Nintendo Wii

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'Halo 3' Sells Record $170M in First Day

Explosive debut stands to boost Microsoft's Xbox 360 console

(Newser) - Microsoft's "Halo 3" lived up the hype, the Wall Street Journal reported today, bringing in an estimated $170 million on its first day of release to shatter the record set by its predecessor, "Halo 2." Analysts say the first-person shooter game should be a boon for sales...

Sony Delays Answer to ‘Second Life’

Former trailblazer's ‘Home’ won’t drop now until spring

(Newser) - Adding to a string of setbacks, Sony today delayed the release of its competitor for virtual world touchstone "Second Life," until next spring. The interactive world "Home"—made for PlayStation 3—has been demonstrated several times, the AP reports, and was to land before year’s...

Wii Are the Champions
Wii Are the Champions

Wii Are the Champions

Nintendo game console outsells Sony and Microsoft combined

(Newser) - Vdeo gamers were reaching for the Wii-mote in July after buying up an impressive 425,000 Nintendo Wii consoles—more than twice the sales of either X-Box 360 or Playstation 3.  It was a strong month for video games as a whole, with console sales more than doubling since...

Microsoft Drops Price of Xbox 360
Drops Price
of Xbox 360

Microsoft Drops Price of Xbox 360

Trims $50 in wake of Sony's cuts to PlayStation3

(Newser) - Microsoft is shaving $50 off the price of Xbox 360 video game consoles in the US, just a month after Sony dropped the price of its PlayStation3 by $100. Both have faced unusually strong competition from Nintendo’s hot Wii, Reuters reports, and want to boost preholiday sales. Premiering in...

They're Back From the Dead
They're Back From the Dead

They're Back From the Dead

5 brands that were revived by dramatic intervention

(Newser) - These five companies were flatlining until they made bold management decisions.  Business Week tells you how they did it.
  1. Nintendo: The Wii dared to market to families and non-gamers
  2. Audi:  Banked on engineering and prowess and didn't get distracted

Nintendo Dominates Industry Show
Nintendo Dominates Industry Show

Nintendo Dominates Industry Show

Reeling competitors can't monkey with Wii's success in console wars

(Newser) - The video game industry met for its annual E3 trade show this week, and the word is Nintendo's got game. While Sony and Microsoft scramble to restart, beset by slumping sales and expensive hardware woes, the Wii is humming along to acclaim and soaring profit margins. Other companies even pared...

Japanese TV Is Losing to Wii
Japanese TV Is Losing to Wii

Japanese TV Is Losing to Wii

Nintendo system steals prime-time audiences as families play together

(Newser) - Ratings are plummeting for Japanese prime-time TV shows as audiences increasingly turn to playing games on Nintendo's Wii system. Wii, which dominates the nation's $30B video games market, has stolen TV's "golden hour,"  thanks in part to parents who are choosing to share family time on Wii's...

Sony Slashes Price of PlayStation 3

Floundering console still costs twice as much as a Wii

(Newser) - Sony is easing up on the retail price of its struggling PlayStation 3 by $100. The console will now cost $500—$20 more than the Xbox 360 and twice as much as the bestselling Nintendo Wii. Sony's CEO had promised to hold the price, but poor receipts appeared to necessitate...

Too Much Action Gives Gamers Wiiitis

Couch potatoes report shoulder, wrist injuries from Nintendo's addictive Wii

(Newser) - If you're suffering from tennis shoulder but the only tennis you've been playing is virtual, it could be too much Wii. The Nintendo video game with the innovative motion sensitive controller is putting a strain on players' wrists and shoulders—a condition one physician diagnosed as  "wiiitis." 

Wii Will Rock You, But for How Long?

Success depends on continued appeal to casual gamers

(Newser) - The Wii is riding high in the console wars, with demand far exceeding supply since the system debuted in November—but it may be just a fad. Although Nintendo's strategy of appealing to a broader slice of the population than teenage button-mashers seems to be working, the LA Times reports,...

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