
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Palin Is 'the Perfect Feminist&rsquo;
 Palin Is 'the Perfect Feminist’ 
victoria jackson?!

Palin Is 'the Perfect Feminist’

Says Victoria Jackson, former SNL cast member

(Newser) - Victoria Jackson—you might remember her from her time on Saturday Night Live —declares Sarah Palin "the perfect feminist" in a column on Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood . Palin "is beautiful, thin, even athletic, successful, happily married, a good mother and a grandmother. She’s got it all—...

Skinny Jeans Are Ruining Our Men
 Skinny Jeans 
 Are Ruining 
 Our Men 

in case you missed it

Skinny Jeans Are Ruining Our Men

The 'over-feminization' of America is destroying masculinity

(Newser) - “Real men don’t wear skinny jeans.” They also don’t wear V-necks, “accessorized scarves,” or the colors pink and purple, and the very thought of male waxing makes them “nauseous.” All this according to Jane Gilvary, who bemoans the death of the manly...

Fiorina's Catty Hair Remark Is a Big Deal

So much for girl power, writes Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - Just when Ruth Marcus was feeling good about the women in the 2010 race, Carly Fiorina had to make that catty comment about Barbara Boxer’s hair. Fiorina tried to laugh it off—“It sort of goes with the territory,” she told Greta Van Susteren. “No no ...

Feminists Should Embrace Palin

Feminists Should Embrace Palin

Conservatives shouldn't be shunned from the cause

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is taking heat from the left for daring to adopt the label of feminist, writes Cathy Young. Palin clearly isn't a great spokesperson for the cause—she's big on slogans but not so much on substantive ideas—but Young thinks feminists are making a mistake by automatically rejecting...

Sarah Palin Is No Feminist

 Sarah Palin Is 
 No Feminist 

Sarah Palin Is No Feminist

And here's how she gets away with calling herself one

(Newser) - Sarah Palin sure sounds like a feminist these days, using the words "feminism" and "feminist" a dozen-plus times at a recent speech, along with choice phrases like "pro-woman sisterhood." But "Palin isn't a feminist," writes Jessica Valenti, "not in the slightest." She...

Palin Backs 'Mama Grizzlies' in Girl Power Push

Ex-governor gets behind 'common sense conservative women'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin appears to have embraced her inner girl power. In the past 10 days she's endorsed three women in various GOP primaries, and in a speech before an anti-abortion group on Friday she made it clear that wasn't a coincidence. “This year will be remembered as the year...

Is the Tea Party Feminist?
 Is the Tea Party Feminist? 

Is the Tea Party Feminist?

Sort of, argues Hanna Rosin on Slate

(Newser) - "While no movement that uses Michelle Malkin as a poster girl could fairly be described as feminist," writes Hanna Rosin on Slate, the Tea Party actually comes surprisingly close. More than half of the movement's members are women and there are many women in leadership roles. That, of...

Hey, Women: Stop Hating Tina Fey

 Hey, Women: 
 Stop Hating 
 Tina Fey 

Hey, Women: Stop Hating Tina Fey

Remember, she's a comedian—not a professional feminist

(Newser) - As the laws of gravity have taught us, the Tina Fey backlash was inevitable—Rebecca Traister actually expected it when the comedian started “appearing on every magazine cover shy of Horse & Hound”—and it’s now, quite suddenly, here in full force. But her pack of haters...

Maine Topless Protesters Draw Oglers

Go figure

(Newser) - The ideal: A topless woman walking down a street on a hot day would arouse no more attention than a guy parading his beer gut and back hair for all the world to see. The reality: A few dozen Maine women yesterday flaunting their right to go sans shirt ran...

Stop Breastfeeding Your 'Tyrant' Baby: Feminist
Stop Breastfeeding Your 'Tyrant' Baby: Feminist
smoke, drink instead

Stop Breastfeeding Your 'Tyrant' Baby: Feminist

Attentive parenting new form of oppression, says feminist Badinter

(Newser) - What with all the breastfeeding, diaper washing, and not smoking while pregnant, mothers have become enslaved to their “tyrant” babies. That’s the opinion of French feminist philosopher Elisabeth Badinter, who sees women giving up their lives in the service of their young ones—and risking women's liberation by...

