
Stories 21 - 24 | << Prev 

This Camel Climbed Mount Washington

(Newser) - A camel named Josh has joined the ranks of backwards-walkers and wheelbarrow-pushers to become the first of his kind to summit New Hampshire’s Mount Washington, the Union Leader reports. Josh and his support team of two handlers, two horses, and a dog took 6 hours to reach the 6,...

Saudi Fast Food Joint Serves Baby Camel Burgers

(Newser) - The camel is many things to Saudi Arabians: companion, war machine, racing beast, and even a delicacy served in fancy restaurants. But it’s never been good old fashioned junk food… until now. A fast food restaurant in Saudi Arabia is selling baby camel burgers, Reuters reports, and the Saudis...

Dubai Sheik Pays $2.7M for Camel

May have been a record; then Abu Dhabi sheik shelled out $7M for pair

(Newser) - A Dubai prince broke the bank yesterday at an Abu Dhabi event billed as the world's top camel festival, spending $2.7 million on a prize-winning female. That was a record—until an Abu Dhabi sheik outdid him, shelling out $7 million for a pair of racing camels, RIA Novosti...

Camel Kills Owner in Apparent Mating Attempt

60-year-old woman had love for exotic animals

(Newser) - A pet camel killed its Australian owner—purportedly after trying to mate with her. The camel, 10 months old but already weighing in at about 330 pounds, knocked the 60-year-old woman to the ground and lay on top of her. “I’d say it’s probably been playing, or...

Stories 21 - 24 | << Prev 
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