The Daily Show

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Stewart: GOP Has Lost Custody of 9/11

Daily Show host slams senators for blocking bill aiding first responders

(Newser) - If the Republican Party is going to block a bill offering medical help to 9/11 first responders , it should stop exploiting 9/11 for political ends, Jon Stewart complains. Senate Republicans are also blocking the DREAM Act and Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal , but "since when does the Republican Party...

Jon Stewart: We're Really Starting to Annoy Obama

President gets riled up at press conference

(Newser) - President Obama’s fed up—not just with Republicans, but with his base, too, noted Jon Stewart on last night’s Daily Show . "If he sticks with his agenda, it's a problem; if he moves off his agenda, it's a problem. Look at the president," said Stewart. "...

Stewart on Tax Deal: Like Trying to Lose Weight With Bacon Diet

'Lower taxes and more spending' makes no sense

(Newser) - When Jon Stewart heard that a tax cut deal had been struck , he wondered, "Which side won? Lower taxes and less spending, or higher taxes and more spending?" Not surprisingly, he was baffled to discover that "the winner is ... lower taxes and more spending! Wait, that wasn't an...

Stewart: Assange Is a Drama Queen

WikiLeaks dump no shocker to 'cynical' US

(Newser) - If WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange thinks his latest release is a real shocker, he should “read up on the stuff we already know” about our government, Jon Stewart said last night on the Daily Show. This was a “less than searing indictment,” and he’s “underestimating...

Jon Stewart: Why Are We Allies With Saudis?!

Daily Show host takes on WikiLeaks document dump

(Newser) - Jon Stewart took on WikiLeaks last night , mocking the gossipy nature of the latest leaks (Nicolas Sarkozy is “an emperor with no clothes”? Kim Jong Il is “a flabby old chap”?): “Rowr! Who put Perez Hilton in charge of our diplomatic corps?” he wondered. But...

Roger Ailes: NPR Brass Are 'Nazis'
Roger Ailes: 
NPR Brass
Are 'Nazis'

Roger Ailes: NPR Brass Are 'Nazis'

Fox News boss also says Jon Stewart is 'crazy'

(Newser) - Roger Ailes thinks Juan Williams is a “true liberal,” but he hired him anyway because he was mad at NPR. “They are, of course, Nazis,” the Fox News chief told Howard Kurtz of the Daily Beast . “They are the left wing of Nazism. … They...

Jon Stewart Skewers McCains Over DADT

One day John McCain may regret his stance, correspondents warn

(Newser) - Jon Stewart and his team have a message for John McCain: It gets worse. The Daily Show correspondents (with special guest Sean Hayes) delivered a very special PSA to McCain with that message last night, warning him that if he continues to fight Don't Ask, Don't Tell, someday he'll be...

Stewart Welcomes Back the Decider

George Bush returns to the spotlight, and so does Stewart's Bush cackle

(Newser) - Jon Stewart got to break out his Bush cackle for old time’s sake last night, ruminating on the Decider’s return to the spotlight. “He’s like an old pair of slippers, this guy,” Stewart said. “Like a gift you didn’t particularly want. Wasn’t...

Stewart Dons Boxing Gear, Spars With Rally Critics

But, he insists, rally wasn't about what they say it was about

(Newser) - Jon Stewart busted out the boxing gear for last night’s Daily Show , where he took criticism (via video clips) from Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and Bill Maher for his Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear . Their anger at Stewart—for, as Olbermann put it, creating “a false equivalence...

Daily Show No. 1, Beats Leno, Letterman

Big guns play second fiddle for first time in years

(Newser) - It’s been a good few weeks for Jon Stewart: The Daily Show was the top-rated late-night talk show in October—the first such show in at least a decade whose full month’s average beat Letterman’s and Leno’s, says the Hollywood Reporter . Stewart reeled in 1.3...

Stewart: Does Obama 'Get It'?
 Stewart: Does Obama 'Get It'? 

Stewart: Does Obama 'Get It'?

