
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Feminists Don't Get It: Motherhood's a Drug

(Newser) - For Katie Roiphe, the connection with her newborn child is like an “addiction," she writes on DoubleX. "There is an opium-den quality to maternity leave. The high of a love that obliterates everything.” Why, then, can’t feminists accept that motherhood is more than a “...

Ladies, Pick Up Thy Power Tool
 Ladies, Pick Up Thy Power Tool 

Ladies, Pick Up Thy Power Tool

(Newser) - Sara Mosle “came of age betwixt and between,” she writes on DoubleX—after feminism had freed women from the need to learn “traditional female skills” but before “they had begun to make real inroads into traditional male pastimes and professions.” So that left her with...

Refugee Crisis Opens Doors for Pakistan's Secluded Women

Women uprooted by fighting gain new access to health care, education

(Newser) - Women's leaders in Pakistan have found an unexpected silver lining in the country's refugee crisis, the Globe & Mail reports. A million women have been forced from their homes by the fighting, upending the Pashtun code of honor that forces women to spend almost all their time secluded in family...

Thank Women for Iran's Revolution
 Thank Women for 
 Iran's Revolution 

Thank Women for Iran's Revolution

(Newser) - Americans like to thank Barack Obama or George Bush or even Twitter for Iran’s revolution, but the real movers and shakers are Iran’s women, writes Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post. They’ve spent years organizing and campaigning for equal rights, and their presence in the streets “...

Palin Tours Feminist Landmarks
Palin Tours Feminist Landmarks

Palin Tours Feminist Landmarks

Media scarce as Alaska gov. launches low-key visit to lower 48

(Newser) - There were few reporters to be seen as Sarah Palin visited some landmarks of early feminism in upstate New York yesterday, Politico reports. The Alaska governor is at the start of a low-key out-of-state trip with no mass rallies or major addresses planned. Most of the events she plans to...

Modern Brides Drop Virginal, Go Maxim

(Newser) - More American women are turning weddings into racy affairs as third-wave feminism sexes up an old-fashioned ceremony, Kayleen Schaefer writes in Newsweek. In the age of "sexting" and provocative mainstream magazines, brides are discarding rituals for skimpy outfits and wild bachelorette parties. "It's the ultimate display of...

Wanted: Female Bloggers Not Afraid of Math
Wanted: Female Bloggers Not Afraid of Math

Wanted: Female Bloggers Not Afraid of Math

Feminists focus on fluffy recession news, hurt women's cause

(Newser) - What movies do broke people watch? How do lipstick sales reflect a limping economy? A review of women's blogs shows a dangerous emphasis on "recession lite," writes Linda Hirshman for DoubleX. What women need is someone willing to do the math and go to bat against the men...

Feminist Camps Brawl Over Sex and Booze

Double X scribe says untamed 'lifestyle' feminism hurts cause

(Newser) - It's second-wave feminism vs. the "Slut Machine." A writer on Slate's women-oriented Double X site recently blasted bloggers on Jezebel for shrugging off date rape and boasting about boozing. Self-indulgence furthers no political goal, cried feminist Linda Hirshman. Retorted Jezebel: "I have seen misogyny and, most...

Cosmo Editor Breathed Fun Into Feminism
Cosmo Editor Breathed Fun Into Feminism

Cosmo Editor Breathed Fun Into Feminism

Helen Gurley Brown made movement sexy and smart

(Newser) - For proof of the burgeoning reconciliation between second- and third-wave feminism, look no further than Michelle Obama, who thrives as a thinking woman's fashionista. For that, Obama and other feminists can thank Helen Gurley Brown, Naomi Wolf argues in a Washington Post review of Bad Girls Go Everywhere, Jennifer Scanlon’...

Ginsburg Shows No Signs of Slowing Down

Symposium celebrates 'midpoint' of justice's career

(Newser) - Ruth Bader Ginsburg has shown no signs of slowing, despite cancer surgery in February: Since then, she's attended every Supreme Court session, written more opinions than all but one other justice, and raised plenty of questions from the bench. A symposium celebrating Ginsburg’s service almost seemed designed to quash...

