traumatic brain injury

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After Suicide, NFL Player's Brain Goes to Research

Scientists focus on effect of repeat injuries

(Newser) - Celebrated Bears safety Dave Duerson killed himself this week at age 50, and his family is donating his brain to science to see whether his suicide may have been related to concussions and brain injuries received as a player. "He had informed (his family) at some point that he...

Plucky Giffords: Hi, I'm Good
 Plucky Giffords: Hi, I'm Good 

Plucky Giffords: Hi, I'm Good

Mouthing song lyrics, talking on phone as she progresses

(Newser) - The once-eloquent Gabrielle Giffords is slowly re-learning how to talk, mouthing the words to "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star " and "I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby," and even telling her brother-in-law in space by phone: "Hi, I'm good." It’s "not like...

US Military Awash in Deadly Prescription Drugs

Powerful drug cocktails for stress, depression can be deadly

(Newser) - When Senior Airman Anthony Mena was found dead in his apartment, he had eight prescription medications in his blood, including three antidepressants, a sleeping pill, a sedative, and two powerful painkillers—but it was the combination of those drugs that killed him, not his own hand. The US military's medical...

Giffords Can Move Both Sides of Her Body

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand spoke with husband Mark Kelly, passes on details

(Newser) - More good news on the Gabrielle-Giffords-recovery front : She's now able to move both sides of her body. Speaking on Meet the Press today, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said she had spoken with Giffords' husband last night, and the update was a good one: "She's using both sides of her body....

Woman Rams Stiletto Into Beau's Brain

'My eye! My eye!' screams victim

(Newser) - A British woman kicked at her boyfriend in a cab in the middle of drunken argument, driving her 3-inch stiletto heel into his eye to his brain. "The heel went through the left eye of Gavin Taylor and fractured the socket and entered his brain and caused a blood...

Top Snowboarder Slowly Regains Consciousness

Olympic hopeful Kevin Pearce has 'long recovery' ahead

(Newser) - Doctors have upgraded Kevin Pearce’s condition from critical to serious and say the snowboarder is slowly regaining consciousness after a spill last week that left him with a traumatic brain injury. That’s “faster than anticipated,” one doctor says, but “he still has a long recovery...

Neeson 'Taking Each Day as It Comes'

Actor talks for the first time about wife's death

(Newser) - Liam Neeson and his boys are “taking each day as it comes,” he tells ABC. In his first interview since wife Natasha died in March, Neeson says his two sons, ages 13 and 12, are “getting along as best they can." The actor says he's "...

Woodruff: I'm Going Back to Iraq
 Woodruff: I'm Going Back to Iraq 

Woodruff: I'm Going Back to Iraq

(Newser) - Bob Woodruff returned to Iraq today, 3 years after he and his cameraman were seriously injured in a bombing there, he blogs for ABC. Still rehabbing from a serious brain injury, he says returning was a tough decision. “None of us could ever have imagined then that I would...

Catholic Teacher Held in 'Murder Attempt' on Student

British science teacher allegedly struck 14-year-old with a weight

(Newser) - A teacher in a Catholic school in England has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a student he allegedly attacked suffered serious head injuries, reports the Guardian. The teacher assaulted the 14-year-old boy with a weight block used in a science lab as class was about to begin,...

Quebec Docs Push to Make Ski Helmets Mandatory

Minister may act after Richardson death

(Newser) - Doctors in Quebec are pressing their case to the province's sports minister to make helmets mandatory for skiers, the Montreal Gazette reports. They met with the minister yesterday, the same day Natasha Richardson died after falling on a beginners' course there. She had no helmet. Minister Michelle Courchesne will next...

'Walk and Die' Syndrome Likely Killed Richardson

Head injury from ski fall caused delayed bleeding in the brain

(Newser) - The head injury Natasha Richardson sustained in a skiing accident produced what doctors call "walk and die" syndrome, a UCLA neurologist tells the Los Angeles Times. Patients in such cases at first seem fine, walking and talking normally, but they swiftly deteriorate due to delayed bleeding from an...

Richardson Off Life Support
 Richardson Off Life Support 

Richardson Off Life Support

(Newser) - Natasha Richardson's family has taken the actress off life support, the New York Post reports. Family members including husband Liam Neeson, her two children, and her mother, Vanessa Redgrave, were standing vigil by her hospital bedside. Richardson, 45, suffered a critical brain injury in a ski accident two days ago....

Could Helmet Have Saved Richardson?
Could Helmet Have Saved Richardson?

Could Helmet Have Saved Richardson?

Celeb's ski accident renews debate on safety gear

(Newser) - Natasha Richardson’s crippling accident while taking beginner's lessons has renewed the ski-helmet debate, the New York Times reports. Safety gear is more popular today—43% of Americans donned helmets last ski season, up from 25% 5 years prior—but still not required. Critics point out that fatalities haven’t...

Richardson Injured in Ski Accident

Actress in critical condition

(Newser) - Natasha Richardson is in critical condition following a ski accident in Canada, reports Irish Central. The actress and wife of Liam Neeson suffered a traumatic brain injury and was admitted to a Montreal hospital. “Neeson left the Toronto set immediately to fly to Montreal upon news of his wife’...

360K US Troops Suffer Brain Injuries

As many as 20% of war vets have had concussions or worse

(Newser) - The number of US troops who have suffered wartime brain injuries may be as high as 360,000, say Defense Department doctors. They estimate that between 10% and 20% of the roughly 1.8 million Americans who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan had such injuries—the vast majority of...

Vets' Families Seek Pay as Caregivers

Say disability money doesn't cover needs for injured troops

(Newser) - Wounded soldiers receive disability pensions based on the extent of their injuries, but for many families that money doesn't come close to covering the costs of caregiving. After Matt Keil returned home a quadriplegic, his wife, Tracy, quit her job to care for him, losing a $58,000 per-year income...

Athletes to Donate Brains for Concussion Study

New research center studies the effects of concussions

(Newser) - A dozen athletes have agreed to donate their brains to a new research project that will study them for the long-term effects of concussions, the New York Times reports. The Boston University center has already  examined the brains of six deceased NFL players, finding brain damage in five cases. Former...

Mental Disorders Huge Issue for US Troops

300K have depression or stress from combat, and half don't seek help

(Newser) - 300,000 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have either post-traumatic stress disorder or major depression, and another 320,000 suffered brain injuries, the AP reports. RAND Corporation, in the first private evaluation of mental injury from the conflicts, found 18.5% of combat troops suffered from major depression...

Pentagon Delayed Brain Scans for Returning Troops

Brass feared troops would blame health woes on TBI

(Newser) - Seeking to duck controversy, the Pentagon did not screen returning US troops for brain injuries for more than 2 years. Top brass feared that soldiers would blame minor health woes on brain trauma—which could spark another Gulf War Syndrome, Air Force Col. Kenneth Cox told USA Today. But one...

Woodruff Fights for Words
Woodruff Fights for Words

Woodruff Fights for Words

Wounded ABC newsman describes continuing struggle

(Newser) - When ABC's Bob Woodruff reported recently from North Korea, he appeared fully recovered from horrific head injuries he suffered in Iraq. In fact, he has a lingering disorder that could have ended his career as a journalist. He discusses working with expressive aphasia, a struggle to remember words, with Christine...

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