Rand Paul

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Rand Paul Endorses Romney (and It Matters)

Ron's son looks to be positioning for 2016

(Newser) - Arguably the most diehard supporter of Ron Paul has packed it in: Son Rand endorsed Mitt Romney, soon after his father suspended his campaign . "My first choice had always been my father," the Kentucky senator told Fox's Sean Hannity, according to the Hill . "I campaigned for...

Rand Paul's TSA Scuffle Now Raking in Cash for Dad

Ron Paul urges supporters to contribute to 'End the TSA Money Bomb'

(Newser) - Rand Paul's "detainment" by the TSA couldn't have been timed better: Dad Ron is now using Monday's incident to raise funds for his presidential campaign, the Daily Caller reports. The elder Paul emailed supporters asking them to contribute to his "End the TSA Money...

Rand Paul Refuses TSA Patdown, Gets Detained

Ron Paul's son being detained 'indefinitely,' says spokesperson

(Newser) - Apparently the Pauls are willing to go quite far to maintain their libertarian principles: Rand Paul, son of presidential candidate Ron Paul, was detained by the TSA at Nashville International Airport this morning when he refused to submit to a patdown, WSMV reports. A Paul spokesperson confirms that the Kentucky...

Ron Paul&#39;s Possible Big Plan: Rand in 2016
Ron Paul's Possible
Big Plan: Rand in 2016

Ron Paul's Possible Big Plan: Rand in 2016

Which means dad might not launch a third-party run this year: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - The GOP establishment has a nightmare vision about Ron Paul this year, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . It goes like this: Paul doesn't get the party nomination and exacts his revenge by launching a third-party run on the Libertarian ticket that siphons votes from the Republican nominee and gives...

Bachmann Predicts Iowa &#39;Miracle&#39;
 Iowa 'Miracle' 

Bachmann Predicts Iowa 'Miracle'

GOP candidates are busy, busy, busy today

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann, lately languishing in last place in Iowa polling, is waiting on a "miracle" in Tuesday's caucuses, reports Politico . Appearing on This Week today, the Minnesota rep said "polls sometimes belie the truth on the ground. This is about what we're seeing in reality, and...

Obama (and His Autopen) Sign Patriot Act Extension

Congress passed four-year extension just hours before deadline

(Newser) - With just hours to go before the Patriot Act expired at midnight, Congress passed a four-year extension last night—but with President Obama in France, how to get it signed? With something called an autopen machine, apparently. The machine holds a pen and signs the president’s real signature, and...

Rand Paul Files for Re-Election —Already

It's just a tad early considering 2016 is five years away

(Newser) - Rand Paul has only been on the job for a few months, but he wants everyone to know, for the record, that he's definitely running for reelection in five years ... assuming he doesn't become president or anything first. The Kentucky senator made the unusual move of filing a...

Tea Party on Budget Deal: 'We Won' to 'Disappointed'

Not everybody's happy, but Boehner doesn't have a mutiny on his hands

(Newser) - John Boehner put a happy face on the grinding budget deal reached last night, but reactions varied among the GOP rank-and-file—specifically those with their eye on the Oval Office. Some reactions from around the Beltway, courtesy of Politico:
  • Michele Bachman: “The deal is a disappointment for me and

Thanks to Obama, My Toilet Won't Flush: Rand Paul

Senator slams administration's energy-efficiency rules

(Newser) - Sen. Rand Paul yesterday ripped into the Energy Department's efficiency rules, which he says require Americans to buy poorly-flushing toilets and unwanted light bulbs, reports USA Today . "My toilets don't work in my house. And I blame you and people like you who want to tell me what I...

Don't Like My Plan to Cut $500B? Then Do This...

Sen. Rand Paul offers challenge to those who don't like his proposal

(Newser) - Rand Paul is trumpeting his plan to cut $500 billion in spending once again , this time in the pages of the Wall Street Journal , where he calls his "a modest proposal when measured against the size of our mounting debt." He runs through its elements—he doesn't touch...