And what is 'it,' anyway?

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has noticed a recurring theme in the coverage of the president’s post-election press conference: The pundits are all eager to know if Barack Obama "gets it," he explained on last night’s Daily Show in a segment titled "The Mourning After." But they’...

More Evidence Jon Stewart Rules the World

Treasury chief visited for off-the-record talk on economy

(Newser) - It's not every comedy show host who warrants an off-the-record talk on the economy with the Treasury chief. But Jon Stewart's clout apparently knows no bounds. Bloomberg noticed that Tim Geithner's newly published appointments calendar included a visit to Stewart's New York office during a busy time in April to...

Stewart: GOP Win a Tsunami—or Other Disaster

'Daily Show' pokes fun at election night hyperbole

(Newser) - If you listened to conservative pundits on Election Night, you might have heard just a bit of hyperbole. The Republicans didn’t just have a “wave” election… they had a “tidal wave” election! No, make that a tsunami! No, an earthquake! Not just any earthquake, but the 1811...

Stewart vs. Colbert for President: Who Would Win?
Stewart vs. Colbert for President: Who Would Win?
wapo poll

Stewart vs. Colbert for President: Who Would Win?

Stewart, according to Washington Post poll

(Newser) - The recent Washington Post -ABC News poll revealed more than just voters’ level of unhappiness: It also answered that all-important question, who would we rather have for president: Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert? Stewart, apparently: The Daily Show host trounced Colbert 42% to 22% among registered voters, and led—often...

Stewart: Negative Campaigning Has Gone Too Far

Unless, of course, you think your opponent really might be the Antichrist...

(Newser) - When we go to the polls on Tuesday, we won't just be "selecting the candidate who may or may not best represent your political values." Based on the proliferation of negative campaign ads, we'll be "choosing between hard-line Marxist state tyranny and autocratic Taliban religious crazies,"...

Obama, Stewart 'Not Very Funny'
 Obama, Stewart 
 'Not Very Funny' 
OPINION roundup

Obama, Stewart 'Not Very Funny'

President soberly defends record, appeals to young viewers to vote

(Newser) - Critics are predictably split on President Obama's much-hyped Daily Show appearance last night, but no one seems to think he single-handedly saved—or doomed—Democrats:
  • Though Jon Stewart and Obama are both funny in their own ways, they managed "to not be very funny together for the show's entire

Obama to Jon Stewart: I Haven't Been 'Timid'

President defends his accomplishments on Daily Show

(Newser) - President Obama fended off ribbing about a "timid" agenda from Jon Stewart, and defended his accomplishments on a much-hyped Daily Show appearance. One standout exchange:
  • Stewart: “Is the difficulty you have here the distance between what you ran on and what you delivered? You ran with such, if

Stewart: McCain's Been Complaining 'Forever'

Host shows hilarious montage

(Newser) - Jon Stewart’s in Washington DC, and it is broken. Just ask John McCain. Like most of this year’s eager new Republican reformers, McCain’s been bashing the system left and right lately… and not-so-lately. Stewart breaks out the archive footage to show that McCain’s been repeating the...

Jon Stewart Voted 'World's Most Influential'

President Obama drops to 21st place

(Newser) - President Obama, chosen as the world's most influential man by the readers of online mag AskMen in 2008, didn't even crack the top 20 this time around. This year, the half-million readers who voted on the top 49 named Jon Stewart as the most influential man of 2010, describing the...

Jon Stewart, 'The Daily Show' in Washington, DC: Video
 Jon Stewart Kicks Off DC Week 

Jon Stewart Kicks Off DC Week

'Daily Show' ramps up excitement for Saturday rally

(Newser) - Jon Stewart kicked off the Daily Show’s week in Washington, DC, by weighing in on—what else?—the Juan Williams-NPR controversy. The obvious problem? Williams violated NPR’s “never-say-anything-interesting policy,” says correspondent Samantha Bee. And, considering Fox News was quick to jump all over NPR as soon...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>