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Steve Jobs: 'Just Avoid Holding It in That Way'

Apple's fix for reception issues is fairly low-tech

(Newser) - As the Internet rages about what seems to be an accidental bias against left-handed users by Apple, the people over at Engadget shared with the world tonight an email exchange between an Apple customer and Steve Jobs himself in which the latter responds to a complaint about signal degradation with...

Careful How You Hold the iPhone—It Can Lose Reception

Users complain of weird tech glitch if you touch antenna

(Newser) - When you hold the iPhone in your hands and touch the outside antenna band in two spots, it can drop reception (or at least lose bars). Put the phone down and your bars return. Gizmodo has the details of this odd glitch along with reader-submitted videos of the problem. (A...

Man in iPhone 4 Line Mugged
 Man in iPhone 4 Line Mugged 
plus more fom the queues

Man in iPhone 4 Line Mugged

Technophiles get in line, plus some early complaints

(Newser) - iPhone 4 mania is upon us: Long lines, early complaints, and...a mugging? News from the endless queues waiting for the device, which went on sale today in the US, UK, France, Germany, and Japan:
  • While those waiting in line were more than willing to give up their money to

iPhone 4 Lives Up to the Hype
 iPhone 4 Lives Up to the Hype 
Tech Review

iPhone 4 Lives Up to the Hype

Critics love the awesome camera, screen, and new features

(Newser) - The iPhone 4 hits tomorrow, and tech reviewers everywhere are incredibly impressed. Here's what they're saying:
  • The iPhone 4 is “a major leap over its already excellent predecessor,” writes Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal . The new features work very well, and the redesign “manages to

3 Million iPads Sold
 3 Million iPads Sold 

3 Million iPads Sold

11,000 million apps available for device

(Newser) - Consumers and business have purchased 3 million iPads so far, TechCrunch reports. A statement from Apple revealed that the new gadget had hit the 3 million mark in the 80 days since it was released, way ahead of analysts' expectations. Apple also announced that 11,000 iPad applications are available,...

Why Microsoft Is Doomed to Be an Also-Ran
 Why Microsoft Is Doomed 
 to Be an Also-Ran  
Henry Blodget

Why Microsoft Is Doomed to Be an Also-Ran

Or worse. Its two biggest businesses—Windows and Office— are close to obsolete

(Newser) - Henry Blodget winds up big and delivers a broadside against Microsoft on Business Insider today . The fact that Apple's market value passed Microsoft's a couple weeks ago is only the beginning. Blodget points out that a huge majority of Microsoft's profits come from Windows and Office, and both are being...

Farewell, Dear iPad: It's Not You, It's Me
 Farewell, Dear iPad: 
 It's Not You, It's Me 
in case you missed it

Farewell, Dear iPad: It's Not You, It's Me

Early adopter returns it because 'it's too good'

(Newser) - An unhappy early adopter of the iPad explains in the Harvard Business Review why he returned it to the store: "It's too good." Peter Bregman toted it everywhere and used it for email, to check news and traffic, and to watch the occasional episode of Weeds. He showed...

Apple Suspends iPhone 4 Pre-Orders After 600K Sold

Initial batch of June 24 pre-orders is gone, baby, gone

(Newser) - Considering the fact that people waited in line snag a spot in another shouldn't come as a major shock that Apple and AT&T both sold out of iPhone 4 pre-orders in one day; those lucky buyers will get to stand in a queue next Thursday to...

iPhone 4 Pre-Orders Overwhelm System

Customers line up for hours for Apple's new wonder

(Newser) - iPhone madness has arrived: stores were mobbed with customers who queued for hours to get a chance to pre-order the upcoming iPhone 4 today. For most, the day ended in chaos, says Gizmodo : AT&T apparently underestimated demand, and both their in-store and web-based pre-order interfaces were frozen much of...

'Suicide Factory' Workers Relocated to Avoid Raises

Only iPhone workers will get hefty wage hikes promised by Foxconn

(Newser) - Here's one way to avoid paying the hefty raises promised to 300,000 workers at the suicide-plagued Foxconn electronics plant in Shenzhen, China: move most of them to less expensive, remote plants in other parts of the country. Foxconn is apparently keeping the iPhone workers in Shenzhen, but moving Hewlett...

