vice presidential sweepstakes

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Deja Vu: Joe for Veep?
 Deja Vu: Joe for Veep?  

Deja Vu: Joe for Veep?

Party-swapping, hawkish Lieberman would push McCain to the center

(Newser) - John McCain's best choice for running mate may be a familiar face in the vice presidential slot—Joe Lieberman. The independent Connecticut senator would be the "first Jewish, party-crossing, second-time-around VP nominee in American history," and could push McCain toward the center just enough to attract valuable conservative...

Ex-Clinton Manager Joins Team Obama
Ex-Clinton Manager Joins Team Obama

Ex-Clinton Manager Joins Team Obama

Her role as VP aide may keep Hillary from joining ticket

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's former campaign manager and longtime loyalist Patti Solis Doyle will serve as chief of staff to Obama's eventual VP choice. This may mean that Clinton is unlikely to nab the veep spot, since Doyle—booted from Hillary's campaign—has not spoken to her since, Don Frederick blogs in...

Want to Be Veep? What to Do, and Not to Do
Want to Be Veep?
What to Do, and Not to Do

Want to Be Veep? What to Do, and Not to Do

Pundit advises the wannabes on how to play it cool

(Newser) - Dear wannabe running mates, here’s how to campaign for the No. 2 job, per Mark Halperin in Time: DO:
  • Prove you can be an attack dog while maintaining “eloquence.”
  • Suck up to Michelle/Cindy. They’ll have the final say before the final say.
  • Notify the campaign of

Carville Touts a Convenient VP
 Carville Touts a Convenient VP 

Carville Touts a Convenient VP

Nobel-winner would signal US is getting serious about energy policy, says he

(Newser) - Democratic strategist James Carville thinks Barack Obama should consider someone with a little experience for the vice presidency: like, say, former VP Al Gore. Carville told CNN that choosing the Nobel Peace Prize-winner would drive home the message that America is serious about a new energy policy. A third term...

Obama's Embattled Veep Hunter to Quit

Johnson was skewered over favorable mortgage he received

(Newser) - A member of Barack Obama’s VP selection team who has drawn a firestorm of criticism this week is stepping down from his post, CNN reports. “Jim [Johnson] did not want to distract in any way from the very important task of gathering information about my vice presidential nominee,...

Specter of Cheney Hangs Over VP Picks
Specter of Cheney Hangs Over VP Picks

Specter of Cheney Hangs Over VP Picks

Second banana must be capable, but not 'co-president'

(Newser) - Dick Cheney's shadow looms large as Barack Obama and John McCain consider possible VP candidates, Jules Witcover writes in Washington Post. Once hailed as a sober, responsible running mate, Cheney overstepped his bounds and impinged on the president’s authority. The next VP must be more restrained, Witcover writes, but...

Hillary on Obama's Veep Choice: 'His Alone'

Departing candidate says she's open, but not running for VP

(Newser) - Team Clinton tempered speculation that she was bargaining for the No. 2 spot today, deeming the VP choice “Senator Obama’s and his alone.” One day after Hillary Clinton told New York’s congressional delegation that she was open to being a running mate, the New York Times ...

'Dream Ticket' an Unlikely Nightmare

Having Bill on board could complicate things too much, aides say

(Newser) - The champagne was barely uncorked at Barack Obama victory parties before Hillary Clinton's backers were pushing for her as veep choice, the Wall Street Journal reports, but the so-called "dream ticket" is looking unlikely. Dems on both sides point to a host of complications that could arise—especially when...

Top Clintonites Push Hillary for Veep

Lanny Davis circulates petition

(Newser) - Mere hours after Barack Obama secured the Dem nomination, key Clinton insiders stepped up lobbying for a VP slot for her. Former White House staffer Lanny Davis started a petition drive—without campaign coordination, he insists—at, the Los Angeles Times reports. “We must field the strongest...

Obama's Female Veep Hopefuls Aren't Clintonesque
Obama's Female Veep Hopefuls Aren't Clintonesque

Obama's Female Veep Hopefuls Aren't Clintonesque

McCaskill, Napolitano, and Sebelius don't play up gender, aren't divisive

(Newser) - Unlike Hillary Clinton, the three leading female contenders for a spot on Barack Obama’s ticket aren’t divisive figures and haven’t played up their gender. Ben Adler, writing for Politico, takes a look at Kansas guv Kathleen Sebelius, Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, and Arizona guv Janet Napolitano.

