Obama’s inauguration approached, thousands of would-be spectators got stuck in an immobile line that stretched into a tunnel beneath the National Mall. And there they waited, for hours, missing the ceremony despite their tickets. With their plight getting more publicity—yep, there's now a Facebook group—Sen....

10 Democrats Obama Must Watch Out For
10 Democrats
Obama Must
Watch Out For

10 Democrats Obama Must Watch Out For

Conyers, Feinstein, Biden could be pains in president's rear

(Newser) - The good vibrations can’t last forever. Sooner or later,  President Obama is bound to run afoul of members of his own party. Glenn Thrush, in Politico, scopes out the suspects:
  • John Conyers: The irrepressible House Judiciary chairman wants to investigate the US attorneys scandal and other potential Bush-era

Obama Camp Bruises Egos on the Hill
Obama Camp
Bruises Egos
on the Hill

Obama Camp Bruises Egos on the Hill

Dust-ups show Senate Dems flexing muscle defending turf

(Newser) - You might expect Barack Obama, former senator, to know how to handle Capitol Hill, but in the past week the president-elect has twice incited near-revolt from his fellow Democrats, the LA Times notes. Legislators publicly criticized Obama’s proposed tax cuts and choice for CIA director. Obama’s team put...

Seat Burris, Says Rogue Sen. Feinstein

Calif. Dem's dissent follows on heels of Panetta CIA complaint

(Newser) - Dianne Feinstein is breaking Democratic ranks on the issue of of seating Roland Burris as the replacement for Barack Obama, reports the LA Times. “If you don't seat Mr. Burris, it has ramifications for gubernatorial appointments all over America,” the California senator warned yesterday. Majority Leader Harry Reid...

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