Mitch McConnell

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GOP Blocks Debate on Financial Bill for Third Time

Political stalemate continues in the Senate

(Newser) - See if this sounds familiar: Republicans today blocked debate on a financial reform bill in the Senate, reports the AP . As promised, Harry Reid tried for the third time in as many days to bring the bill to the floor, only to run into unified GOP opposition. He said earlier...

New, Fightin' Obama Calls Out Foes
 New, Fightin' Obama 
 Calls Out Foes 

New, Fightin' Obama Calls Out Foes

No more Mr. Nice President

(Newser) - It's hard to imagine that critics once complained that Barack Obama wasn't tough enough. Lately, he's been savaging his opponents by name, Politico notes, tossing verbal jabs directly at Mitch McConnell, Sarah Palin , Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and more. It's a deliberate effort to get back the “spunk...

Clock Ticking, but No Deal Yet

 Clock Ticking, 
 but No Deal Yet 
talk show roundup

Clock Ticking, but No Deal Yet

Test vote on financial reform expected tomorrow

(Newser) - Harry Reid still plans an important test vote on financial reform tomorrow, but there's no bipartisan deal yet. Lead negotiators Chris Dodd and Richard Shelby said on Meet the Press they'll keep working on it today, reports CNN , while Mitch McConnell is sending filibuster signals. "It’s my expectation...

McConnell Shifts, Says Deal on Financial Bill Near

He takes credit, and Chris Dodd laughs

(Newser) - The prospects of financial reform passing the Senate appear to be much better today, with Mitch McConnell making decidedly less confrontational noises, reports the Washington Post and Talking Points Memo . "We believe the process to achieve (a bipartisan bill) has now been reconstituted," said McConnell, who claimed that...

Republicans Want to Abolish Financial Firemen
Republicans Want to Abolish Financial Firemen
Paul Krugman

Republicans Want to Abolish Financial Firemen

McConnell is doing Wall Street's bidding

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell wants to abolish fire departments—they just bail out burning buildings. We won’t get out of this mess until the biggest buildings are allowed to burn! That’s essentially what McConnell’s latest assault on financial reform amounts to, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times ...

McConnell Lacks Votes for Filibuster
 McConnell Lacks  
 Votes for Filibuster 
financial reform

McConnell Lacks Votes for Filibuster

Susan Collins balks at signing his letter

(Newser) - Republican hopes of derailing the Democratic bill on financial reform appear to be in trouble. Mitch McConnell doesn't have the necessary votes for a filibuster, reports the Hill . At least one GOP senator, Susan Collins of Maine, has balked at signing a letter promising to bring proceedings to a halt....

Sen. Warner: McConnell 'Doesn't Understand' Bill

Or, 'he chooses not to understand' financial reform legislation

(Newser) - The arcane debate of financial reform is getting a little personal. Democratic Sen. Mark Warner said Mitch McConnell "doesn't understand or chooses not to understand" the complexities of the reform legislation. He fired back after McConnell said the bill meant "endless taxpayer-funded bailouts for big Wall Street banks,...

Democrats Defy Wall Street, GOP on Bank Reform

Banks trying mightily to kill restrictions on derivatives

(Newser) - Democrats defied Wall Street lobbyists’ push to kill new reforms on derivative trading yesterday, and got an earful from Republicans for their troubles. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Morgan Stanley have been leaning heavily on Blanche Lincoln’s Agriculture Committee to scrap a plan to force derivatives—which, incidentally, played a...

Democrats to Play Offense in Court Fight

Will attack 'conservative judicial activism,' citing Citizens United ruling

(Newser) - “Judicial activism” isn’t just a conservative buzzword anymore. Democrats intend to use the upcoming confirmation battle over John Paul Stevens’ successor to argue that it’s the conservatives on John Roberts’ court who are litigating from the bench, high-ranking Democrats tell Politico . Exhibit A: The wildly unpopular Citizens...

