Nancy Pelosi

Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>

Backers Delay Genocide Vote
Backers Delay Genocide Vote

Backers Delay Genocide Vote

Turkish tensions scares off support

(Newser) - The four primary sponsors of the House resolution to label the 1915 killings of Armenians in Turkey as genocide have withdrawn support, formally asking Speaker Nancy Pelosi to delay voting on the measure, the AP reports. Enthusiasm for the resolution withered after Turkey withdrew its US ambassador and threatened to...

Kids' Health Insurance Bill Stalls Again

House Dems fail to capture votes needed to foil Bush veto of popular measure

(Newser) - House Democrats' plans to expand a children's health insurance program hit a brick wall again yesterday when they failed to attract the Republican votes necessary to override a presidential veto, reports the Washington Post. The final vote on a reworked $35 billion expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program...

Senate Brokers Truce With Bush on Domestic Spying

Includes immunity for phone companies

(Newser) - Senate Democrats and Republicans have brokered a deal on legislation regarding the White House domestic spying and wiretapping program—including a highly controversial grant of immunity to telecommunication companies that co-operated with warrantless wiretaps. The deal marks a victory for the White House because Democrats had to kill a House...

Pelosi Vows to Push Turkish Genocide Vote

She ignores knocks from Turks, GOP, as Turkey fires shells into Kurdish villages

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi vows to take the Turkey-genocide vote to the floor despite renewed Turkish threats and Republican jabs, the New York Times reports. Turkey’s army chief warned today that “military relations with the United States can never be the same" if the vote passes. GOP lawmaker John Boehner...

Armenia Measure Puts White House, Turkey on Edge

House bill would term WWI killings 'genocide'

(Newser) - A bill to term the World War I-era deaths of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the Turkish government "genocide" is winning support in Congress—making the White House squirm and Turkey fume, the Washington Post reports. President Bush and eight former Secretaries of State have warned...

Dems Will Cave on Wiretaps
Dems Will Cave on Wiretaps

Dems Will Cave on Wiretaps

Despite earlier opposition, pols fear being labeled soft on terrorism

(Newser) - Despite having vowed to rein in the administration on wiretapping without warrants, congressional Democrats are preparing to approve bills which would maintain for several years the surveillance authority legalized this summer by the Protect America Act, the New York Times reports. Dems fear that opposing the legislation will label them...

Congress' Feminine Mystique May Wane in '08

Despite success of Clinton, Pelosi, drop likely in women office-holders

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton is elected president next year, she could be deilvering her State of the Union before a dwindling number of women, the Journal reports. Many female governors and congresswomen face either tough re-election campaigns or term-limit boundaries in 2008, and after a surge in the early 1990s, the...

Mayhem Erupts in the House
Mayhem Erupts
in the House

Mayhem Erupts in the House

Session unravels over partisan head-butting, House to reconvene today

(Newser) - Shouting, jeering, paralysis and a power outage marred what was to be the last session before summer recess for the House of Representatives yesterday, the LA Times reports. House Democrats had hoped to resolve several key pieces of legislation, but the floor descended into tumult as leaders struggled in vain...

Sheehan Arrested in Impeachment Protest

Anti-war mom will run against Pelosi

(Newser) - Antiwar mom Cindy Sheehan was arrested yesterday after overstaying her welcome in Rep. John Conyer's office on Capitol Hill. She was there to urge Conyers to impeach President Bush over his conduct of the war in Iraq, and to announce that she will run for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San...

Sheehan to Pelosi: Impeach or I'll Run

Anti-war mom threatens to challenge Speaker's House seat

(Newser) - Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan declared her intention to challenge House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her congressional seat yesterday unless the top-ranking Democrat draws up articles of impeachment against President Bush. "Democrats and Americans feel betrayed by the Democratic leadership," said Sheehan. "We hired them to bring an...