Rand Paul: GOP Not 'Brave Enough' to Make Big Cuts

Says deficit measures come before party loyalty

(Newser) - When it comes to the budget deficit, Sen. Rand Paul says fellow Republicans "aren't maybe yet brave enough to talk about the cuts to come.”" The new House GOP budget plan is "really not going to touch the problem," he told ABC News . While the...

Paul: I'll Cut Fed Workers, Wages 10%

Rest of 'balanced budget' cuts would come from 'across the board'

(Newser) - Newly minted US Senator-elect Rand Paul scrambled yesterday when pressed to come up with federal cost cuts—but finally said he'll aim to slice the number of federal workers and their wages by 10%. Pit bull reporter Christine Amanpour repeatedly needled Paul on ABC's This Week to move beyond "...

Has Palinism Been Refudiated?

 Has Palinism Been 

Has Palinism Been Refudiated?

Alaskan may emerge a diminished figure after high-profile losses

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is looking like one of the biggest non-Democratic losers in the midterm elections, according to some analysts. High-profile losses among the candidates she endorsed , especially in Alaska, where Lisa Murkowski appears bound for victory as a write-in candidate , are likely to undermine her credibility, the Economist notes. It...

Tea Party: Now What?
 Tea Party: Now What? 

Tea Party: Now What?

This is just the beginning, activists say

(Newser) - The Tea Party proved itself to be a major force in yesterday's elections, but a force for what has yet to be determined. "No one in this movement is stopping today. This is not an endgame. This is just a beginning," a leader of the Tea Party patriots...

Note to Rand: How Do You Spell C-o-m-p-r-o-m-i-s-e?

Battle for Tea Party soul will pit extremists against pragmatists in DC

(Newser) - Eyeglass-doctor-turned-Kentucky-senator Rand Paul faces a massive learning curve in a complicated arena where compromise and strategy is the name of the game, note the Christian Science Monitor . Paul is perhaps the Tea Party's most fervent idealog of any of last night's victors. He doesn't have much of a chance of...

Democrats Keep Senate; Harry Reid Beats Angle

Barbara Boxer, Rand Paul win; Christine O'Donnell, Linda McMahon lose

(Newser) - They may have lost the House, but Democrats will keep control of the Senate, barely. In big blue victories to help seal it, Harry Reid held off Sharron Angle in Nevada, while Joe Manchin won in West Virginia and Barbara Boxer in California. Earlier, Rand Paul (Kentucky), Marco Rubio (Florida),...

The Most Covered Candidates of 2010

Guess who's No. 1?

(Newser) - When it comes to the most covered candidates of the midterm elections, is it any surprise that Tea Partiers claim five of the top 10 slots? The Pew’s Project for Excellence in Journalism analyzed the election stories produced by 52 TV networks, websites, radio stations, and newspapers since Jan....

8 Senate Races to Watch
 8 Senate Races to Watch 
midterms 2010

8 Senate Races to Watch

These races will decide just how good the GOP's night is

(Newser) - It’s Election Day, folks, and we're here to give you the low-down. All eyes are certainly on the Senate, where Democrats have a chance to keep their majority, provided they can win a few close races. Here's what's happening, according to the Washington Post , complete with links to our...

Tea Partiers Stoked About Legal Pot

Libertarianism trumping Reagan-era attitudes in California

(Newser) - Smaller government, lower taxes ... and legal marijuana? Tea Partiers aren't generally associated with toking, but Californians backing Proposition 19 say a surprisingly large share of the movement is planning to vote to legalize pot. Tea Partiers— as well as many Republicans in general —have a strong libertarian streak and...

Where The Big Races Stand
 Where the Big Races Stand 
polling roundup

Where the Big Races Stand

Rand Paul and Marco Rubio up big, Harry Reid, Sharron Angle too close to call

(Newser) - With T-Minus one day to the election, here's where the most-watched races in the country stand:
  • Harry Reid and Sharron Angle are locked in a dead heat; the latest Public Policy Polling survey has Angle squeaking ahead 47% to 46%.
  • Looks like harping on the Aqua Buddha incident didn't help

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