Oprah Winfrey

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James Frey Returning to Oprah
 James Frey Returning to Oprah 

James Frey Returning to Oprah

Talk show queen eviscerated him for faking memoir

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey eviscerated him on her talk show (and later apologized for it ), but James Frey is ready to return to the scene of the crime. The author, who famously found himself the recipient of Oprah's wrath when it was revealed he fabricated portions of his so-called memoir,...

Jane Curtin: Belushi Was Totally Sexist

'SNL' was a 'misogynistic environment,' she tells Oprah

(Newser) - You hear a lot of nostalgic reminiscing about John Belushi and how funny he was , but not from Jane Curtin. Yesterday on Oprah she recalled the "misogynistic environment" of Saturday Night Live in the 1970s, noting that Belushi was particularly to blame. "[John] said, 'Women are just fundamentally...

Obamas On Oprah: First Couple Returning for One of Winfrey's Final Shows
 Obama Returning to Oprah 

Obama Returning to Oprah

First couple to appear on one of host's final shows

(Newser) - President and Michelle Obama have been lined up to appear on one of the final episodes of the Oprah Winfrey Show. The Obamas—who last made a joint appearance on Oprah in 2006—will tape an episode of the chat show later this month, and the show will be aired...

Shirley MacLaine: I Had 3 Men in One Day

It was her one experiment with 'sexscapades,' she tells Oprah

(Newser) - Shirley MacLaine certainly has no problem discussing her apparently very active sex life. She disclosed to Oprah Winfrey yesterday that she's had "an awful lot of lovers," as well as "a lot of awful lovers." Even so, she says, she wasn't into "sexscapades ... although I...

Oprah to Trump: Let Me Give You a Makeover

Well, really, that hair...

(Newser) - What better way to end Oprah Winfrey’s show than by … giving Donald Trump a haircut! That’s what the talk show queen has in mind for one of her final episodes, the New York Post reports. In an emailed invitation to the Donald, Winfrey’s people reportedly promise...

Oprah Makes Nice With Ex-Pals— but Why?

Allison Samuels examines the talk-show queen's buried hatchets

(Newser) - One of Oprah's new favorite things seems to be burying the hatchet, writes Allison Samuels for Time . The talk-show queen had Iyanla Vanzant—an author whose friendship with Oprah fell apart more than a decade ago after Vanzant accepted an offer from Barbara Walters to host her own show—on...

Oprah's Network Already Getting a Reboot

After just two months, advertisers are worried

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey’s cable network has been on the air for just two months, and it’s already getting a reboot. Advertisers are worried about struggling ratings—last week, the audience actually fell below the numbers that Discovery Health had been getting before the Oprah Winfrey Network replaced it. (And...

Dead Baby Linked to Oprah's School

Teen student brought infant in bag to hospital while seeking treatment

(Newser) - More bad news for Oprah Winfrey's scandal-plagued school in South Africa: A dead infant was discovered in a bag belonging to a student brought to the hospital for excessive bleeding, reports E! The 17-year-old girl remains in the hospital, and officials believe she gave birth at Winfrey's Leadership Academy for...

Here's Your Acronym for a Healthier Diet: ERF

 Here's Your Acronym 
 for a Healthier Diet: ERF 

mark bittman

Here's Your Acronym for a Healthier Diet: ERF

As in Eat Real Food, writes Mark Bittman

(Newser) - America's taking baby steps toward eating a diet of real food, writes Mark Bittman in the New York Times. He rounds up a trio developments—the USDA urging people to eat less , Michelle Obama teaming up with Walmart , and Oprah challenging her staff to go vegan for a week. All...

Last Season, Big Secret: How Convenient for Oprah

Lisa de Moraes questions Winfrey's timing, motives

(Newser) - It’s her show’s final season, she’s just back from Australia, and suddenly she’s got a big surprise: Oprah has a long-lost half-sister! What a fortunate coincidence for the queen of talk, writes Lisa de Moraes in the Washington Post . This despite the fact that Oprah met...