The Poor Tale of Apple's 3rd Founder
 The Poor Tale 
 of Apple's 3rd 
in case you missed it

The Poor Tale of Apple's 3rd Founder

Ron Wayne sold his 10% stake for just $800

(Newser) - You know Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak as Apple's founders, but you probably don't know the tale of third founder Ron Wayne. The Chicago Tribune presents the somewhat sad story of the then 42-year-old, who designed the original logo and wrote the manual for the Apple I computer—but got...

FBI Probes iPad Security Breach

Email addresses included high-ranking gov. officials

(Newser) - Amid reports that the email addresses obtained by iPad hackers included those of high-ranking government officials, the FBI has launched a probe into the security breach. The hacker group calling itself Goatse Security obtained a list of more than 100,000 email addresses that included politicians, CEOs and celebrities. "...

Don't Sweat the iPad Security Breach*

*Unless you're worried about AT&T's basic ability to protect your data

(Newser) - Fear not, iPad users. The AT&T security screw-up that gave hackers free and easy access to your email address probably isn’t anything to lose sleep over in and of itself, writes John Herrman of Gizmodo . The leak, which could have affected anyone with a 3G-capable iPad, wouldn’t...

Security Breach Exposes iPad Owners

At least 114,000 user accounts may have been compromised

(Newser) - A security glitch may have left more than 100,000 iPad owners exposed to hackers, reports Ryan Tate of Gawker . The breach has been closed in recent days and looks to be the fault of AT&T, but it's nonetheless a "rattling development" for Apple because it "exposed...

Foxconn Ends Suicide Payments to Families

Says 'condolence' payouts of 10 years' wages were acting as incentives

(Newser) - The suicide-plagued Chinese electronics plant Foxconn will no longer be giving money to the families of employees who kill themselves. The company, which previously paid victims' families more than $14,000 each—equivalent to 10 years' wages—explained the move by saying it fears the generous compensation was motivating workers...

White House's New Must-Have: iPad

Apple's 'magical' device a hit at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave

(Newser) - Known as technophiles during the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama's top advisers have a "magical" new gadget to geek out on: The iPad, which has become a staple in the White House. The Washington Post undertook the important journalistic endeavor of exposing early adopters like Rahm Emanuel (who has "...

Peeved Apple Bars Gizmodo From iPhone Unveiling
Peeved Apple Bars Gizmodo From iPhone Unveiling
WWDC 2010

Peeved Apple Bars Gizmodo From iPhone Unveiling

Tech blog will still live blog the event—sort of

(Newser) - Steve Jobs has found his sweet revenge: Gizmodo's request to attend today's super-high-profile Worldwide Developers Conference—in which Jobs is expected to unveil the new iPhone that Gizmodo leaked —has been met with radio silence from Apple, leading the tech blog to make the awkward choice of creating a...

Toddlers: The New iPad Whizzes, Addicts

New generation's love of touchscreens could reshape media

(Newser) - The iPad is becoming a major hit with toddlers—or at least with toddlers who have parents happy to plunk a $500 gadget in their hands. Parents say kids as young as 18 months are learning their way around the iPad's touchscreen with uncanny speed. And after putting the device...

Apple 'Suicide Plant' Hikes Wages Again

Foxconn announces 66% performance-based pay raise

(Newser) - The owners of a suicide-plagued electronics plant in southern China have announced the second pay rise in under a week. Foxconn employees, who received a 30% across-the-board hike last week, will be eligible for a 66% performance-based pay rise if they pass a 3-month performance review, Reuters reports. Execs say...

Why the iPhone 4G Won't Be Worth the Money
Why the iPhone 4G Won't Be Worth the Money

Why the iPhone 4G Won't Be Worth the Money

Mostly because the current one does

(Newser) - When the iPhone first debuted, it was in a class by itself. But these days it's “a triumph of marketing over functionality,” writes Mark Warman of the Telegraph . Unless the following issues are fixed, there's no point getting a 4G.
  • It's anti-technology: Apple keeps rejecting new features other

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