Dianne Feinstein

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Biden: Handling of Panetta a 'Mistake'

(Newser) - Joe Biden defended the pick of Leon Panetta to head the CIA but offered an apology of sorts for the way it was handled, Politico reports. “I think it was just a mistake,” Biden said of not informing top Democrats of the choice, which led to a chiding...

Feinstein Disses Panetta as Pick for CIA Chief

Surprise pick has no intelligence experience, committee concerned

(Newser) - Dianne Feinstein hinted yesterday that she had reservations about Barack Obama’s choice of Leon Panetta to head the CIA—which could be a problem for Obama, since Feinstein is the new chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. “I was not informed about the selection,” she said. “...

In DC, Powerful California Is the New Texas
In DC, Powerful California
Is the New Texas

In DC, Powerful California Is the New Texas

State best represented in Congress, holds key Cabinet, Senate posts

(Newser) - California is set to take over Texas’ role as the state with most influence on the federal government, Politico reports. With Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker, the largest number of representatives—34—in the Democratic caucus, and one of the strongest presences by state in Barack Obama’s administration, the...

EBay Bans Inaugural Ticket Sales

Pressure from Congress over scalpers, counterfeit invitations

(Newser) - EBay and StubHub have removed offers for tickets to the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama from their websites. Tickets to the inauguration, a free but invitation-only event, have been offered for as much as $7,500, reports the Los Angeles Times. Some 240,000 people will attend the event outside...

At $231M, Kerry Is Congress' Richest

Though, Roll Call cautions, financial disclosure forms an unreliable source

(Newser) - John Kerry leads Roll Call's annual list of the 50 richest members of Congress, with a fortune estimated at $231 million. But financial-disclosure rules make it impossible to get a complete picture of lawmakers' assets, so Kerry, John McCain (No. 13, with $20 million), and the rest of the top...

Feinstein Weighs Run for Calif. Governor

Sen. says 2010 campaign hinges on how Dems fare in Nov.

(Newser) - Sen. Dianne Feinstein is considering a run for governor of California in 2010, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The chairwoman of the Rules Committee, who was forced to skip this week’s Democratic convention in Denver because of a broken ankle, said her decision will hinge on how congressional Democrats...

Senate Moves to Privatize Anemic Restaurants

Move takes money- losing subpar eateries off the taxpayer dime

(Newser) - The Senate has voted to privatize its restaurants after decades of losing money, the Washington Post reports. The decision comes after much wrangling among Democrats, split between the $250,000 taxpayer subsidy that keeps the restaurants afloat and the lower wages workers would receive. “You cannot stand on the...

Obama-Clinton a 'Winning Ticket,' Says Feinstein

Senator won't tell Obama what to do, but Hill 'had popular vote'

(Newser) - Her candidate may have lost the Democratic nomination, but Dianne Feinstein is still dreaming of the dream ticket, Politico reports. Although she conceeds that "nobody else can tell" Barack Obama what to do, Feinstein today reiterated on ABC's "This Week" the Clinton campaign's longtime assertion that it won...

Clinton, Obama Laughing as They Part

Pair have 'positive' talk; Hillary will endorse him today

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were laughing together after a private hourlong meeting at a Senate colleague's home, reports the AP. California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said the pair chatted away in her living room late Thursday in a "positive" head-to-head, their first since Obama clinched the nomination. Clinton is...

Letters Linked to NYC Bombing Claim 'We Did It'

They were sent to Capitol Hill; bomber remains unknown

(Newser) - As many as 10 Capitol Hill offices received letters today with a photo of a man standing in front of the Times Square military recruiting office before it was struck by a small bomb. A message with the photo reads, “Happy New Year, We Did It,” the AP...

Party Pooh-bahs to Clinton: Lose and Go Home

2 Obama backers, NM governor, stress party unity

(Newser) - Top Democrats are urging Hillary Clinton to quit if she can’t score big in Tuesday’s primaries, the New York Times reports. Senators John Kerry and Dick Durbin, both Obama backers, and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson pressed her today to consider party unity if she loses in Texas...

Tweaks May Boost Guest Worker Pool
Tweaks May Boost Guest Worker Pool

Tweaks May Boost Guest Worker Pool

Bush plan to ease visa requirements draws fire from both sides of debate

(Newser) - With immigration reform having failed in Congress, the Bush administration is today unveiling a plan aimed at boosting the US guest-worker program. President Bush's plan would simplify the much-derided bureaucratic program, providing a reliable source of legal workers to replace illegal immigrants. But anti-immigration groups say the changes will cost...

Criminal Probe in Bay Oil Spill
Criminal Probe in Bay Oil Spill

Criminal Probe in Bay Oil Spill

Communication, management problems on Hong Kong ship

(Newser) - A criminal probe into the oil spill off San Francisco was launched yesterday as federal investigators began to question the crew of the Hong Kong ship that hemorrhaged 58,000 gallons of fuel oil after crashing into the Bay Bridge last week. The Coast Guard contacted the US attorney's office...

2 Key Dems Support Mukasey
2 Key Dems Support Mukasey

2 Key Dems Support Mukasey

Schumer, Feinstein will vote to confirm AG nominee

(Newser) - Despite controversy over Michael Mukasey's cagey responses to questions about waterboarding and torture, Charles Schumer and Dianne Feinstein will vote to confirm the AG nominee, the Democratic senators said this afternoon. Their votes, along with Republican committee members', are expected to tip the scales in Mukasey's favor and send his...

Ethics Reform Bill Sails Through Senate

Some Republicans unsatisfied with scope; Bush may not sign

(Newser) - The ethics reform bill, which tightens restrictions on congressional pet projects and lobbyist dealings, easily cleared the Senate today. The final vote was 83-14, with all of those opposed Republicans. Critics say the bill won't go far enough to curb earmark spending, the AP reports, but Dianne Feinstein praised the...

Senate Passes Energy Bill
Senate Passes Energy Bill

Senate Passes Energy Bill

Vehicles must hit a green 35mpg by 2020; Detroit seeing red

(Newser) - The Senate gave a green light to an energy plan that would pump total fuel-economy standards to 35 mpg by 2020, and require vehicles to run on 85% ethanol by 2015. Democrats say the bill will reduce America's reliance on foreign oil, help control gas prices and counteract the effects...

Dems Crank Up Heat on Gonzales
Dems Crank Up Heat on Gonzales

Dems Crank Up Heat on Gonzales

No-confidence vote on the table; US attorney hit list keeps growing

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales will face a non-binding motion of no confidence in the Senate as soon as next week, intensifying pressure on the AG to resign. The Washington Post reports today that the list of US attorneys his office considered for dismissal—which Gonzales has testified included just eight names—now...

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