Oprah Reveals Big Secret
 Oprah Reveals Big Secret 

Oprah Reveals Big Secret

Winfrey introduces audience to her long-lost sister

(Newser) - Looks like Kitty Kelley's prediction was right: Oprah Winfrey revealed her big family secret today, and it turned out to be news of a long-lost sister. Her mother gave a baby named Patricia up for adoption in 1963, when Winfrey was nine, she announced on today's show. ( TMZ has...

Oprah: I'll Unveil Big Secret Monday

Family secret 'shook me to my core'

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey knows a thing or two about staging reunions, but she's taking the one on Monday to a personal level: The talk-show diva says she'll unveil "the miracle of miracles," a family secret she'd discovered only recently. "I was given some news that literally shook me...

Oprah: I Drank Detergent as a Pregnant, Suicidal Teen

Winfrey reveals childhood struggle to Piers Morgan

(Newser) - As a 14-year-old girl, hiding a pregnancy from her father, Oprah Winfrey was so desperate she contemplated suicide. “When I lost that baby, whom I had no connection to whatsoever, I … felt nothing but just, OK, relief. Because I thought before the baby was born, I’m going...

In CNN Debut, Piers Morgan Fawning, So-So

A kinder, gentler Piers takes center stage

(Newser) - The obnoxious Piers Morgan familiar to reality show fans was nowhere to be seen as Piers Morgan Tonight made its debut in Larry King's old time slot on CNN, say critics. Morgan was fawning and deferential during his highly publicized interview with Oprah Winfrey. Some early reaction:
  • "Morgan's nerves

Oprah's a Hypocrite, and Her New Network Proves It

Winfrey preaches one thing, practices another, writes Nancy Franklin

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey has always been a sort of contradiction: A person who touts “the betterment of the species,” yet frequently features guests like, well, Jenny McCarthy; a person who is interested in “spirituality and personal growth,” yet connects with her audience through very, very expensive gifts....

Obnoxious Piers Morgan Is the 'Anti-Larry King'
Obnoxious Piers Morgan
Is the 'Anti-Larry King'
big debut tonight

Obnoxious Piers Morgan Is the 'Anti-Larry King'

Host faces mammoth task as show begins tonight, writes Brian Stelter

(Newser) - Tonight, Piers Morgan takes over Larry King’s time slot—but he won’t take on King’s style. Morgan is "in many ways the anti-King," writes Brian Stelter for the New York Times : "obnoxious, obsessively prepared, and eager to tape his interviews in advance as often...

Oprah: Why I Once Ate 30 Pounds of Mac and Cheese

It all has to do with a very evil doll...

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey was not happy when her 1998 film Beloved got trounced at the box office by, of all things, Bride of Chucky. "I didn't even know what 'Chucky' was,” she tells Piers Morgan in an outtake from their interview . “So, I asked my chef at the...

Oprah Winfrey Network Is Same Old 'Reality TV Dreck'

The talk show queen missed a real opportunity

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey is legendary—and considering she “literally changed the face of daytime television,” it’s really too bad that her new network serves up a bunch of “voyeuristic dreck,” writes Jennifer E. Mabry on The Root . Instead of “ambitious, adventurous, and creative” programming, we...

Oprah Winfrey Network Launches
The Oprah Winfrey Network
Is Here

The Oprah Winfrey Network Is Here

But it's mostly previews until Monday

(Newser) - As the world battled its New Year’s Eve hangover , Oprah Winfrey celebrated 2011 by launching her highly anticipated Oprah Winfrey Network , or OWN. The Discovery Health Channel officially turned into OWN today at noon, the New York Times reports. Winfrey welcomed viewers and called it “very exciting” to...

Bill Maher to Oprah: Enough With the Materialism

He sees her 'Favorite Things' episodes as a sign of what's wrong with America

(Newser) - Bill Maher has a special Christmas message for Oprah Winfrey: Tell your “worshiping flock to sit down and stop losing your s**t over material stuff.” In a video on his website , the Real Time host called Oprah’s annual “Favorite Things” episode “one of the most...

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