vice presidential sweepstakes

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McCain Seen Letting Obama Pick VP First

Careful timing around convention schedules could turn focus to GOP

(Newser) - John McCain probably will let Barack Obama make his vice-presidential pick before he does, Politico reports. GOP strategists hope that by making his announcement after Obama’s convention acceptance speech, McCain will be able to shift media focus toward his own campaign, as well as playing off the Democratic pick....

McCain's 4 Ways to Pick a Veep
McCain's 4 Ways to Pick a Veep

McCain's 4 Ways to Pick a Veep

Senator considers do-no-harm and shake-things-up approaches: Kristol

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign is divided when it comes to a running mate, and William Kristol speculates in the New York Times about the four strategies being discussed:
  • Defeat Obama straight up—If McCain thinks he’s winning, he’ll pick a “do no harm” widely-liked, uncontroversial running mate,

McCain Eyes Virginia Rep. Cantor for Veep

Fiscal conservative could spice up GOP campaign

(Newser) - John McCain is considering Virginia congressman Eric Cantor for the vice-presidential slot on his ticket, according to a campaign insider. As Barack Obama vets Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine as a possible No. 2, the state could turn into a vice-presidential battleground, Politico reports. Cantor, who has been a champion McCain...

Kaine Brings Pluses, Spotty Record to Veepstakes

Va. gov lands under the microscope

(Newser) - Tim Kaine doesn’t like his vice presidential chances, the Wall Street Journal reports. “It's flattering to be mentioned,” he says. “My mom loves it. I still think it's more likely that he'll go in another direction.” His Kansas roots appeal to Midwestern voters, his fluent...

Evangelicals to McCain: No Romney
to McCain:
No Romney

Evangelicals to McCain: No Romney

Mormon on GOP ticket would 'deeply sadden' religious right

(Newser) - Evangelicals do not want John McCain to pick Mitt Romney as his running mate, and they’re not being quiet about it, the Washington Times reports, with Mike Huckabee fans particularly in oppostion. “McCain and Romney would be like oil and water,” one says, citing the former Massachusetts...

Va. Gov. Kaine Rises to Top of Obama VP Pool
Va. Gov. Kaine Rises to Top of Obama VP Pool 

Va. Gov. Kaine Rises to Top of Obama VP Pool

Says talks are 'very serious'; Biden, Bayh, Sebelius in contention

(Newser) - Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine is in “very serious” talks about a spot on the Democratic ticket, sources tell the Washington Post. The 50-year-old has joined Sens. Evan Bayh, Joe Biden and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius on Barack Obama’s shortlist, bringing outsider credentials though no experience in foreign affairs,...

'Dream Ticket' Odds Fading
 'Dream Ticket' Odds Fading

'Dream Ticket' Odds Fading

Primary nemesis not asked to give background documents

(Newser) - An Obama-Clinton ticket is looking less and less likely, based on the public and private comments of both senators, the New York Times reports. Obama hasn’t asked Hillary Clinton for background check documents, and his recent statement that he’s looking for a Washington outsider suggests he won’t....

How Jindal Traded Vishnu for Jesus
How Jindal Traded Vishnu for Jesus

How Jindal Traded Vishnu for Jesus

Hindu-born La. governor's conversion could help McCain

(Newser) - When political observers talk about Bobby Jindal’s vice presidential credentials, they often mention that his devout Christian faith might sway the base. It’s a curious advantage for the Hindu-raised son of Punjabi immigrants, but Jindal’s conversion was the sincere product of a deep spiritual quest, the Wall ...

McCain May Pick VP Before Beijing
McCain May Pick VP
Before Beijing 

McCain May Pick VP Before Beijing

No, really this time, we think

(Newser) - John McCain is ready to announce his running mate, and he’s going to do it sooner rather than later, top aides tell the Washington Post. “He's in a position to make (the decision) on short notice if he wanted to,” said one adviser. The announcement will most...

Jindal Won't Take Veep Slot
 Jindal Won't Take Veep Slot 

Jindal Won't Take Veep Slot

But governor's being considered as keynote speaker, sources say

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal issued an uncommonly strong denial that he's interested in the veep slot on the GOP ticket—especially since he's considered a top contender, CNN reports.  But John McCain’s campaign could still feature the Louisiana governor. Republican sources say he’s being considered as keynote speaker at...

