Nancy Pelosi

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>

Stimulus Likely To Be Recipe for Paralysis

Parties in sync now, but 'Act 2' sure to be partisan bickering

(Newser) - Get ready for that glow to wear off: The good feeling on Capitol Hill over a stimulus package will end as soon as the first deal is done, with Republicans and Democrats digging in on various economic cures. The next legislative round, Politico reports, will likely see GOPers fighting to...

Bush Favors Tax Rebates for Stimulus

Congress considers refunds of up to $800 as recession fears grow

(Newser) - President Bush's plan to give the economy a temporary lift favors tax rebates of up to $800 for individuals and tax breaks for businesses, the AP reports. Bush met privately with lawmakers today and will outline his plan tomorrow. Congress hopes to act quickly as fears of a recession grow....

Boehner Angry About Dems' Cafe Standards

Peeved about 'shaved persimmon;' prefers pronounceable foods

(Newser) - Democrats have been in charge of Congress for a year, but only now have they begun to force leftist foods down GOP throats—and the ranking House Republican’s not hungry. Said John Boehner of the new outfit running congressional cafeterias, “I like real food. … Food that I...

Congress, Bush Push Stimulus Plan
Congress, Bush Push Stimulus Plan

Congress, Bush Push Stimulus Plan

Smelling recession, two parties step up effort for economic relief package

(Newser) - With Democrats and Republicans increasingly spooked about a looming recession, the two sides appear ready to work together on an economic stimulus package of about  $100 billion in tax cuts and spending, the New York Times reports. Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid yesterday wrote to President Bush, "We...

Bush Vetoes Defense Bill, Delays Troops' Pay Raise

Iraq lawsuit provision sidetracks measure

(Newser) - President Bush vetoed a wide-ranging defense-spending measure today after Iraqi politicians objected to a proviso buried in the bill enabling Iraqis to sue their government in US court over Saddam Hussein-era injuries. The bill does not fund the war in Iraq, the Chicago Tribune reports, but does contain a pay...

Dems Finish Frustrating Year in DC
Dems Finish Frustrating
Year in DC

Dems Finish Frustrating Year in DC

Despite control of Congress, cherished initiatives elude them

(Newser) - Democrats are leaving Washington with a decidedly unsatisfactory taste in their mouths after their first year back in charge of Congress in more than a decade, the LA Times reports. Though they can count successes with the energy bill, the minimum wage, and ethics reforms, they failed to put a...

House Page Program Under Fire Again
House Page Program Under Fire Again

House Page Program Under Fire Again

Bipartisan support for probe into charges about teen pages

(Newser) - House leaders called for an independent investigation yesterday into “allegations” related to teenage pages after two Republican resignations from the House Page Board. The Republicans faulted House Clerk Lorraine Miller, a page program administrator, for not “immediately” alerting them to misbehavior. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, who resigned, said four...

Dems Relent on Spending Bill
Dems Relent on Spending Bill

Dems Relent on Spending Bill

Leaders bow to White House pressure on domestic funding

(Newser) - House Democratic leaders surrendered to pressure from the White House on a wide-ranging domestic spending bill yesterday, dropping demands for $22 billion in additional funding, the Washington Post reports. That still may not be enough for Republicans, who are talking about a possible veto because the bill—$936.5 billion...

Bush Vetoes Kids' Health Bill Again
Bush Vetoes Kids' Health
Bill Again

Bush Vetoes Kids' Health Bill Again

SCHIP expansion remains too pricey, president says

(Newser) - President Bush today vetoed for the second time expansion of a federal program that provides health insurance to poor and middle-class children, the New York Times reports. Bush called the proposed overhaul fiscally irresponsible, because it would cover too many undeserving recipients and raise taxes. Democrats will now try to...

$16K on Flowers Accents Pelosi's Spending Spree

New speaker's $3M outlay doubles her GOP predecessor's

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi spent 63% more in her first nine months as House speaker than Dennis Hastert did over the same period last year—including $16,000 on flowers, the Hill reports. Republicans said the $3 million figure gave the lie to Democrats’ promises of fiscal responsibility; Pelosi aides say the...

