Mitch McConnell

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Dems Seek $1T 'Swan Song' Budget

Figure less than 1% higher than past year's

(Newser) - An uproar over spending may have spurred a midterm drubbing for Democrats, but they still aim to push through a $1 trillion budget bill during the lame-duck session that begins today, the Wall Street Journal reports. Washington is currently operating on a temporary budget that expires Dec. 2; Democrats hope...

Sen. McConnell Asked Bush to Pull Iraq Troops

... while denouncing the Democrats for doing the same

(Newser) - The controversy keeps on flowing from the pages of George Bush's memoir . The top Republican in the Senate urged the president to "bring some troops home from Iraq" to help prevent the party from taking a beating in the 2006 mid-term elections, Bush writes in Decision Points. At the...

Republicans Plot to Oust Michael Steele

Haley Barbour's nephew leading charge to replace him

(Newser) - Republican leaders are quietly pressuring Michael Steele to resign while the resigning’s good, and looking for candidates to run against him if he ignores that advice. Though most weren’t willing to talk about it on the record, sources tell the New York Times that the likes of John...

GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' &mdash;They Shouldn't
GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' —They Shouldn't
William Saletan

GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' —They Shouldn't

If it was really such a great strategy, the GOP would have used it

(Newser) - Following the midterm elections , the Republicans have made it clear what they think Democrats should do: “Change course,” as John Boehner said on election night and Mitch McConnell said two days later. And maybe they’re right, writes William Saletan in Slate : “When voters strip you of...

Cantor: Obama, Pelosi Just Don't Get It
 Pelosi Just 
 Don't Get It 


Cantor: Obama, Pelosi Just Don't Get It

Lots of other sparring, slicing, and dicing on your Sunday show roundup

(Newser) - Apparently President Obama and Nancy Pelosi aren't listening to the message Democrats were given Tuesday, complains Eric Cantor. "When you hear the president say things like 'we did a poor job of explaining what we were trying to do,' that is indicative of his not getting it,"...

Obama 'Open' to Tax-Cut Compromise

President may be willing to give ground after midterm losses

(Newser) - In what promises to be an, ahem, interesting dinner party, President Obama will meet with both sides of the aisle at a Nov. 18 White House dinner—during which tax cuts will be at the top of the agenda. What's more, the White House may be willing to compromise in...

Congratulations, Boehner. Now Move Mountains
Congratulations, Boehner. Now Move Mountains

Congratulations, Boehner. Now Move Mountains

Our next speaker has just two years to prove Republicans are the answer

(Newser) - John Boehner , you’re the next speaker of the House: Now what? The Republican leader faces no shortage of seemingly impossible challenges, notes Jennifer Steinhauer in the New York Times . The voters who helped his party to triumph yesterday know what they don’t want—more of the same—...

Franklin Graham: Islam is 'Wicked'
Franklin Graham: Islam is 'Wicked'
Sunday Show Roundup

Franklin Graham: Islam is 'Wicked'

Elsewhere: Bill Richardson says Dems are 'scared' of tea party

(Newser) - ABC’s This Week waded into some controversial waters today with a town hall discussion on Islam, and no one was more controversial than Rev. Franklin Graham (son of Billy), who called the religion “evil” and “wicked.” Quoth Graham: “They want to build as many...

GOP Is Extorting Middle Class
 GOP Is Extorting Middle Class 
Paul Krugman

GOP Is Extorting Middle Class

Krugman: Mitch McConnell might as well be a gangster

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell knows he doesn’t have the votes to blow up the budget by extending big tax cuts for the rich. “So he’s trying to get what he wants by pointing a gun at the heads of middle-class families,” writes Paul Krugman of the New York ...

McConnell: Freeze All Tax Rates

 Freeze All 
 Tax Rates 

McConnell: Freeze All Tax Rates

Says Americans have 'had it' with Dems' '2-year adventure in expanded gov't'

(Newser) - John Boehner might vote to extend middle-class tax cuts while letting those on the top 2% expire, but Mitch McConnell wants them frozen—across the board, no ifs, ands, or buts. Saying Americans have "had it" with Dems' "fiscal recklessness," the Senate majority leader today introduced legislation...

