Gayle King

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Oprah Winfrey Network Launches
The Oprah Winfrey Network
Is Here

The Oprah Winfrey Network Is Here

But it's mostly previews until Monday

(Newser) - As the world battled its New Year’s Eve hangover , Oprah Winfrey celebrated 2011 by launching her highly anticipated Oprah Winfrey Network , or OWN. The Discovery Health Channel officially turned into OWN today at noon, the New York Times reports. Winfrey welcomed viewers and called it “very exciting” to...

Oprah to Barbara Walters: 'I'm Not a Lesbian'

Tearful Winfrey dismisses 'dumb rumors' in interview

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey looked to settle the gay rumors swirling about her relationship with best friend Gayle King in an interview with Barbara Walters, Mediaite reports. “I’m not a lesbian—I’m not even kind of a lesbian,” Winfrey said. The persistent "dumb rumors" are irritating, she...

Oprah, Gayle Joke About Lesbian Rumors
 Oprah, Gayle Joke 
 About Lesbian Rumors 
'c'mon in, baby!'

Oprah, Gayle Joke About Lesbian Rumors

Winfrey and King sleeping in the same camper? Ooooh-la-la...

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey has long fended off rumors that she and best friend Gayle King are gay. The pair recently camped in Yosemite together, airing clips on Oprah’s show, and slept in the same camper: “Let’s just add to that lesbian rumor,” joked Gayle, prompting a very...

Obama Has Birthday Dinner With Oprah, Chicago Pals

But did he have the truffle popcorn?

(Newser) - Michelle couldn't make it, so Oprah did the honors last night, joining the president for a dinner celebrating his 49th birthday at Graham Elliot , a chic but playful restaurant in Chicago known for serving truffle popcorn instead of bread. Also on hand were Oprah pal Gayle King and Obama stalwarts...

Oprah: Gayle Hates 'So-Called Biography'

Winfrey slams Kitty Kelley tell-all

(Newser) - Wondering how Oprah Winfrey feels about Kitty Kelley’s tell-all? Well, she still hasn’t said…but her best friend and rumored lover Gayle King is not a fan. Winfrey presented an award to King yesterday and called her the kind of friend who “sometimes cares about my life...

What It's Really Like to Work for Oprah

Ex-Harpo staffer dishes on life with the queen

(Newser) - Seems that Kitty Kelley’s Oprah tell-all isn’t the only place to get juicy behind-the-scenes gossip on the talk show queen. An ex-Harpo staffer was more than happy to share a few bizarre stories of working for Winfrey with Gawker . The weirdest: Producers would ask for a Diet Coke,...

5 Biggest Shockers in Oprah Tell-All

Well, 'shockers,' is a relative term

(Newser) - We’ve already heard all about the inevitable sexual orientation speculation in Kitty Kelley’s Oprah Winfrey tell-all, but there’s more to the book than that. The five revelations ABC News considers the “most shocking”:
  • Her mother: Oprah keeps her mother "on a very short leash,"

Kelley on Oprah: 'She's Never Going to Come Out'
 Kelley on Oprah: 
 'She's Never 
 Going to Come Out' 
tell-all biography

Kelley on Oprah: 'She's Never Going to Come Out'

Tell-all speculates about sexuality, quotes celeb friends

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey is the target of a new tell-all biography, complete, of course, with speculation about her sexual proclivities—if she has any. Oprah and Gayle King are "the emotional equivalent of a gay couple," Rosie O'Donnell said last year. "When they did that road trip together...

What's Next for Oprah's Sidekicks
 What's Next for 
 Oprah's Sidekicks 
a whole new world

What's Next for Oprah's Sidekicks

The big O's departure could upset a lot of apple carts

(Newser) - Oprah’s exit from broadcast TV could have big implications for the protégés and hangers-on who owe her their careers. The Chicago Sun-Times looks at what’s next for the denizens of Planet Oprah:
  • Gayle King: O, the Oprah Magazine should keep on trucking, so King, its editor-at-large,

Oprah to Rosie: Stop Calling Me Gay!
 Oprah to Rosie: 
 Stop Calling 
 Me Gay! 

Oprah to Rosie: Stop Calling Me Gay!

Winfrey to O'Donnell: 'I don't want to hear it anymore!'

(Newser) - Watch out, Rosie: You got yourself on Oprah’s bad side. The talk-show queen is upset with O’Donnell after the comedian recently told Howard Stern that Winfrey and BFF Gayle King "are the emotional equivalent of" a gay couple—especially since this isn’t the first time Rosie’...

Rosie: I Almost Dated Angelina
 Rosie: I Almost Dated Angelina 

Rosie: I Almost Dated Angelina

O'Donnell also talks Kelli Carpenter, and whether Oprah Winfrey is gay

(Newser) - Rosie O'Donnell finally discussed her relationship problems on yesterday's The Howard Stern Show, but let's just skip right to the best part of the interview: Rosie's almost-date with Angelina Jolie. "She gave me her phone number," O'Donnell says. "There was a tentative plan to have dinner that...

Oprah Offers Sneak Peak Into First Lady Chat

Host to give fans a look at White House interview, new puppy

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey will tell viewers all about her White House interview with Michelle Obama on today's show, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The host also plans to give fans their first look at the cocker spaniel puppy she adopted from a Chicago shelter recently. The Obama interview will be showcased in...

Oprah Visits the White House
 Oprah Visits the White House 

Oprah Visits the White House

Michelle Obama interviewed for her magazine

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey and BFF Gayle King traveled to Washington this week for a sit-down with Michelle Obama, the Washington Post's "Reliable Source" reports. An upcoming issue of O, the Oprah Magazine will feature the interview with the first lady, and that news is sparking speculation that Obama will...

Oprah Will Attend Convention—Quietly

Talk show queen leaves Obama the spotlight

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey will be at this month's Democratic convention, but the queen of talk won't be alongside Barack Obama when he accepts the nomination. Oprah would rather "blend in" with the 70,000-strong crowd and leave the spotlight to her candidate, her friend Gayle King says. But the Los ...

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