Cheney: Iraq Self-Governing in 1 Year

Veep talks war, blasts Democrats in rare interview

(Newser) - Politico sits down for a rare interview with Dick Cheney, where the vice president once again predicts that Iraq will be fully self-governing—this time, he says, by January 2009. Cheney also cautions against an early withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, which for him sends the message that "...

Congress Set to Require 35mpg on US Autos

Lawmakers agree to measure upping mileage 40% by 2020

(Newser) - Lawmakers have hammered out a deal to force US automakers to improve fuel efficiency, the New York Times reports. The measure requires cars and SUVs to get 35mpg on average by 2020, an improvement of 40%. It is expected to pass Congress and be signed into law as part of...

General's Anti-War Turn Thrills Dems

Ex-Iraq commander forges surprising bond with Pelosi

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi has made one of her strangest alliances yet with ousted Iraq commander Ricardo Sanchez, and their bring-the-troops-home alliance thrills Democratic leaders but baffles others, the Washington Post reports. Sanchez, forced to retire over the Abu Ghraib scandal, delivered last weekend’s Democratic radio address and blasted President Bush’...

Bush Domestic Spending Veto Stands
Bush Domestic Spending
Veto Stands

Bush Domestic Spending Veto Stands

House falls two votes short for key health, education bill

(Newser) - President Bush's veto of a major domestic spending bill yesterday withstood a challenge by the House after it failed by just two votes to muster a two-thirds majority to override it. The $606 billion labor, health and education measure is the largest of 12 spending bills that have pit Congress...

House OKs War Funds Tied to Troop Withdrawal

Bush promises veto, but measure expected to fail in Senate

(Newser) - The House tonight defied President Bush and tied a $50 billion bill to fund the war in Iraq to a timetable for troop withdrawal. The measure, which passed 218-203, is not expected to make it out of the Senate. If it does, however, Bush has promised to veto it. The...

Grand Jury Calls Spill Ship Crew
Grand Jury Calls Spill Ship Crew

Grand Jury Calls Spill Ship Crew

Coast Guard slammed for focusing on homeland security, not environment

(Newser) - The crew of the container ship that rammed a San Francisco Bay bridge and dumped 58,000 gallons of oil have been served subpoenas to appear before a federal grand jury, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. The US attorney's office is investigating whether crimes were committed in the disaster and...

House Passes Alternative Minimum Tax Bill

But bill is unlikely to make it through the Senate unchanged

(Newser) - The House passed a sweeping tax-reform bill yesterday—shifting some $78 billion in taxes from middle-class families to the super-rich—that is expected to get little traction in the Senate and has already drawn the promise of a presidential veto. The bill would exempt middle-income families from the Alternative Minimum...

House to Battle Bush on Troops
House to Battle Bush on Troops

House to Battle Bush on Troops

Bill will tie war money to withdrawals

(Newser) - The House could vote as soon as tomorrow on a bill that would provide $50 billion for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars—a quarter of President Bush's request—and tie the money to a troop-withdrawal timetable. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the money is intended to fund about four month months...

House OKs Trade Deal With Peru
House OKs Trade Deal
With Peru

House OKs Trade Deal With Peru

Bill split Dems, who defied wishes of labor unions

(Newser) - Despite sharp criticism from labor leaders, environmentalists, and free-trade opponents, roughly half of House Democrats joined nearly all Republicans to pass a trade-liberalization agreement with Peru. Speaker Nancy Pelosi came out in favor of the deal, defying expectations that President Bush would find no friends for his trade policy in...

House Bans Bias Against Gays at Work

Major civil rights measure now moves to Senate

(Newser) - It took more than 30 years, but House Democrats today passed a bill banning workplace discrimination against homosexuals, the New York Times reports. Thirty-five Republicans joined 200 Democrats to pass the legislation, which would amend the Civil Rights Act and safeguard workers against discrimination because of their “actual or...

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>