Blago: I'll Be Back
 Blago: I'll Be Back 

Blago: I'll Be Back

Just as soon as all these pesky trials go away

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich isn't about to let a little thing like a corruption trial jettison his political career any more than he's about to have a droopy hair day, reports Politico. "I'm not ruling myself out from coming back because because I will be vindicated in this case," he...

Obama: GOP Slogan Is 'No, We Can't'
 GOP Slogan 
 Is 'No, We Can't' 


Obama: GOP Slogan Is 'No, We Can't'

President embarks on 3-day fundraising trip

(Newser) - President Obama began three days of campaigning for his fellow Democrats today ahead of the midterm elections, promising that homegrown clean-energy industry would replace lost manufacturing jobs, the AP reports. Speaking to a group of workers at ZBB Energy in Milwaukee, Obama excoriated Republicans for their near-constant opposition: "These...

McConnell Snaps at Franken: 'This Isn't SNL'

Senate minority leader not amused by funny faces

(Newser) - There was too much of the funnyman about Al Franken for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell yesterday. The comedian-turned-senator was presiding over the Senate as McConnell made a speech opposing Elena Kagan's confirmation to the Supreme Court . Franken appeared to be shifting in his seat and making faces, which McConnell...

Mitch McConnell Wants to 'Review' 14th Amendment

That pesky part about birthright citizenship

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell thinks Congress “ought to take a look” at changing the 14th Amendment so that it does not grant citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. That puts McConnell right in line with a growing Republican push on the issue, alongside Jon Kyl and Lindsey Graham, the Hill...

Biden: Dems Will 'Shock Heck Out of' GOP in Nov.

 Biden: Dems 
 Will 'Shock 
 Heck Out of' 
 GOP in Nov.

Biden: Dems Will 'Shock Heck Out of' GOP in Nov.

Don't anyone listen to that gloomy Robert Gibbs

(Newser) - It's not every day gaffe-prone Joe Biden gets sent in to rescue the official White House mouthpiece, so savor this one: The veep forcefully backpedaled on Robert Gibbs' assertion last week that Dems could lose the House, saying, "I think we're going to shock the heck out of everybody....

Emanuel: BP's CEO 'Got His Life Back'
 BP's CEO 
 'Got His 
  Life Back' 


Emanuel: BP's CEO 'Got His Life Back'

Hayward has no future in PR, says Rahmbo

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel isn't so sure that BP CEO Tony Hayward should keep his day job, but he definitely should rule out a career in PR after his yachting debacle. "Well, to quote Tony Hayward, he has got his life back,” Emanuel told This Week, adding that, "This...

Now Being Asked to Please STFU: Rand Paul

(Newser) - Well, this didn't take long. Republican leaders are ready for Rand Paul to please be quiet, please. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told John King on CNN Tuesday night that it's time for the newly nominated GOP Senate candidate from Kentucky to take a break from talking to the media...

GOP Blocks 3 Anti-Wall Street Moves

Senate Republicans slam amendments

(Newser) - Maybe Dems don't have the momentum they thought they had: Senate Republicans yesterday blocked three amendments Wall Street hates. The first and most controversial, known as Levin-Merkley, would have banned commercial banks from trading for their own benefit with taxpayer money. The second would regulate payday loans, while the third...

2 Miners Dead in Kentucky
 2 Miners Dead in Kentucky 

2 Miners Dead in Kentucky

Roof collapses at mine with history of violations

(Newser) - A rescue team found a second Kentucky miner dead today after a roof collapse at coal mine with a long history of safety problems. The two miners, ages 27 and 28, were killed in an accident at the Dotiki Mine near Providence in western Kentucky. They were operating what's known...

GOP Drops Filibuster on Financial Reform

They agree to allow the bill onto the floor for debate

(Newser) - The three-day standoff over the financial reform bill is over in the Senate. Now the real fight begins. Republicans dropped their filibuster and allowed the bill to proceed to the floor for debate instead of blocking it a fourth time. Talks to forge a bipartisan deal behind closed doors apparently...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>