Dem Congress Still Dishing Out Pork
Dem Congress Still Dishing Out Pork

Dem Congress Still Dishing Out Pork

The new majority is not as kosher as they claim to be

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress pledged to cut the pork out of appropriations bills, but the new majority is already cheating on the diet, reports the  Washington Post. Using a technique called "phonemarking," congressmen are contacting federal agencies directly and asking them to fund their pet projects, all while boasting...

House Breaks Up Iraq War Funding Bill

Unusual move allows vote against war, for domestic spending

(Newser) - House Democratic leaders are splitting the new Iraq funding bill into two distinct amendments, the Politco reports. One will be the $103 billion Bush requested for the war in Iraq, which will speak of benchmarks but won't demand a withdrawal date, the other a $17 billion domestic spending package.

Bush Caves On Iraq Benchmarks
Bush Caves
On Iraq Benchmarks

Bush Caves On Iraq Benchmarks

Democrats renew insistence on stick to accompany carrot

(Newser) - In an abrupt about-face, President Bush said today he will negotiate with Congress about including benchmarks for the Iraqi government in war-spending legislation. With discontent mounting on both sides of the aisle, he emerged from a Pentagon briefing on Iraq and Afghanistan and said, "It makes sense to have...

Pelosi Threatens Bush Lawsuit
Pelosi Threatens Bush Lawsuit

Pelosi Threatens Bush Lawsuit

Speaker says House could take president to court over Iraq evasion

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi says the House could sue President Bush if he tries to circumvent provisions in its new Iraq appropriations bill. Bush has suggested he'll append a signing statement to the bill, a controversial practice that could let him treat parts of the law—like timetables on progress in Iraq—...

Condi Sits Down With Syria
Condi Sits Down With Syria

Condi Sits Down With Syria

Rice talks with Syrian Foreign Minister about border security

(Newser) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice conferred with her Syrian counterpart Thursday in an unexpected half hour sit-down that ended a two-year cold-shoulder between the Bush administration and a state it considers a sponsor of terrorism. Rice asked asked Sryia's help in restricting the flow of foreign fighters across the Syrian...

Dems, President Get Serious On Iraq Compromise

A day of pomp and American flags leads back to the drawing board

(Newser) - After a day of partisan theatrics—what the Politico notes may rank as the Capitol's most celebrated sendoff for a doomed bill—work gets serious on a compromise war spending bill that may include benchmarks but no timelines. Bush meets with congressional leaders to begin formal negotiations today, even as...

Immigration Reform Back On Bush Agenda

Even with Democrats more receptive, plan will be tough sell

(Newser) - President Bush is making another run at immigration reform, armed with the hope that the Democratic Congress will be more receptive than his own party was last year. In Arizona today Bush will reintroduce a package that sounds suspiciously like his earlier attempt: increased border security, better enforcement of immigration...

Pelosi Is Doing Bush's Job
Pelosi Is Doing Bush's Job

Pelosi Is Doing Bush's Job

Someone had to.

(Newser) - Taylor Marsh defends Pelosi's visit to Syria on the grounds that if Bush won't talk to Assad someone has to.  It turns out that all Syria wants is some R-E-S-P-E-C-T.  And Marsh makes the case that this is a good thing for America to be doing.

Pelosi Is a Felon
Pelosi Is a Felon

Pelosi Is a Felon

And We Mean It

(Newser) - Mr. Turner, a lawyer and forme assistant secretary of state in the Reagan administration says Speaker Pelosi is a felon under a 1799 law known as the Logan Act.  Citing Marbury v Madison, perhaps the most cited legal case in American legal history, he says that Pelosi breached the...

Israel Begs to Differ With Pelosi Statement

PM's office distances itself from speaker's promise of talks

(Newser) - The Israeli PM is backing off from Nancy Pelosi's suggestion yesterday that an Israeli-Syrian summit is in the offing. Pelosi told reporters that she had conveyed to  Syria's Bashar al-Assad a message that Ehud Olmert was "ready to engage in peace talks." Olmert's office quickly responded that it...

Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>