Rand Paul

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Rand Paul 'Seriously' Considers 2016 Run

Seeks broader Republican appeal

(Newser) - On the heels of his 13-hour filibuster , Sen. Rand Paul says he's "seriously" considering running for president in 2016, Politico reports. "I think our party needs something new, fresh, and different," the Tea Party favorite says. Republicans "have to figure out how to appeal to...

Senate Confirms Brennan for CIA

Rand Paul's filibuster delayed it but didn't derail it

(Newser) - John Brennan has won Senate confirmation to head the CIA after a late struggle that had more to do with presidential power to order drone strikes than with the nominee's credentials to lead the spy agency. The vote this afternoon was 63-34. Brennan will replace Mike Morrell, the acting...

McCain, Graham Slam Paul's 'Ridiculous' Filibuster

Republican senators call it a cheap political stunt

(Newser) - Rand Paul may be winning praise for his Senate filibuster , but two of his Republican colleagues hated it. John McCain and Lindsey Graham took to the Senate floor themselves today to criticize the talk-a-thon, with McCain calling it "ridiculous" and Graham arguing that it "cheapened" the debate on...

Rand Paul: I Thought About Using a Catheter

Ultimately decided against it, filibustering senator jokes

(Newser) - Rand Paul's obviously not that committed to fighting the White House policy on drone strikes against Americans on US soil ... because if he was, he could have used a catheter yesterday, and could thus still be filibustering away . "I did think about it," the senator joked to...

Rand Paul Shows Senate How It&#39;s Done
 Rand Paul Shows 
 Senate How It's Done 

Rand Paul Shows Senate How It's Done

Kentucky senator used filibuster for principle, not partisanship

(Newser) - Rand Paul's old-fashioned talking filibuster may not derail John Brennan's nomination, but pundits are almost universally praising the Kentucky senator's moxie. Here's what people are saying:
  • "It became clear as the Kentucky Republican talked (and talked) that he was creating a major moment for a

13 Hours Later, Rand Paul's Filibuster Ends

He ended it with a joke

(Newser) - Rand Paul made it nearly 13 hours: The Republican senator/Tea Party favorite ended his old-style filibuster shortly after midnight today, but Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would continue to oppose confirmation of John Brennan's nomination to be CIA director. Paul's performance, which centered on questions about...

Rand Paul Staging Old-School Filibuster

Senator holds up vote on CIA nominee over drone strategy

(Newser) - It's possible the Senate will get a chance to confirm John Brennan as the next CIA chief tomorrow—unless Rand Paul's voice holds out. The Kentucky Republican began a genuine filibuster about 11:45am today, reports USA Today . That is, he's not taking advantage of the modern...

Holder: US Can Kill an American on Home Soil

But in response to hypothetical query, he stresses it's unlikely

(Newser) - Eric Holder says President Obama would be in his rights to order the killing of a US citizen on American soil under rare circumstances, reports Mother Jones . But in a letter to Rand Paul answering Paul's question on the matter, the attorney general stressed it would have to a...

Paul, Tea Party Slam &#39;Robin Hood&#39;
 Paul, Tea Party 
 Slam 'Robin Hood' 

state of the union

Paul, Tea Party Slam 'Robin Hood'

Senator urges cuts in State of the Union response

(Newser) - Rand Paul called for more "Adam Smith" and less "Robin Hood" as he gave the Tea Party's response to President Obama's State of the Union. "Government is the problem," the Kentucky senator said, calling for drastic spending cuts. Sequestration's automatic cuts aren't...

Rand Paul to Give Tea Party Response to Obama

Sets up contrast between him, Rubio

(Newser) - The Tea Party will again have its own official response to President Obama's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, and it has picked Rand Paul to deliver it, reports CNN . The Kentucky senator will speak after Marco Rubio delivers the GOP response . "We are giving a...

Senator Says Clinton Used 'Theatrics' to Dodge Question

Ron Johnson says her outburst was calculated

(Newser) - The big highlight from Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony today remains her showdown with Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. He pressed her on how she handled the terrorists-vs-spontaneous-protest matter, and she shot back, "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. What difference, at...

Rand Paul's Son Arrested at Airport

Police: 19-year-old was drunk, disorderly on Saturday morning

(Newser) - The 19-year-old son of Sen. Rand Paul and grandson of Ron Paul was arrested on Saturday morning for disorderly conduct, underage drinking, and public intoxication at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport, the Charlotte Observer reports. Police suspect William Hilton Paul, 19, had been served alcohol on his flight from Lexington,...

Rand Paul: Yep, I'm 'Interested' in 2016

Senator also discusses his dad's legacy

(Newser) - He's not one of the big names , but Rand Paul has been rumored as a possible presidential contender in 2016, and today he confirmed that is indeed a possibility. "I want to be part of the national debate," he told ABC News . "I’m not going...

Rand Paul: I Support Mitt, But Not His Foreign Policy

Rand outlines disagreements on CNN

(Newser) - Rand Paul is campaigning for Mitt Romney this week, but the Republican senator wants you to know that doesn't mean he supports Romney's foreign policy ideas. Paul has sometimes been "encouraged"—like when Romney called for ending the war in Afghanistan "sooner rather than later"...

Rand Paul: ObamaCare Still Unconstitutional

Private enterprise mightier than the 'collective'

(Newser) - Talk about getting government—and courts—off our backs ... Rand Paul declared ObamaCare "unconstitutional" again tonight, despite what the Supreme Court has ruled. "When the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, the first words out of my mouth were: I still think it is unconstitutional! The leftwing blogs were merciless....

GOP Salutes Ron Paul in Video
 GOP Salutes Ron Paul in Video 

GOP Salutes Ron Paul in Video

He 'changed the conversation,' says McConnell

(Newser) - It may not be enough to appease supporters of Ron Paul who think he's getting a raw deal at the convention, but Republicans kicked off night No. 2 with a glowing video tribute to him, reports the Wall Street Journal . Sample quote from Mitch McConnell: “Whether people want...

Tonight&#39;s RNC Stars: Paul Ryan, Rand Paul

 RNC Stars: 
 Paul Ryan, 
 Rand Paul 

Tonight's RNC Stars: Paul Ryan, Rand Paul

John McCain, Condoleezza Rice to speak as well

(Newser) - Tonight is Paul Ryan's turn to shine at the Republican National Convention. The VP candidate will deliver his keynote speech at 10pm, and while he'd like to use it to talk policy, the Romney team has convinced him to focus on his immigrant family and small-town values instead,...

GOP Makes It Harder for Future Ron Pauls

Rule change will clamp down on insurgent candidates

(Newser) - For his efforts on the campaign trail this year, Ron Paul will get ... a video tribute at the Republican convention on Tuesday night. He'll also get to listen to son Rand speak on Monday night, but Ron himself has been shut out of any speech-making. Paul's followers aren'...

Santorum, Jeb Bush Will Speak at Convention

Latest round of speakers includes Rand Paul, Mary Fallin

(Newser) - Another round of Republican National Convention speakers has been announced, and leading the pack is former Mitt Romney arch-rival Rick Santorum. Some top Romney aides had hoped Santorum wouldn't speak after he offered some bruising primary attacks against the former governor, Reuters notes. Also speaking will be Kentucky Sen....

Ron, Rand Paul Push Internet Freedom

They want the government to keep its hands off

(Newser) - Ron Paul and his son Rand are backing a libertarian manifesto seeking to defend the Internet from government regulation. "Around the world, the real threat to Internet freedom comes not from bad people or inefficient markets ... but from governments' foolish attempts to manage and control innovation," says the...

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