Feminism&rsquo;s New Hero: Lady Gaga

 New Hero: 
 Lady Gaga 

Feminism’s New Hero: Lady Gaga

She's half-nude, but she's not trying to be sexy

(Newser) - Say what you will about Lady Gaga's music and barely-there costumes, the woman is well on her way to becoming a "feminist icon and a gender revolutionary," writes Chloe Angyal. Yes, she prances around nearly naked like Britney Spears and company, but with one key difference: She's not...

The Manly History of the Color Pink

Believe it or not, baby boys used to wear pink, too

(Newser) - If ever there was a color that stereotypically symbolized the feminine, it’s pink. But the history of the girly shade hasn’t always been so ladylike. Slate takes a look back:
  • Financial Times: Its salmon-pink pages have turned “salmon press” into British shorthand for any newspaper business section.

Rush Limbaugh Denies Sexism With Sexist Joke

He loves 'walking behind' the women's movement

(Newser) - Even when attempting to defend himself from accusations of sexism, Rush Limbaugh couldn't refrain from making a sexist joke. Rush talked to Fox and Friends host Gretchen Carlson about criticism he's faced since judging the Miss America pageant last week. He defended himself by saying he is "a huge...

Finally, Women Who Leave
 Finally, Women Who Leave 

Finally, Women Who Leave

Elin Nordegren and Jenny Sanford are a breath of fresh air

(Newser) - Elin Nordegren and Jenny Sanford are setting a depressingly rare example by actually leaving the powerful philanderers they married. “We're living in a culture saturated with mistresses and interns, sexting and sex addiction, and a parade of stony-faced wives somehow putting up with it all,” complains Sheelah Kolhatkar...

Lieberman's Wife Attacked for His Health Care Stand
Lieberman's Wife Attacked for His Health Care Stand
Kathleen Parker

Lieberman's Wife Attacked for His Health Care Stand

Leftie smear campaign against Hadassah is as anti-feminist as it gets

(Newser) - Now that Joe Lieberman has made himself Public Enemy No. 1 on the left, his wife has become the victim of an "anti-feminist" smear campaign, writes Kathleen Parker. An online petition calls for her removal as global ambassador for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization, which fights...

Things a Feminist Can Still Do
 Things a Feminist Can Still Do 

Things a Feminist Can Still Do

Wearing plunging necklines doesn't make you any less of a feminist

(Newser) - After a British tabloid snarked that a TV newscaster wore too much makeup—and wondered if she could still be considered a feminist—Wendy Atterberry felt compelled to answer. Yes, she absolutely can—even while wearing false eyelashes, she writes on The Frisky . More things feminists are allowed to do:...

Student Expelled for Minidress
 Expelled for 


Student Expelled for Minidress

Brazilian school accuses woman of immorality in newspaper ads

(Newser) - A 20-year-old woman was expelled from a Brazilian university and accused of violating "ethical principles and academic dignity and morality" after wearing a short pink dress to class, the AP reports. Her expulsion comes a month after she was escorted off campus amid the heckling and cursing of her...

Miss, Mrs., or Ms.— 'It's OK Not to Care'

Nancy Gibbs reflects on women's freedom to choose title

(Newser) - Not so long ago, feminism and convention waged a battle over titles—Miss, Mrs., and the young upstart, Ms. Though seemingly trivial, the question of whether a woman should have to specify her marital status in stating her name cut to the core of women’s place in society—and...

Honor the Dalai Lama: Replace Him With a Girl
Honor the Dalai Lama: Replace Him With a Girl

Honor the Dalai Lama: Replace Him With a Girl

Next reincarnation of the Buddha ought to be a woman

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama’s work for peace has been so widely praised that it’s almost obscured his wonderful work as a feminist. He has worked tirelessly for women, seeking to raise their position in Tibetan society, writes Amy Yee for Double X. He even suggested, scandalously, that his next...

Hofstra Gang Rape Wasn't Rape—but It Wasn't OK

Drunken sexual encounters trivialize the problem of real rape

(Newser) - It’s clear now that the alleged Hofstra gang rape in a campus bathroom—in which a young woman said 5 guys tied her to a stall and attacked her—was not rape, by any legal definition. Confronted with a cell phone video, the woman recanted within 72 hours, admitting...

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