higher education

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Harvard Loses Top Spot in College Rankings

But US schools clean up

(Newser) - Hang your head in shame, Crimson alums: After eight years on top, Harvard sank to a lowly second on the Times Higher Education ’s list of the world’s top 400 universities. Harvard was displaced by the California Institute of Technology (aka Caltech), thanks to its “consistent results...

We Need a Match.com for College Admissions

Our current system is badly outdated: Kevin Carey

(Newser) - It's time to bring the college admissions process into the modern age, writes Kevin Carey at the Atlantic . He doesn't mean the process by which elite students get into Ivy League schools—he means the real world, where the vast majority of students end up picking a school...

Top US Colleges: Williams College and Princeton Top Annual Forbes List

 America's No. 1 
 College: Williams 
in case you missed it

America's No. 1 College: Williams

And it's followed by Princeton, says Forbes

(Newser) - Forbes is out with its annual rankings of the top US colleges, and Williams College of Massachusetts is in the No. 1 spot for the second straight year. At $55,000, "a Williams education is certainly not cheap, but the 2,000 undergraduates here have among the highest...

It Is Way Too Easy to Graduate College

 It Is Way Too Easy 
 to Graduate College 

It Is Way Too Easy to Graduate College

Schools worry more about luxe sports fields and pharmaceutical patents

(Newser) - It's a hot question these days: Is college worth it? But writing for the Los Angeles Times, Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa don't beat the same old "expensive! bad job market!" angle into the ground. Instead they wonder if it's worth it because it's...

To Rake in the Dough, Major in Petroleum Engineering

Pysch major not the optimal choice for those seeking riches

(Newser) - Debating between engineering and English? Prospective college students may want to factor in a new census-based survey of salaries and careers in USA Today that projects the lifetime earnings of 171 college majors:
  • No. 1: Petroleum engineering majors can expect to make $4.8 million over a 40-year career, an

New College Degree: App Making

Grads won't have to look far for work, says Rasmussen College

(Newser) - Want to develop apps for smartphones? Now there's a college degree for that. Rasmussen College, which has campuses in five states and offers online courses, has launched 2- and 4-year degree courses in app making, the Telegraph reports. The director of the college's School of Technology estimates some 300,000...

Next Bubble to Burst? Higher Education, Says PayPal Co-Founder Peter Thiel

 Next Bubble to Burst? 
 Higher Education 

Next Bubble to Burst? Higher Education

We invest vast sums in a future that may not exist, says Peter Thiel

(Newser) - We’re in the midst of another bubble, and it's not an Internet one, according to PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel. It's a higher education bubble, and "like the housing bubble, the education bubble is about security and insurance against the future,” writes Sarah Lacy, who sat down to...

Prof Arrested for Closing Student's Laptop

Web-surfing student complains of finger injury

(Newser) - A professor who got fed up with a student surfing the Internet instead of taking notes has been arrested and suspended for closing her laptop. Frank Rybicki, a professor of mass media at Valdosta State University, was arrested for battery after the student complained that her finger had been hurt...

Is Brandon Davies the Only Guy Getting Laid at BYU?

Probably not, but it looks like he's in select company, explains

(Newser) - Brigham Young University’s decision to suspend basketball star Brandon Davies for having premarital sex stunned the sports world, which got Jeremy Singer-Vine of Slate wondering: Just how common is the horizontal tango at the Mormon university? It’s a tough question to answer. A 1954 study estimated that 14%...

Protesters Face Down Berkeley Riot Cops

Activists win concessions after 7 hours on ledge

(Newser) - A tense day of protests against massive budget cuts at UC Berkeley ended with protesters claiming victory. Eight activists who spent seven hours chained together on a fourth-floor ledge as riot police faced off with protesters below came down after reaching an agreement with campus officials, the San Francisco Chronicle...

Recruiters: Columbia, MIT Are So 'Second-Tier'

If you didn't graduate from Harvard, good luck getting a top job

(Newser) - If you’re determined to get a great job, you might want to quit your course of study at Cornell or Dartmouth and transfer to one of the "top 5" schools: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and Wharton. A new study shows that recruiters for the best law firms, investment...

College Tuition Skyrockets Again

Students lean more on government to afford school

(Newser) - College tuition headed north yet again this fall, forcing students and their families to lean more on the federal government to get by. Thanks to punishing state budget cuts, the average four-year public school tuition leaped 7.9% to $7,605, according to the College Board, while private nonprofit colleges...

Yale Plans Singapore College
 Yale Plans Singapore College 

Yale Plans Singapore College

It will open liberal arts school within national university

(Newser) - Yale plans to open a liberal arts college in Singapore, and has bigger plans of reshaping higher education in Asia. Yale-NUS—it's a partnership with the government-run National University of Singapore—is planned as a highly selective college that would draw talented students from all over Asia, where liberal arts...

Employers Like State School Grads, Not Ivy Leaguers

Survey says big companies prefer those from non-elite schools

(Newser) - Move over Harvard; when it comes to hiring entry-level employees, most businesses prefer to recruit from state schools, according to a new survey. The Wall Street Journal polled 479 of the country’s largest companies and asked where they did their recruiting. Of the top 25 schools they named, 19...

First Muslim College in US Opens

Zaytuna is located in Berkeley

(Newser) - The first Muslim college in America quietly began classes this week, amid the continued fervor over the proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero and a certain pastor bent on burning Korans. The location of Zaytuna College in Berkeley probably explains its relatively untroubled beginnings, though some conservatives have attacked the...

'Hey Mom, I Got an A in Zombie!'
'Hey Mom, I Got
an A in Zombie!'

'Hey Mom, I Got an A in Zombie!'

College course capitalizes on pop culture phenom

(Newser) - Zombies may not be rising up and seeking out tasty brains, but zombie culture is. And now a University of Baltimore professor is offering an English 333 course focusing on the undead, reports the Baltimore Sun . Arnold Blumberg's class will feature studies around zombie films and comics. Students also will...

Smartest Cities in America
 Smartest Cities 
 in America 

Smartest Cities in America

Boulder, Durham, DC trump Ivy stronghold Boston

(Newser) - The number-one brainiest city in America is a university town that major science research centers have made home and whose tech-friendly business culture draws start-ups: Boulder, Colo. Writing in the Daily Beast , Richard Florida ranks the country's 20 brainiest metro areas, as determined by things like number of adults with...

New Site Lets Students Bet on Their Grades

And yes, they can bet they will flunk—with 'grade insurance'

(Newser) - A new website is taking wagers from American college students who want to bet on their own grades. Just as Las Vegas sports books set odds on sporting events, Ultrinsic will pay top dollar for A's, a little less for the more likely outcome of a B average or better,...

7 Reasons Your Kids Should Skip College

It's a four year—or more—waste of time, author says

(Newser) - College is a must if you want to have a real career, right? Nope, it’s “a scam, a self-perpetuating Ponzi scheme that needs to stop right now,” writes James Altucher for DailyFinance.com . Here are his seven reasons you shouldn’t send your kids:
  • It’ll cost

US Sinks Like a Stone in College Grad Rankings
 US Sinks Like a Stone 
 in College Grad Rankings 
From No. 1 to No. 12

US Sinks Like a Stone in College Grad Rankings

Now in first place: Canada

(Newser) - So along with chronic social networking and oversharing, America's newest generation of young adults has another distinction: Possibly the first to be less-educated than their parents. The US has plummeted from first to 12th place among nations with the highest percentage of 25- to 34-year-olds with a postsecondary degree. Blame...

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