Abortion Digs on VP Hopeful Sebelius Are Ridiculous

But nice try, right wing

(Newser) - Right-wingers may be gleefully lampooning Kathleen Sebelius as a money-launderer for an abortion doc, Tim Rutten writes in the Los Angeles Times, but one could make the equally ridiculous case that by writing about it Robert Novak is an Opus Dei operative plotting a national overthrow. Abortion couldn't hurt the...

'Wingnutty' Webb Can't Be Obama VP
'Wingnutty' Webb Can't
Be Obama VP

'Wingnutty' Webb Can't Be Obama VP

Loose cannon off-base on women, civil rights; won't get white vote

(Newser) - Many liberals are pining for James Webb to be added to a Barack Obama ticket, but the Virginia senator is “completely unacceptable”—severely lacking on affirmative action (which he has called “state-sponsored racism”), on women’s issues (he’s said females in the military “poison”...

Bill Likes Idea of Hillary as VP

Friends say he's beginning to talk up idea of her joining the ticket

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has vowed to keep fighting for the nomination, but family friends say Bill Clinton is warming to the idea of an Obama-Clinton ticket, the New York Times reports. He sees it as Hillary's best chance to eventually become president and thinks her big-state victories have earned her serious...

Rating McCain's Potential VPs
 Rating McCain's
 Potential VPs 

Rating McCain's Potential VPs

Er, barbecue guests

(Newser) - John McCain may claim he’s just having Bobby Jindal, Charlie Crist, and Mitt Romney over for a barbecue this weekend, but it’s pretty clear the GOP’s presumptive nominee is really scouting VP candidates. So Politico ran down the merits of each potential ticket filler:
  •  Louisiana Gov.

McCain to Meet Possible VPs This Weekend

Crist, Jindal, Romney set to visit GOP candidate in Arizona

(Newser) - John McCain will meet with three men this weekend thought to be on his short list of vice-presidential candidates, the New York Times reports: Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Mitt Romney. McCain's camp remains mum on possible VPs—though the candidate says he has a list...

Huckabee VP? 'My Job Right Now Is to Get Him Elected'

Huckabee's happy to chat about the GOP's future but won't be drawn on veep chances

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee's as busy as ever two months after dropping out of the GOP race, giving speeches around the country and campaigning for GOP candidates everywhere—including, of course, John McCain, who is said to have the former preacher on the top of his list of potential veeps. So would...

Who Are They Eyeing for VP?
 Who Are They Eyeing for VP? 

Who Are They Eyeing for VP?

Blogger runs down likely veep candidates for Obama and McCain

(Newser) - “Since McCain and Obama appear to have the nominations locked up,” it's time to start eyeing the veepstakes, Chris Cillizza writes in The Fix blog. Here are his top three for each presumptive nominee, GOP first:
  1. Tim Pawlenty: The Minnesota governor is a longtime McCain backer, and widely

Here's Why Clinton-Obama Ticket Won't Work ...

Hil too proud, Barack too cool, Politico says

(Newser) - Nobody knows what Hillary Clinton will do if she's not the Democratic nominee, but Politico's John F. Harris and Jonathan Martin list five reasons she shouldn't be Barack Obama’s VP:
  • Clinton’s rep as a Washington insider will undercut Obama’s cool factor.
  • Who says Clinton would take the

... And Here's Why It Will
 ... And Here's Why It Will 

... And Here's Why It Will

Obama needs her, and besides, he doesn't really have a choice, Politico says

(Newser) - Barack Obama would be wise to put Hillary Clinton on his ticket, write John F. Martin and Jonathan Harris in Politico. Here's why:
  • Obama has no choice. He needs Clinton’s Catholic and blue-collar supporters, and he’ll be pressured to include her for the party’s sake.
  • He may

Kennedy Wants 'Leadership,' Not Hillary, for VP

Democratic Sen. 'doesn't think it's likely given the tenor of the campaign'

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy vetoed a spot for Hillary Clinton on the Barack Obama ticket, saying their fellow senator needs a running mate “in tune with his appeal for the nobler aspirations of the American people.” He laughed off suggestions of a dream ticket, Politico reports, saying, “I don’...

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