Flap Over Cop's Job Ensnares Alaska Gov.

Possible McCain VP pick allegedly pushed to fire sister's ex

(Newser) - Alaska's governor, a longshot possibility as John McCain's running mate, is under scrutiny in the wake of allegations she had the state's public-safety commissioner fired as part of a personal vendetta, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Walt Monegan says Sarah Palin pressured him to fire her sister’s state trooper...

McCain May Announce VP This Week
McCain May Announce VP This Week

McCain May Announce VP This Week

Or this rumor could be a 'head fake' to distract from the Obama blitz

(Newser) - Speculation is heating up that John McCain may pick his running mate this week, in a move to divert attention from the media frenzy surrounding Barack Obama's tour through the Mideast and Europe, CNN reports. Then again, there's speculation that the VP rumors themselves are just a “head fake”...

Crist Could Be Key as Veep Pick
 Crist Could Be Key as Veep Pick 

Crist Could Be Key as Veep Pick

Governor's strength in Fla. an important asset

(Newser) - Florida’s importance in the general election can hardly be overstated, and his presumed ability to deliver it for the Republicans is at the heart of the case for popular governor Charlie Crist in the veepstakes, writes Chris Cillizza for the Washington Post. McCain may select a VP with more...

Ex-HP Chief a Risky VP Choice
 Ex-HP Chief a Risky VP Choice 

Ex-HP Chief a Risky VP Choice

But prominent McCain adviser has clear ambitions

(Newser) - Carly Fiorina sparked stunned silence when talking over breakfast yesterday about the unfairness of health insurance plans that cover Viagra, but not birth control. “These women would like a choice,” she said, despite the fact that her nominee, John McCain, voted against a proposal to mandate coverage. Dana...

Webb Officially Pulls Out of Veepstakes

Senator says he told Obama last week he wouldn't run

(Newser) - Jim Webb withdrew his name from Barack Obama's VP shortlist today, squelching rumors he might bring military and foreign policy experience to the ticket, Chicago Tribune reports. The freshman Virginia senator has long denied interest, but says he bowed out officially last week. "I believe I am best equipped...

Pawlenty Struts His VP Stuff
Pawlenty Struts His VP Stuff

Pawlenty Struts His VP Stuff

Now mullet-free, Minn. governor has been all over cable news on McCain's behalf

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty's got plenty on his resume to get him on John McCain’s VP radar. He’s the governor of a key battleground state, a smooth campaigner, and an active GOP player who’s been working hard for McCain. But here’s the proof Minnesota's governor really wants the...

Obama-Biden Could Be the Ticket
Obama-Biden Could Be
the Ticket

Obama-Biden Could Be the Ticket

Senator has foreign policy chops, Catholic cred, stump skills

(Newser) - Joe Biden, the Delaware senator who sputtered out of the primaries in Iowa, may be the ideal VP for Barack Obama, writes Walter Shapiro in Slate. The 65-year-old chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee has international policy cred, a son heading to Iraq, a pull with Catholic voters, a "...

Who's the Best VP Pick? Take a Wild Guess

Political mag lists longshot candidates that strangely work

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi suggested an unlikely vice-presidential candidate for Barack Obama this week, and got Politico's editors thinking—who are the best longshot candidates for both parties? They called up political analysts and drummed up seven names that are "unconventional" but "reasonably viable." Bill Gates topped the list...

Fla.'s Crist Works Across the Eco-Lines

Guv backs alternative energy, but open to more oil drilling

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Charlie Crist is walking an environmental tightrope between encouraging conservation and alternative energy, and promoting oil exploration off the state’s coast, the Wall Street Journal reports.  Recent moves include the purchase of 300 square miles in the Everglades—a deal that shuts down the nation’s...

'Redneck' Lawmaker Gives Obama Unlikely Boost

Webb helps Dem's credibility on national defense

(Newser) - Jim Webb, Virginia’s firebrand junior senator, is becoming Barack Obama’s wing man for courting pro-military and national defense voters. A respected war veteran and best-selling novelist, he is also among the more colorful candidates for Barack Obama's VP slot. But the politician who calls himself a "redneck"...

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