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Apple Directors Discuss CEO Succession: Report

With Steve Jobs' ailing health, company looking at options: Journal

(Newser) - As much as Apple fans might believe otherwise, Steve Jobs might not be able to run the company forever. With the company CEO on another medical leave , some board members have held discussions with recruiters and the head of another big tech company to talk about succession, says the Wall ...

Fun Facts About Apple
 Fun Facts About Apple 
one involves a real apple

Fun Facts About Apple

Computer giant's original logo featured Isaac Newton

(Newser) - Secretive , vengeful , and irresistible, Apple occupies a unique niche in technology and business. Some obscure facts about the company, courtesy of Mashable :
  • The Macintosh was named for a variety of real apple: "Steve Jobs is said to have tried to change the project’s name to 'Bicycle' while

Apple Fans Spawn Own Dating Site
 Apple Fans Spawn 
 Own Dating Site 

Apple Fans Spawn Own Dating Site

Tired of dating boring Dell users? Cupidtino is for you

(Newser) - For those who can't imagine locking lips with anyone who taps key on an H-P, soon you can ensure that you only date other Apple fanboys or fangirls, thanks to Cupidtino . Cupid-what? If you can’t quite figure out the dating site’s name, that’s because you're not a...

Apple to Unveil 'Latest Creation' on Jan. 27

 Apple to Unveil 
 'Latest Creation' 
 on Jan. 27 
whatever could it be?

Apple to Unveil 'Latest Creation' on Jan. 27

Press invited to event and hope to see long-rumored tablet

(Newser) - You might not be on the invite list to grab a first look at what will likely be Apple’s rumored tablet device, but the Wall Street Journal is. The paper reports that it just received an invite to the Jan. 27 San Francisco event where the computer maker will...

Challengers to Apple Tablet Dominate CES

Microsoft, HP, Amazon, Lenovo launch preemptive strike

(Newser) - Denizens of the non-Apple world—Microsoft, HP, Lenovo, etc.—appear to be starting competition with the Mac-daddy’s rumored tablet computer before its expected unveiling later this month with a preemptive strike at the Consumer Electronics Show. But whatever the CES reveals, Apple is keeping mum. A look at...

Windows-to-Mac Software Should Scare Microsoft
Windows-to-Mac Software Should Scare Microsoft
mac vs pc

Windows-to-Mac Software Should Scare Microsoft

Parallels' product makes choice of operating system less important

(Newser) - Conflicted about choosing sides in the apocalyptic showdown between Microsoft and Apple? No need to worry—in this brave new world, you can have your cake and eat it. Parallels is Mac software that allows users to seamlessly integrate Windows programs, even the entire desktop. So, for just $79.99—...

Gap Narrows, But Macs Still Beat PCs
Gap Narrows, But Macs
Still Beat PCs

Gap Narrows, But Macs Still Beat PCs

Performance and price gaps close but Mac is still value

(Newser) - With Windows 7 and Mac’s Snow Leopard operating systems both available, it’s time for Walter S. Mossberg to drop some science on the arduous task of picking a computer. Things aren’t too different this time around: Macs are still more expensive, though “prices on Windows PCs...

Microsoft Pinching Apple Employees to Staff Stores

Managers enticed with higher salaries and sent back to poach sales people

(Newser) - Microsoft’s planned expansion into the brick-and-mortar retail sector will be staffed at least in part by…Apple Store employees, reports the Loop. The software giant is hiring away Apple managers with higher salaries, sources tell the tech blog. Those managers in turn are trying to bring aboard Apple's top...

Nerd Alert: Roddenberry's Mac for Sale

Apple gave early model to Star Trek creator as a gift in 1986

(Newser) - Deep-pocketed Star Trek and Apple fanatics will battle it out next month in an auction for the first Macintosh Plus—a computer that happened to be owned by Gene Roddenberry. The Mac Plus was the third Mac model, released 2 years after the original, and the first to offer a...

PC Marketing Drops the Technobabble

'Fact tags' only confused customers: Intel exec

(Newser) - PC makers seem to have gotten the hint and are beginning to hawk their wares not with dazzling technobabble but with information useful to the average consumer, the New York Times reports. For years, tech concerns have touted their achievements in impenetrable language on “fact tags” (DDR2 RAM, anyone?),...