O'Connor: I'm Not a 'Feminist'
 O'Connor: I'm Not a 'Feminist' 

O'Connor: I'm Not a 'Feminist'

Former justice wants kids to learn about courts

(Newser) - Sandra Day O’Connor says the reason she hoped a woman would be named to replace her on the Supreme Court is that it's easier not to be the only woman on the nation's highest bench. As the first female justice, she tells Deborah Solomon in the New York Times...

Beef With The Bachelor: Men Should Do the Chasing
Beef With The Bachelor:
Men Should Do the Chasing

Beef With The Bachelor: Men Should Do the Chasing

Men only appreciate what they fight for, author writes

(Newser) - You might view ABC’s The Bachelor as harmless fun. Think again. “It’s wrong. It’s just plain wrong,” Lisa Earle McLeod writes in the Huffington Post. “It violates the social order of the universe.” No, not because reality TV is evil or sexist. It’...

Limbaugh: 'What Must I Do to Own Women?'

Rush convenes 'female summit' to find out why babes don't like him

(Newser) - Women don’t like Rush Limbaugh, and he wants to know why. A new poll shows that the radio host has a 49% disapproval rating among women—with only 37% favorable—so he held a “female summit” on his show yesterday, inviting women callers of all political stripes to...

Feminist Bloggers Daft in Rihanna Debate

(Newser) - In the debate over a leaked police photo of Rihanna, her face badly beaten, feminist bloggers and pundits are revealing their archaic attitudes toward domestic violence, Rebecca Traister writes in Salon. One asked whether Rihanna will carry the "domestic violence victim" stigma; another questioned whether she was partly...

Sorry, Chick Flicks: We're Just Not That Into You

Genre too often relies on 'clichés, hateful caricatures' of womanhood

(Newser) - Where have all the Carrie Bradshaws and Bridget Joneses gone? The women of flicks like Bride Wars and Confessions of a Shopaholic are pale imitations of those relatively feisty heroines, “variously neurotic, idiotic, label-obsessed, weight-obsessed, man-obsessed or wedding-obsessed, and often all at the same time,” Kevin Maher complains...

Survey: Women's Sex Lives Best in Their 40s

(Newser) - Whether it’s hormones, increased self-esteem or stepping out on their spouses, 40-something women are experiencing the best sex of their lives, reports the Guardian. "It's one of the best-kept secrets of women's lives," noted one expert. Of 2,000 women polled in a recent survey, 77% said...

'Womyn's Lands' Dwindle as Gays Go Mainstream

(Newser) - So-called "womyn's lands" are quietly persisting across North America but face a cultural shift as modern gays embrace mainstream society, the New York Times reports. Founded in the 1970s to give lesbians man-free, safe, non-judgmental communities, the roughly 100 groups have seen membership dwindle and populations age. “In...

Should She Delay the L-Word?
 Should She Delay the L-Word? 

Should She Delay the L-Word?

Women should say 'I love you' first as much as men

(Newser) - It may seem dated to say women can kill relationships with a poorly timed or premature "I love you." Or it may just seem dated to women, observes Sarah Hepola, who read an article advising women never to be the first to show their cards, emotionally, and was...

Premarital Sex, Abortion on Rise in Iran

Marriage rates dip, despite Tehran's efforts

(Newser) - Iran’s Islamic law bans premarital sex and abortion, but an increasing number of Iranians are engaging in both, the Guardian reports. More than a quarter of men aged 19 to 29 had premarital sex, and 13% of those situations resulted in the termination of an unwanted pregnancy, a state...

Prop 8 Reveals Churches' Fear of Strong Women
Prop 8 Reveals Churches' Fear of Strong Women

Prop 8 Reveals Churches' Fear of Strong Women

Religions fear the crumbling of 'male authority:' Rodriguez

(Newser) - Churches led the charge against Proposition 8 and gay marriage because of their insecurities over the breakdown of heterosexual families and the consequent rise of independent women, says gay author and devout Catholic Richard Rodriguez. Gays are scapegoats because they—like feminists—threaten "an alternative to the traditional male-structured...

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