Health Care Reform Winners and Losers
 Health Care Reform 
 Winners and Losers 

Health Care Reform Winners and Losers

Obama, Pelosi, GOP come out looking good; flip-floppers, not so much

(Newser) - The winners and losers of the health care reform battle will take years to determine, but Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post has some early choices. The winners:
  • President Obama: "He ran on doing big things and now will have health care to show for that pledge when he

For Liberals, a Bracket of Evil
 For Liberals, a Bracket of Evil 

For Liberals, a Bracket of Evil

No hoops knowledge? No worries here

(Newser) - Feeling left out of the NCAA basketball bracket-mania because of hoops-knowledge deficiency? If politics is more your thing, activist cell-phone company Credo Mobile has you covered with its “ Bracket of Evil .” Features matchups include Dick Cheney vs. Fox News (in the media division), Sarah Palin vs. Michele Bachmann...

Republicans the Tea Party Hates, Loves
 the Tea Party 
 Hates, Loves 


Republicans the Tea Party Hates, Loves

John McCain, you are not Mr Popularity. Michael Steele, neither are you.

(Newser) - Republicans hoping to ride the Tea Party wave this year and beyond might end up soaked. Politico surveyed leaders of the movement nationally, and found that almost every single prominent Republican was on the Tea Party's bad list. The party whipping boy? 2008 GOP nominee John McCain, underscoring the disconnect...

GOP Hopes Blue Dogs Can Kill Health Bill

Republicans see Democratic split in House as last chance

(Newser) - Republicans’ latest strategy in their war against health care reform: Get the Blue Dogs to kill the bill for them. With the public increasingly weary of congressional gridlock, the Republicans would rather the bill die “without their fingerprints on the body,” writes David Rogers of Politico . They also...

Sebelius: 'We'll Have the Votes'
 'We'll Have 
 the Votes' 


Sebelius: 'We'll Have the Votes'

Lindsey Graham stands with Obama on Gitmo, disses reconciliation

(Newser) - Kathleen Sebelius wouldn't say when or how, but she had a singular message today on Meet the Press: "I think we'll have the votes for comprehensive health reform." Politico reports that the secretary of Health and Human Services said that despite opinion polls to the contrary, "The...

GOP Vows to Stall Health Care Vote

'We're going to scrub the bill,' McConnell promises

(Newser) - Democrats want to get the health care bill passed by Easter, but that could be impossible given the enormous procedural complexity of the task—and the unyielding Republican opposition. Though the reconciliation process allows the Senate to pass the bill with a simple majority, it still gives Republicans plenty of...

Bunning Cuts Deal, Ends Jobless Filibuster
Bunning Cuts Deal, Ends Jobless Filibuster

Bunning Cuts Deal, Ends Jobless Filibuster

Benefits will be extended a month; senator can offer amendment

(Newser) - Republican Jim Bunning has agreed to end the one-man filibuster that’s cut unemployment and other benefits to thousands of workers, making a deal with the Senate leaders of both parties tonight. Roll Call reports that Bunning will support a one-month extension of the benefits in return for the Senate...

Pelosi: GOP Had a 'Field Day' With Health Care
 Pelosi: GOP 
 Had a 'Field Day' 
 With Health Care 


Pelosi: GOP Had a 'Field Day' With Health Care

(Newser) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stormed the talk shows today, beating the drum on health care reform on taped interviews on This Week and State of the Union. "The bill can be bipartisan," she said, without a single GOP vote, because current legislation is closely aligned to what Republicans...

Powell: It's Time to Lay Off Obama

 It's Time 
 to Lay Off 

Powell: It's Time to Lay Off Obama

Republicans, at some point, are going to have to do something, he says

(Newser) - It's time to get past the incessant partisan potshots being taken at President Obama and forge some progress, Colin Powell told Face the Nation today. "I don’t think the country will be well served if the next three years are attempts to bring him down and destroy him...

Senate Confirms 27 Obama Nominees

 Senate Confirms 27 
 Obama Nominees 
prez makes threat then...

Senate Confirms 27 Obama Nominees

Critics accuse GOP of 'blinking'

(Newser) - Twenty-seven Obama nominees were confirmed last night following a tense exchange between the president and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Critics accused McConnell and the GOP of "blinking" in the face of the president's threat to make recess appointments over the President's Day break. Republicans denied the claim, saying...

Larry King Better Than Feds at Interrogation: McConnell

Senate's top Republican blasts Obama on terror

(Newser) - Perhaps a little too pumped up by his new 41-59 majority in the Senate, Republican leader Mitch McConnell lashed the Obama administration for allowing would-be Detroit bomber Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab to lawyer up.

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