Experts: Apple's First Worm Nothing to Fret About

'Groundbreaking' Mac virus only affects a few thousand users

(Newser) - Malware that hijacks Macs has shown up for the first time, but it shouldn't be cause for panic, an expert tells the Globe & Mail. The malware, nicknamed iBotNet, only affects a few thousand users who downloaded a pirated copy of iWork and it's not spreading from computer to computer,...

Apple's Mac Turns 25

 Turns 25 

Apple's Mac Turns 25

(Newser) - Apple’s Macintosh, the seminal device that helped usher in the age of personal computing as we know it today, turns 25 this week, the San Jose Mercury News reports. The original Macintosh combined a svelte form—by 1980s standards—with an accessible graphical interface, eschewing complex text commands for...

Obama's Staff Finds High Office Means Low Tech

'Kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari,' one says of White House's rigid apparatus

(Newser) - Tech-savvy Obama staffers had a rude awakening on their first day at the White House, saddled with disconnected phone lines, limited Internet access, and 6-year-old PCs, the Washington Post reports. “It is kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari,” a spokesman said of the disconnect...

MacWorld Snoozefest Signals Apple's Decline

Swansong keynote labeled the dullest tech talk since Vista's rollout

(Newser) - Apple's keynote address at the MacWorld expo yesterday felt a lot like the end of an era to those who managed to keep their eyes open during it, Dan Lyon writes in Newsweek. Marketing chief Phil Schiller's "almost unbearable" rollout of various new software features instead of thrilling announcements...

Hackers Hijack Mac Site, Falsely Report Jobs' Death

(Newser) - Hackers today attacked an Apple gossip site covering the Macworld convention and falsely reported Steve Jobs’ death on a live blog, CNET reports. The hack is likely the work of shadowy collective 4Chan, which is also responsible for the “Anonymous” attacks on Scientology. The attack, which included random insertions...

Apple to Quit Macworld Expo
Apple to Quit Macworld Expo

Apple to Quit Macworld Expo

Jobs won't be giving keynote address for company's last appearance next month

(Newser) - Apple shocked observers by announcing yesterday that its appearance at next month's Macworld Expo will be its last, Marketwatch reports. CEO Steve Jobs will not be giving a final keynote address at the San Francisco industry gathering where he has traditionally unveiled new products. The company's stock dived 5% following...

New Mac Notebooks Weigh Less, Do More, Cost Same

iPhone style trackpad and better graphics cards spurred by consumer input

(Newser) - Steve Jobs rolled out redesigns of Apple’s MacBook line today, adding many desired features such as iPhone-type trackpads and better video cards, Ars Technica reports. A new entry into the line of flat-panel monitors was also unveiled. Though prices remain the same for each laptop (except the entry-level MacBook),...

Clone-Maker Files Countersuit Against Apple

Psystar alleges trust violations, tries to open market for OS X

(Newser) - Mac clone-maker Psystar countersued Apple this week and charged it with violating antitrust law, PC Magazine reports. The battle centers on a provision in Apple’s end user agreement that prohibits non-Mac hardware from running its operating system. Psystar admits to selling computers with such hardware, and says they can...

'Cheaper, Smaller' iPhone to Be Unveiled Today

Company future could rest on public response

(Newser) - Apple chief Steve Jobs will unveil the second generation iPhone today, ending the frantic guessing game about the company's new key product. The future of Apple and its ability to regenerate sales of its computers may depend on how the public responds to the new iPhone, reports the Los Angeles ...

Apple's Profit Rises 36% on Strong Mac Sales
Apple's Profit Rises 36%
on Strong Mac Sales

Apple's Profit Rises 36% on Strong Mac Sales

Company clears $1.05B, helped by 'sex appeal' of Air

(Newser) - Apple's profit surged 36% in its second quarter, beating analysts' estimates thanks to strong sales of laptops, Bloomberg reports. The company earned $1.05 billion, or $1.16 a share; analysts expected $1.06 a share. Revenue grew 43%, to $7.5 billion, despite the sluggish economy. The company sold...

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